Friday, March 16, 2012

This game is called “Fishing for kitty with your hosiery”.


  1. My bed looks like that... I'm not worrying for it anymore.

    Great comic, btw.

    1. The underneath part of my box spring is worse. It's like a hurricane whizzed through it.

    2. i had to buy a cover to my mattress, the cats totally destroyed it! couch is following same fate.

    3. My kittens actually made a sort of nest inside my box spring. Sometimes when you sit down on the bed, you can hear bells tinkling and toys falling to the floor.

    4. yes! whenever my cats want to get away, they nest in the box spring. i can't imagine it being very comfy...but you know, cats.

    5. My cats hide in my box spring too. And one side is ripped to shreds. The bottom fabric is a mess. I just don't worry about it.

    6. My late ferret, used to do the same. If she wouldn't come to the door when I got home, I could check under the bed, and see a sagging little lump, from where she was lying down. Lol

  2. That's how I get the kittys out from under the bed...

  3. This actually just happened to me yesterday with fish nets. They didnt start out as fish nets...

  4. This is me with shoe laces. All my shoelaces have frayed edges. They just can't resist!

    Love your comic!

  5. One of my bff's kittehs loves the taste of my jammies, and there's no point trying to put socks on with any of them around as you'll end up hopping around trying to recover your other one!

    But I <3 them so much I'm going to stay with her for most of the next three weeks. I need kitteh lovins

  6. Hi, Yasmine! I'm from Argentina and I discovered last night. I stayed up until 3 am! watching your comics. Your are big, girl. You can't be that funny (that is so much!). I feel to much identificable with you, and my boyfriene, who I live with, does too, hahaha! I have two black cats. One of them is a female called Merlina, and the male, my love, is Odiseo. I have four more, but they are in my older home living with my sister, their aunt ^^. Playing like that they 've have been scratching my poor arms, more than legs, very much. Sometimes I look like a hitted woman!!! But I don 't care, we play together and we are happy like this. Lot kisses!!! (sorry if my English is weird, I use to intent new words if I don 't know how to say something =P )

  7. Hahah well its a good way to get kitty to come out from under the bed!

  8. Big MOL, Yasmine ;) and Maurine! I love your post!

    We chose leather furniture from IKEA (yes, I know leather is controversial; it is for me as well. But believe me, it is the best choice for us.) and no one bothers it at all. They don't even get on the sofa unless I or someone else is sitting on it. They rarely sit on the chairs, and never claw any furniture. The underbed is untouched, too. The secret? LOTS of cat furniture, cat trees, and vertical and horizontal scratching pads/posts/surfaces. They love all of these! and we live in harmony. :)

  9. It's so true!!! I have two cats Neela y Dodi. They are beautiful. Dodi do the same every morning. Thank you for the fun.

  10. This is exactly why I have my bed on the floor. I wouldn't want a playful cat to be accidentally eaten by monsters.

  11. hello!! im from mexico and i love your comic =D!!! its so awsome and so true and similar with the real life of many cat lovers like us
    i cant wait for the next comic!!

  12. I have two really cute corsets that I wear with other stuff to make outfits. But they have really long strings in the back that touch the floor before I tie them. It is very hard to get them on when the strings attract my two cats so much.

  13. haha, that's so true. I called my fiancé over and said, "LOOK at this! It happens all the time."

  14. We have a cat who goes for socks that are already on feet. My fiance, who's the only one who wears socks, can't walk up the stairs without being attacked. :3

  15. My kittehs had a fondness of chewing the plastic edges of the drawstrings on my jacket! They simply couldn't resist these swinging strings in the wardrobe. Gotta luv their furry lil' mischief! :)


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