My #1 cause of back problems.
And you don't want to wake them up because:
a.) It's a precious moment.
b.) Once they're awake, they're awake.
Okay, giveaway time!
I'll be giving away 2 things:
a.) A signed Cat Versus Human book (It's at it's second printing, by the way--THANK YOU!)
b.) A drawing of you and your kitty.
For example, this is my Aunt and her kitty Ariel.
I'll be giving away 2 things:
a.) A signed Cat Versus Human book (It's at it's second printing, by the way--THANK YOU!)
b.) A drawing of you and your kitty.
For example, this is my Aunt and her kitty Ariel.

It is based off this picture:

Squee! She is an animator/storyboard artist for cartoons like Futurama, Ren & Stimpy, Spongebob, etc...She is also the cat lady of the family.
Anyway, to enter, just comment below and tell me why you love your kitty. I will announce the winner in my next comic post this Friday. Winner will be picked randomly!
One entry per person please.
One more thing, everything in my print shop will be sold discounted at Fab.com tomorrow (Thursday)! My print shop will be closed for now. I'll post more details of the sale in my Facebook Page when it's up.
Again, a HUGE thanks to everyone! It's been a great 2 years :)
I love my kitty because she loves me! She's super snuggly and loves to prove she loves me by giving me face baths regularly and keeping my face warm by sleeping on my head at night. And, as annoying as it is, I love my kitty even when she eats all the strings on my sweatshirts clean off. D: =^-^=
ReplyDeleteMy cat's a wall walking, foil eating, shoulder sitting, bamboo nibbling, white patch having ball of wonder- what's not to love?
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty because he thinks he is a stealthy ninja cat, when in fact he is a bumbling fool. Adorable!
ReplyDeleteAw how cuuuuuute!!! I love the picture.
ReplyDeleteI love my Lena because he catches the scary bugs in the apartment. I love my fin because he has the CUTEST FACE IN THE WORLD. O.O - "mow" < fin
I love my 2 kitties because they are quite simply, ridiculous. They are crazy and provide way more entertainment than the tv!
ReplyDeleteI love my kitties because everyone should have someone meowing and eager to see them when they come home.
ReplyDeletei love my kitty, because he lets me pretend to run the house like i own it. He has also let me train him to sit and stand on his back legs for treats. :)
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty because she is almost-cartoonishly-adorable, and she runs to the door and makes tiny chirpy noises whenever I come home.
I love my kitty, Misty, because she is adorable when she rolls around on the ground, trying to catch her tail. I also love her because she alerts me when there's a big bug or spider near by!
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty, Risu, because he always comes and snuggles me whenever I'm crying, and he doesn't leave until I stop. ^_^
ReplyDeletemy cat gives the best back massages. but only when he wants to :(
ReplyDeleteI need to train my cat to walk on my back.
I love my cat since he is sweet and full of love. However,I also love him for his very "macho" personality and fussiness. He likes his cuddles when no one else is around, but as soon as someone else is, he will fight those cuddles! What is not to love about a personality like that?
ReplyDeleteMy kitty's name is Xander, short for Alexander the Great, because he came to me as a 1-month-old orphan and even then he was fierce. I love him because he remains independent but he loves his mama and shows it with lots of head butts and leg rubs. He follows me from room to room and hogs the other half of the bed every night. We go for walks outside on a leash and people stop to take pictures--Xander is a local celebrity, with the ego to match.
ReplyDeleteWe have 3 kitties, but I love my kitty because she loves me unconditionally, and gives me kisses when I ask, and I worked really hard to have a good relationship with her (unlike my first cat, who I used to scare and chase, because I was only 5...) She is such a character, walking around the house talking at all hours of the day and night, she sleeps in weird places, and spoons with me on cold nights :) There's so much more I could say, but I think that's enough... You'll have tonnes of entries to read! :)
ReplyDeleteI love my kitties for not only one thing in particular but pretty much everything about them they just make everything they do so darn cute!
