Friday, June 21, 2013

  I call that “here” part the “danger zone”.


  1. I had a cat who loved kisses in her tummy, one day I had the "brilliant" idea to blow raspberries and make "om nom nom nom" noises on her... I just going to say I was left with some nice bloody mutton chops.

  2. I think I have the only two cats ever to LOVE belly rubs at all times

    1. I've had 3 cats in my life, all of them loved it too

    2. Both my cats love them too.

    3. my four cats love it too. :)

  3. lana. Lana. LANAAAAAAA!

    (danger zone)

    1. Oh good, it wasn't just me.

    2. I was thinking the same thing.

  4. I have a kitty who loves belly rubs.

  5. I had a kitty who knew if you were even just thinking about touching her belly. My brother had one who loved belly rubs and would go to sleep when he got them.

  6. My cats wound me daily but I have somehow developed super-healing skin because I'm scar-free. The blood is worth it! Cats give me such constant joy and to hear them purring as you pet them is one of life's greatest pleasures.

  7. My friend has a few cats. One of them absolutely adores belly rubs. Another one will act exactly like the one that likes belly rubs and roll on his back and meow to be pet. Then once a new person is lulled into a false sense of security... he attacks! XD

    Thank you for the adorable comics!

  8. My cat Quinn absolutely loves belly rubs, and his sister Sweet Pea often permits me to belly rub her too, if they want me to stop they just get up or turn over, they pretty much never attack.

  9. My cat loves belly rubs ... sometimes. Sometimes he just presents his belly as a trap. But I learned to read his facial expressions and body language.

    1. That's exactly how it is with our cats too. Especially a few of them (some of the others never want belly rubs). You just never known when it's a trap or when you pass the line where they no longer enjoy it.

  10. I guess we got lucky. We have 8 cats, and all of them LOVE tummy rubs. They also love "tummy-drumming". I know, they're weirdos.

  11. I wonder why cats present their belly (rolling around all over the floor) and then attack when you try to give them a belly rub!

    1. They don't necessarily want their belly rubbed, when a cat shows you their stomach, it's their way of telling you they trust you.

  12. We call it "the bear trap". Our kitties will act like they love it then BAM! they attack. The amount of time the will pretend to like it never stays the same so it's always a surprise.

  13. I think they are sensitive but forget it, then someone rubs their tummy and it's too much. They've got a lot of nipples, I imagine it can tickle quite a bit if someone suddenly starts rubbing them all.

  14. Both my cats never attack belly rubs, they enjoy them.
    My bf's cat used to be feral, it's iffy if you can even pet him sometimes, he even gets a little nippy, I have never touched this cat's belly . . . ever.

  15. I actually did a fb-update about this yesterday, what a fun coincidence!

    One of my cats hate bellyrubs, he doesn't attack, but even if he was in total cuddlemode he gives me a look like Im an idiot and walks away. BUT if he's asleep and I start scratch him abit, he immediely turns around belly up and wants him some bellyrub! :P

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  17. lol, I guess my cats are strange because they actually enjoy belly rubs.

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  19. My cats looove belly rubs! They'll let us pet them anywhere!

  20. Two of our cats LOVE belly rubs and the other two don't.

  21. My cat trust ne so she loves when i scratch her there <3


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