Thursday, July 21, 2011

Shelley likes faucet water. But she likes licking my skin as she drinks the faucet water much better.

She likes human flavoured water.


  1. My little black tabby, Sam, does the same exact thing! It's part of my morning routine now: Wake-up, go pee, wash my hands (Sam from the faucet), brush my teeth (Sam drinks from the faucet), take a bath (Sam tries to drink out of the bath...), etc.

  2. I wish my cat would do this. We don't have enough bonding moments.

  3. I don't even put out a bowl of water for my three kitties anymore. They just won't drink it.

    I leave the bathroom tub and sink faucets lightly running all the time, and they seem to alternate each week to which they prefer to lap out of...odd creatures, those cats...

  4. My cat turkey won't drink water unless it's from the sink. So we have to stop the drain and fill it up so he can drink

  5. she also likes drinking from a glass or tea cup--not just any bowl. gosh, my cat is fancy.

  6. My cat Charly likes to lick the water from the bottom of the shower after I get out. Again, human flavoured! Aren't they funny?

  7. Omigosh my cans totally agree! One of my cats once got her head stuck in a plastic cup.... She was fine, just a little wet (:

  8. My cat will run away when I open the tab. He'll only drink from his wiskey glass, yes with water, on the window-ledge. Or my glass of water on the side of my bed. Crazy House. (House is the name of my cat :))

  9. my cat used to like running water , but i nvr had the idea of cupping hands for them until ile came across your blog 2 months ago.. tried it om my Percy he too loves human flavored water.. thanks to u.. i enjoy the ways he laps out water.. gentle yet ticklish..

  10. My cat likes to stand on the sink when I'm in the bathroom, but she gets scared and runs away when I turn on the faucet. XD

  11. my cat will RUN to the bathroom with me because she loves faucet water so much :)

  12. >.< This! Little Loosh used to jump on the sink just after I washed it leaving black fur everywhere! He has such a love for water, crazy kitty.

  13. I thought my cat was the only one doing that!! And i was worried for her not drinking from her bowl..! hahah weird creatures :]

  14. My cat Anastasia (who is an orange / white tabby like Shelley) waits for me to get in the shower, then she sticks her paw in and tries to grab my legs to get me to stick a leg up on the ledge so she can lick all the water off.

  15. My cat likes drinking from the faucet too. He jumps up on the sink and waits for me to turn it on. He also loves to drink out of unguarded water glasses.

  16. My cat Mango loves licking my leg while I'm in the shower. He'll poke his head in and stick his face in the water with his eyes mostly closed and start lapping at the air, and then when I'm not looking at him, he'll start licking my leg! He gets soaking wet every time!

  17. Human flavored water. Love it!

  18. Jack & Kerra had a faucet water dependancy, but I have a little OCD so leaving water running was not going to happen. So I got them a DrinkWell!! Best thing I ever got them that they didn't exactly need. Just remember to keep it full (so the motor doesn't burn out) and clean. Problem solved. Sometimes. Anyway it's a start! Individual results may vary, haha...

  19. My cat does this thing when I get out of the shower where he likes to lick the water off of my legs, feet, arms...anything he can reach really...Human flavored water perhaps?

  20. Cartoon Yasmine really runs through the toothpaste fast. There must be 4 inches spilled on the sink edge there.


  21. This just cements my conviction that the cats are just cultivating us as a food source for their eventual global takeover.

  22. None of my cats ever did that, but I have one that will always follow me into the bathroom and stare at me until I finally turn on the tub's faucet. And while he drinks from it sometimes, he mostly just wants to stare at it. xD

  23. Although they love their Drinkwell fountain (my calico plays in it; she loves to play, and sleep, in sinks, too), the lure of a tap is too much to resist. Generations of cats have drunk from, and played in, these sinks. ;)

  24. We call it human soup. The dogs like bath water hands, feet, and legs, so do the cats but not as much. Water tastes better with a hint of human and at human body temperature.

  25. Hahahahaha ...All cats are cut from the same cloth

  26. My kitty likes bath water the best, especially if I just got in, but she will also try to drink it after it's all soapy. Yuck.

    I took a video when she first learned to drink out of the kitchen faucet. She is such a cute, odd little thing (as they all are).

  27. my cat also like to lick water off of my legs, but she doesn't trust me enough to drink water from my hand.

    She does insist on us letting water trickle from the tub spout, so that she can drink from that exclusively and lay in the tub like it is a tropical waterfall oasis. And when I prep the tub for a bubble bath, she will climb in and swat at the bubbles. It's very cute... and on youtube.

  28. awhh this is cute! i've never had a cat that wasn't terrified of faucets. :P weird.


  29. One of my cats loves the water in which my daughter keeps those rubber-y dinosaurs that get bigger when wet.

    I guess that water gives her some kind of genetic deja-vu from a time when prehistoric cats fed on dinosaurs.

  30. I love so much your comics!
    Please follow me on I've just started :)

  31. My 4 month kitten, Tabby, quite enjoy licking water from my hand.
    That was a relief when I discovered that he wanna lick medicines on my hand, liquid ones btw. :)

  32. My little dog, Terry, likes human flavoured water too :)

  33. Mmm ... I think she's a little too spoiled ... maybe? But then again, that's what cuties are for! ;)

    Have a fab Sunday!


  34. Ziggy likes to drink out of the faucet, Bowie uses this as a chance to attack her tail:

  35. Just love your comics!

    My cat Zé Pedro (we're brazilian!) loves to drink water out the faucet, sometimes we need to wake up at 1am to given water ;)

  36. You're serving them human tea :-)

  37. my cat heidi just started this little routine for the first time yesterday - how funny.

  38. Isn't liking human-flavored water a first step towards eating humans? ;) Beware!

  39. Marian5390 (My username for most sites)August 19, 2011 at 1:54 PM

    My cat drinks from the sink and tub... But more from the tub. She uses the sink for other means... AKA; peeing. XD She'll go in there and pee, and then we'll wash it down the drain. We can never leave anything in the sink anymore - My brother's towel got peed on. (Once or twice she even went poop in there o_O) We're going to try and train her to use (and maybe even flush!) the toilet. XD

  40. i am cracking up at all of your posts! i love your blog. :)

  41. I love your cartoons. You are so right on each one of them. Only a true cat lover really can see it this way. Keep it up because we all need our smile and giggle time. One more thought ...I have a cat that stands in the litter box and poops out the side. Oops missed again.

  42. My cats Eddie and Alice will run and jump into the tub and expect me to turn the facet on every time I go to the bathroom. Whenever I get a bath, I'll run some facet water into a small Batman cup for them to drink out of, to keep them from going insane over the running water. They also love glasses of water, and tea, and they're really bad at getting their faces stuck in said glasses, lol.

  43. Eka likes it when i dip my finger in her water bowl or dispenser, then she licks the drops off my finger. Weee!

  44. My cat primarily drinks from the watering can by dipping her paw in and licking off the drips.

  45. My cat Jack's gotten into doing that now. I think he likes how the faucet water is colder. I put it on when I go to the bathroom and put it on, he comes in. -.- Even after I just filled his bowl with cool water.


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