ReplyDeleteI have only had my kitten for a few weeks now. I rescued her in a parking lot, and decided to keep her. Turns out we have a very close personality and that is one of the reasons i love her so much. =^-^=
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty because she's crazy. Sometimes she'll run all around the house and jump on everything, sometimes she'll follow me and my mom while meowing because she wants canned cat food, and sometimes she'll cuddle up next to me and we'll watch Maru [mugumogu] videos together. And she's classy as f***.
I want a drawin'!
ReplyDeleteI lurrrve my kitteh b/c: she is a psycho-poofy tail fun ball, a cubby-cuddler, and she bring my boyfriend and I closer together!!
Congrats on two years!
-Lauren V.
I love my kitty Noah because he is the sweetest, most laid back cat in the history of animals. He loves to hop up on the couch and sleep between my shins (my dad says that it's so he can be "surrounded") he also likes to sleep on my dad's desk, underneath the desk lamp (affectionately known as the "kitty warmer." He hears it click on and he responds faster to that than he does to catnip!)
ReplyDeleteMy fat boy, Cyrus, is my constant companion. In the 8yrs I've had him (He's 10), he's helped me through major illness, a couple breakups and getting laid off. He's my baby and I don't know what I'd do without him. I love my kitty. :)
ReplyDeleteI love my cats because he's not a typical normal cat. He loves to jump in my arms and always be held. He wants to go on car rides with me and say hi to the baristas whenever I get a latte.
ReplyDeleteEven when he's being bad and got squirted by water bottle, he will come back to me a few minutes later and cuddle with me. Part of me thinks he feels guilty or is getting revenge by still being wet and getting me wet. I really think it's the latter.
I love my kitty because he is my best buddy. He follows me everywhere and can't stand to be more than several feet away from me. I love my baby Milo :)
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty, Aristotle, because he follows me into the bathroom when I shower and stands outside of the shower meowing until I'm finished. When I get out, he purrs at me and licks my legs and then jumps on to my shoulders while I brush my teeth.
ReplyDeleteBecause he steals the limelight at all my photoshoots!
ReplyDeleteI love my lovely cat, MISS NEW ZEALAND, because she's totally beautiful and smart enough to know it (and, therefore, to be snooty most of the time). But, anytime I'm away, when I get home, her snooty facade crumbles and she flops on the floor for belly pats and face rubs as soon as she sees me :) -- Sarah V.
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty Cosmo because he's can always help me destress and calm down. He loves to cuddle, he's super fat and loves to flop over. But when he can't find me he cries and when someone's at the door he runs over to it and starts growling like a dog! He's 20 lbs of pure LOVE!
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty because he is like a dorky twelve year old boy who thinks he's really cool.
ReplyDeletethere are so many reasons i love my kitties, that the list will be never ending. I simply love them because whatever they do, they make me smile.
ReplyDeleteCan a cat lover without a cat enter. We are waiting till the end of summer.
ReplyDeleteI love cat's because they make incredibly cute sounds and they seem to do the funniest things!
I love my kitty, Sophie, because she keeps me from feeling blue, and because she is just plain adorable. :]
ReplyDeletemy kitties percival and willow have the loveliest belly flaps which i like to jiggle. percival thinks he is a human, and has recently started to make a 'hmph!' sound when he is annoyed. they sit at the dinner table on a chair when we are having dinners like humans. they come and dominate my chest when i am lying down and curl up, once they have you're not going anywhere! they great people on the street, one time willow tried to jump in a pram... the neighbours come over to tell me how friendly they are. i have had them since they were 5 weeks old, i am their true adopted human-mummy and they are my lovely furrbabies! i love them more than most humans.
