Monday, October 15, 2012

It would be strange if people did this.

Working on Kitten Nightmares next!


  1. I'm glad people don't do that.

  2. Things would be so much more simpler if people did this!

  3. When a cat is confident about each other (They are part of the same "family"), they also smells each other noses. They also do so with humans, which is fun :D

  4. No, my cats con't do this. One will walk up to the other and sniff, then the other will turn around like "Can I *help* you?!" Then the next day, it's the other way around. Except with my new cat. The others will go up to him and sniff him, then he'll turn around, and the sniffer will get all upset because he's too close to them, and call him the H-word (hiss). Then I yell, "You're the one that walked up to *him*! How can you be surprised that he's near you?!"

    1. I love your reply on so many levels. LOL

    2. LOL
      Same here. Only one of my 3 cats likes to sniff butts. :P
      Also, he do it secretly when the others aren't looking.
      If they find out, they get a little upset and give a mild slap in the face of the sniffer.
      What a creepo.

      The others like to greet by sniffing noses, that is so cute. ˆ.ˆ

  5. I keep trying that, but people just don't seem to get it.

    Silly monkeys.

  6. It's not fun when you pet your kitty lying down and all of a sudden it sticks out his butt towards u and farts.. =[

  7. And I used to be bothered by handshakes...could be so much worse.

  8. My boy cat is DESPERATE to sniff my girl cat's bum. Desperate. She's having none of it. She keeps slapping him and running off hissing when he tries.

  9. Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering what happened to Lemonade Swimming Pool? I tried viewing it through Google Chrome and Firefox and all I see is the header and the sidebar but no content!

    Just curious :)

  10. The people do that but not in the same way.

  11. sometimes my cat compels me to do this with her O_o

  12. lol...street dogs greet each other same ways...only difference being the growl at each other first :P


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