Hi Everyone,
The second collection of
CvsH comics is out!
The first collection is the one with the cat lady on the cover :3
As a thank you to folks who have ordered the book (and maybe consider this as an online book signing of sorts), I'll be sending out postcards like what I did for
I See Kitty.
All you will need to do is include your a screenshot/photo of your receipt in your email plus the following:
• Name of the person you’d like to dedicate the postcard to
• State if you’d like a puffy cat or non-puffy cat (striped or non-striped), or cat in the box drawn on your postcard*
• Mailing address where you’d like the postcard sent. Please don't forget the name in the mailing address.
• Please add "Catnip Postcard" in the email subject line.
• I'll be sending signed postcards 'til October 18, end of Friday, PST.
+ + + Please email me at cvshbooks @ gmail . com + + +
International orders are ok too :)
Cat vs Human: Another Dose of Catnip, can be found here:
Barnes and Noble
Changing Hands Bookstore
Or a bookstore near you
*No custom cats please (e.g., Calico kitty wearing a princess hat and a tutu, Birthday cat eating tuna cupcakes with a balloon on the side, etc...), as I draw these with a black marker, space is limited, and I hand-write each card. Thanks :)