ReplyDeleteI have four kitties whom I love very much, but Storm is my bed-hog cuddle buddy, and also the one that spends the most time with me :) he love's snuggling up beside me in bed and stealing my pillow to lay his head on (he actually sleeps like a person in bed beside me) and he always tries to take care of me whenever I get sick. He's the best kitty I could ever ask for and he's always there to cheer me up when I need it and that's why I love him<3
ReplyDeleteI love my Jazzie unconditionally. But especially due to the fact that she managed to rekindle my relationship with my family without even trying. (:
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty for a bunch of reasons, but the latest is because of how protective she's been of me ever since I've been pregnant. I've been really really sick, and Lucky sleeps and snuggles with me. She literally never leaves me! One particular bad night, Lucky stayed with me until my husband got home. When she heard him come in the door, she jumped off the bed and ran downstairs. She meowed at him until her followed her to the stairs. She started going up the stairs, turning around and meowing at him to make sure he was following her. Then, she ran to the doorway or our room and meowed at him, and then she jumped on the bed by me and meowed until my husband touched me.
ReplyDeleteNow that's true love/cat dedication. <3
I love my kitty because she is my best friend. She knows all my secrets and doesn't tell. She loves me and supports me when I need it. She's there for me when I need a hug, she's there when I need to vent, and she's there when I need a good laugh. Her sweet little face is constant encouragement and she's helped me in ways she'll never know. She's a never-ending source of love and joy. We have a truly special bond.
ReplyDeleteI love my cat because, regardless of my day, she cheers me up. Also, I think she thinks I'm food.
ReplyDeletei love my kitty because she's just so funny weird! she loves to snuggle with me in the middle of the night when all's asleep if the air-conditioner's on. but as soon as my partner wakes, she will get off and pretend it didn't happen at all! its like she loves n hates me at the same time.
ReplyDeletebut i love her all the same. once, she managed to escape from home and we panicked, took the lift down to find her and as soon as i stepped outta the lift, i saw two guys in front of the lift pointing into the other lift with curiousity. i went into the other lift immediately and found her sitting snugly in it! My cat knows how to take the lift back up (because i do take her out via the lift)! LOL. only thing she couldn't reach for the buttons.
so yea i love my kitty because she's just so special (and weird at the same time).
it would be an honour if u could draw her! love ur comics =]
I love her because she kisses me at night while I am sleeping and she also wakes me that way. It´s just mutual love!!! Awwwwww
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty because he's a big, furry ball of mayhem. There's never a dull moment with him around. Plus, he's just so darn cute! =^.^=
ReplyDeleteI love my Oliver because of his little rabbit feet, his scrunched up nose, sandpaper tongue, and floofy tail. He's kept me sane during my move, I love coming home to his happy little face. I especially love when he turns into horse-cat. He gallops around full steam, only to stop to attack the dreaded wadded up piece of paper monster.
ReplyDeleteI love my older cat Tinkerbell for how sweet she can be when she wants to be and for having one of the loudest purrs I have ever witnessed. And I love our new kitten Trevor for being the spastic ball of energy that can suddenly turn into the softest ball of cuddles. Between the two of them, they have gotten me through some difficult times and I will always love them for that.
ReplyDeleteI love my cat Boomer because she's the craziest, softest, naughtiest, prettiest, and smartest kitteh I've ever known. She's so playful but can also be extremely lovey. I love my kitteh so much I think sometimes my boyfriend gets jealous haha.
ReplyDeleteI love my kitties because they are uppity and demanding, then flop over and look cute to mitigate any annoyance they cause. They are master manipulators and I adore them for it (as well as for their fondness of cuddles).
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty because she always has "the crazies." Her eyes get HUUUUGE and she runs into a room then hauls ass out. It's hilarious.
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty because she always knows how to make me feel better if I'm sad. If I'm laying on the couch, she'll come up and curl up next to me (with a little booty-to-face time, of course!) and give me little kisses all over my cheeks and forehead. Not only that, but she's so talkative and lively in all of her nine years. My kitty is my little baby and I don't know what I would do without her! I love all of her little quirks and purrs and nibbles because she's got the personality of a movie star and the looks of an Egyptian goddess. :)
ReplyDeleteI love my six kitties! All of them have unique personalities, and are all a Little bit crazy. And their craziness matches my soft spots perfectly!
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty because he cares about my feelings. One day I broke down crying because I learned that a dear friend's dog that I loved had passed away and he came running from across the room and placed himself at my side so I could cry into his fur. He comforts me when I am in pain too. I think he understands that I saved his life so now he helps me. His name is Tobias (Toby for short) :)
ReplyDeleteStephanie C.
My kitty Angel is my first ever cat, i always wanted a cat but couldn't get one because my boyfriend at the time was allergic. once we broke up I decided to get myself a kitty as a birthday present, shes been my best pal ever since. She is my cuddle buddy and spoons with me when we sleep, curls up on my lap and refuses to get off when i'm sad, loves watching horror movies with me, and is always waiting at the door when I get home from work.
ReplyDeleteI am the dullest human on the face of the earth yet my cats worship me. Go figure. How can I not love them for that? <3
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty because he is my little prince. He hates when I call him that. And only occasionally will cuddle up to me. He lets me cry to him about all my life problems and just stares at me like I'm crazy. He is very energetic and acts more like the dog then our dog does. He scratches at the door to be let out, will do tricks for his treats, and has on occasion knocked his food dish off the counter when it wasn't full enough.
ReplyDeleteHe's kind of the best and all the lady kitties in the neighborhood love him.
Mischief lives up to her name, which is always making me laugh, but she is also a complete lovebug that loves to cuddle up underneath the blankets, making the contortions like about even more interesting. Especially when I have to get up. Everyday when its about time for me to come home from work she sits on her perch in my window and as soon as she sees me, runs to the door to greet me. Couldn't ask for a sweeter furry angel.
ReplyDeleteThat is me in my bed on a nightly basis. It's funny because I only have one cat. :)
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty because no matter how much I annoy and pester her, she always comes to cuddle and purr next to me at night. :)
i love my kitty, Tasha, Because i have grown up with her. I have had her since i was 6. She was a baby and 13 years later we have a strong bond. We have conversations, even though i'm not sure what i'm saying. She's the animal that has been in the house the longest, so she owns it of course.
ReplyDeleteI got my first kitten ever just over a year ago, Kyo,who just turned 1 on June 6th. I love him more than I ever could have imagined. I never knew cats could play fetch, and most amazingly that he would initiate it! Kept bringing me his big stuffed rat until I started throwing it. Carries the thing around like a toddler would a blanket. Love him!
ReplyDeleteOOH I would love to win your giveaway!! I have 6 (!) cats, but my heart cat is Sugar. She was born in my house and was not supposed to be kept. We were supposed to find homes for the kittens and keep mama, but as soon as Sugar could walk, she crawled into my lap, looked oh-so-sweetly into my face and fell asleep! I just had to keep her after that! I was unemployed for most of her first year of life, and when I got a job, she soon figured out that if I stand in front of the mirror too long, it means I am going away all day. So she will jump on the sink and meow so piteously, and even stand on her hind legs to wrap her paws around my neck (which is not very good when I'm using the curling iron). When I leave, she looks at me sadly as I close the door. She sleeps under the covers next to me, kneading whatever parts of me she is near, and she has a sweet tooth! She loves whipped cream, shakes, sour candy and Honey-nut Cheerios. Someone suggested that if I'd named her 'Meaty' she'd like meat, like a proper cat should, but she is my sweet Sugar, and my sweet baby loves me as much as I love her.
ReplyDeleteI love my kitties because they keep my lap warm when I'm working, and my heart warm when they are playing with eachother:)
ReplyDeleteI love all three of my kitties. My Casper is my big sweet boy who loves to sleep on my head. My Cali is my amazing genius kitty who walks on a leash and does tricks and is generally just all around amazing. My little Theresa is my miracle kit that was supposed to be put to sleep because she was so ill but with lots of love got better!
ReplyDeleteI love my kitties because I always know that after a long day at work they'll be waiting for me at the door. They want to be fed, sure, but take a moment before to enjoy some headbumps and nosing. So long as I have my babies to come home to life is good.
ReplyDeleteI love my cat Cujo because he's there for me during some tough times and would cuddle with me during them even though he's pretty high on the anti-cuddle scale. He also has a fascination with watching TV with the family, and despite being a 18 pound stocky cat, has the highest pitch meow.
ReplyDeleteAlso got away making an animation about him for school.
I just want the pic of me and my boys!!! : D <3 <3
ReplyDeleteI love my cats because they are simultaneously total jerks but also utter lovebugs. And I love them for both sides of them! (and all their weird quirks!) : D
PS- EEEE!!! fab!!! : D
I love my kitty because-ohhh where to start. Because she has an attitude bigger than mine, she's a diva, independent, GREAT masseuse (when she feels like giving Loki-massages anyway) and mainly because she has GREAT taste-she literally chose me to be her loyal subject. When I asked the three available kitties who wanted to go home with me she sauntered over as the other two kittens ran away, and a match made in heaven was made that day. LOVE MY LOKI-MONSTER!
ReplyDelete<3 i love my kitty because she followed me home :)and loved me ever since.
ReplyDeleteI love my cat because he picked me! Out of 3 humans in the house he liked me! Also he likes to take up my bed when he is not sleeping on my face. And he fetches foil balls! I love everything about all the cats in this house hold but Hamlet has a special place in my heart! I got the warm fuzzies now!
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty, because I'm his mum. I've took care of him, when he was less than weeks old (yes, poor kitty was abandoned). And he is just epic kitty. That's why I called him Epic.
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty cause she puts up with me constantly calling her things like "stinkmuffin" and telling her how cute her butt is. I mean, it's a pretty cute catbutt.
ReplyDeleteI have two kitties. The older one, Thunder Kitty (TK for short), is a big guy with an attitude problem, but when he's in a good mood his cuddles are wonderful. TK loves to wrestle and chase, and his favourite game is to hide behind an open door and bat at me through the crack. My little guy, Wolfhammer (Wolfie for short), is a little bit special - his jaw doesn't close all the way so his tongue is always hanging out of his mouth along with a string of drool. Wolfie doesn't quite seem to get the normal cat activities, but he loves drinking water from the tap, and as long as I wipe off his chin first he is an excellent cuddler. Both are a little odd and drive me up the wall sometimes by peeing all over the apartment, but I adore them and wouldn't give them up for anything.
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty because she is always with me in sickness and health till death do us part :3
ReplyDeletei love my kitty as their really do complete my life.. there are my child, my bestest buddy, my sleeping partner, my cutest bundle, the one that massage me when im tired and of course.. my master as well.. they are my everything even when they do sometimes annoy me in a cute way.. hehehee.. i do love them in so many ways, in so many different aspect..
ReplyDeletemeowww from malaysia (Han Hee Bum and Han Hae Bi) =^^=
I love my kitty because she is my first! Also I have been calling her "the beast" since she was born, and boy has she proved her nickname!
ReplyDeleteMy cat Hoya (short for "tiger kitty" in korean) is the most reliable source of happiness in my life. Maybe it's because I was the one that brought him home, but of the five members of my family, he has completely adopted my personality, both good and bad. And while he may not the most cuddly, friendly, or slim cat, he stands guard over me when i'm sick, licks my eyebrows awake in the morning when i sleep too long, and let's me rub his belly while he dozes in the daytime. Watching him, i learn more about myself, and not a day goes by when i am not grateful to have found him.
ReplyDeleteMy cat Sam is the best thing that's happened to me. I've learned a lot about myself since he was given to me. He makes me feel like a better person and that there's a reason to wake up every morning and make a difference in the world. Because of Sam, I know what I wanna do with my life. He's my best friend and I wouldn't want it any other way.
ReplyDeleteI lurve mah kitteh because she is floofy and wants me to pet her and to bite me at the same time. And she is the supervisor of the house, making sure couch time, food time, bed time, and all the other important times happen!
ReplyDeleteoh this is just awesome! K well let me start off by saying my "kitty" doesn't really like me so much. she prefers my dog over me any day of the week. BUT i still love her very much. i got her at 5 weeks old and she would sleep in the palm on my hand. then i guess she realized my dog, Remi was much more comfortable to sleep on. Well, either way, her name is Ares and i love her very much, every foot attack at night, every little annoyed huff, and especially when she curls up on my pillow at night and lets me go to sleep without attacking my face. yes, Ares...after the greek god of war. she lives up to the name for sure.
ReplyDeletei love letang because she can make me feel special in her own cat ways, make me smile because of her crazy antics, takes my stresses away by just being her, she even thought me how to relax and enjoy quiet time...
ReplyDeleteI love my kitties because they do something to make me smile every day. :) Whether it's their goofball antics, them being sweet, or just being adorable. They brighten my day, every day.
ReplyDeleteJessica Clark (Facebook)
I love my cats because I lvoe animals ! x)
ReplyDeleteI had a tons of cats which all got lost or something. Even if they are real independant or wild, I lvoe them with all my heart. They are the best company in the world and they put life in the house.
Right now, I have 2 cats ; Belle and Sasha. They are 2 years old. Sasha is a big complainer, she's always meaw-ing for nothing, she loves to get cuddled and brushed. <3
Belle is independant, she come to see me only if she's hungry or want to go outside. Thought, she is beaitufil and 3 colored.
They act like they hate each other, btu they play together when we're not watching <3
That's it. Sorry for the long comment.
Eeep! I would die if I won!
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty, Oscar, because he does the cutest things.
He will ram his forehead into your face to get you to pet him, which sounds a lot more painful than it is. Also, he will paw at your arm like he is tapping you to get your attention.
I love my kitty because he was a completely random find/addition to my life (His previous owner had a stray in their garage who gave birth to a litter of kittens and she posted on a Supernatural message board asking if anyone in the NY area wanted a kitten. I got him within the next three days. Seriously). I got my little dude during a weird time in my life and he just grew to be such a big comfy part of my world. He thinks he's a snake or a dragon most of the time which seems appropriate and although he's just like me and big into sleeping/being alone, he ALWAYS knows when I'm sad or angry and makes it a point to cuddle next go my feet and sleep near me until I'm happy again. I love him to bits.
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty Deedee because she has been my bestest girlfriend for about 9 years now. She loves to chatter with me and is the best cat I've ever had.
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty Temperance (Tempe for short, named after the tv show Bones) because she is the best reading partner in the whole world. My favorite part of the night is when I curl up in bed with a book. Every night, a couple minutes after I sit down, she runs in and curled up in my lap after rubbing her nose against my chin and in my book a couple times.
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty (named Cat) because he is the Highlander of cats. Pretty sure he's been hunting Christopher Lambert all the 17 years I've had him, so it's only a matter of time before the final battle is fought. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE....and it will be my Cat. :)
ReplyDeleteMy Zelda girl means the world to me. She is the sweetest, softest, most adorable cat in my world. No other cats compare to her.
ReplyDeleteI love my kitties because they are pretty much the best kitties ever and turned me from a dog person to a cat person! Eppers is super protective and loves his cuddles. I giggle every time I see him cozy up to a stranger and demand pettings because I remember how aloof he use to be when he was little and only let me and my husband pet him! Lawlz is just the perfect kitteh, even with her heart problems. She's the first pet I ever got to pick out for my very own and I couldn't have done better in adopting her. She always knows when I need a pick me up and even lets the baby slobber all over her. It's ultra mega cute how she can't walk by a plush blanket without stopping to knead it! It's a lawlz trap!
ReplyDeleteI can't narrow my love down for my kitties. I just do. It's something that is so innately programmed into me. I got them when I was 20, and it was pretty much my first "real adult" responsibility. Over the past 5 years, they have literally become my children, and I would do anything for them. I know it sounds weird, but I don't really know how else to put it.
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty because even though she steals my food pretty often, she's adorable and I love her to death.
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty because he reminds me of everything good in this world. He is one of my greatest happiness and I don't know where I'd be without my angel kitten.
ReplyDeleteI lost my kitties :( Waiting till I have my own place till I get one, so this is in retrospect:
ReplyDeleteI loved (and still love) my kitty because she was independent with a mind of her own, but she still loved me, and without her I would have had a complete breakdown years ago. She was my best friend and was always there when I needed her, although if I went away she'd get her revenge by leaving me for awhile when I came home!!
I love my kitty Finder because he's a huge lovable goon just overflowing with affection. He was born outside and lived outside for a few years, before I befriended him. It's like he never knew how wonderful people were, and he wants to make up for lost time in snuggling. When people come over to our house he's both scared and wanting lovings from them - he creeps toward them, but with his tail held high, and is SO overjoyed to get a new lap to sit in. He has a bit of a goony eye from a scar he got fighting as his time as an unowned outdoor kitty, and it's so creepy-cute.
ReplyDeleteI love my kitties cause they rule my life, and I wouldn't have it any other way!!
ReplyDeleteI love my cat because he chose us, instead of us choosing him. When we adopted him, he came over to us and would not leave us alone. He loves to be where we are, be it in the living room, our bedrooms, or in the kitchen (he has his own chair that he jumps up on when we are having dinner).
ReplyDeleteAlso, happy second birthday Cat versus Human! Fredo is the same age as he just turned two too!!!!
I love my kitty Emi because she lets me kiss her, and hug her, and love her while she just looks at me like "Are you done?".
ReplyDeleteBecause she smells like pancakes and always sleeps on my feet.
Because she loves when I scratch her belly.
And because the day I adopted her, I wasn't planning on walking out of Petsmart with the kitten that was being adorable with me.
:) Love you, Emi!
I love my six kitties (Molly, Buttercup, Rocky, Cleo, Honey and Patrick) 'cause they bring so much joy and chaos :) And I love every minute of it!
ReplyDeleteI love kitty because he's gorgeousss!!! Nikko is a beautiful Siamese, with big blue eyes. He's perfected the puss-in-boots eyes. He's incredibly affection and always runs to me when I come home. He's soo adorable and hilarious too! I love my Nikko <3 <3
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty because she has got a quirky personality! She loves attention from people, but has always been shy with other cats. But now she's learning to make friends and be more adventurous. Also she does this: http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7084/7339867592_0ca701afcb_o.jpg ... a lot X)
ReplyDeleteI love veeeeeeeeeeeery much my kitty because she is such a sweetty!! she is everything and more. All kindness and innocent is inside of her. She is unique. When I see my kitty, I see all the good things that human should imitate.
ReplyDeleteI love my Lucky because he is my little shadow and never gets mad at me, not for baths, nail trims, mussed up fur, kisses...not even when I dress him up and dance with him. He never got the memo on catitude and it's kinda nice.
ReplyDeleteBest giveaway EVER!
ReplyDeleteI love my kitties because:
- they love me
- they're cute
- they purr
- they make me laugh
- they smell like candy
- they're fluffy
- they're rescues
- they're good listeners
- they have pointy ears
....ok I could seriously go on forever here...
They're the best! xo
well, I love my kitty (or better: my cats) because, they're family members and they have awesome little personalities, and they're fluffy and cute and awesome.
ReplyDeleteAnd the special thing: I love the kitties, because they are my sister's one and in a few weeks she moves away and cannot take her little two babies with her, so they stay here and are one of the few things which I can keep of my sister - that makes me sad and glad - difficult situation. BUT: I love my kitties because of alll this. :)
One day I saw a kitty in the street, someone just left her there alone on December 24th!, so I adopted her. She was (and is) a gift for me, Kiki (her name), is the kitty I've always dream, se follow me everywhere, when I arrive home she's there waiting for me, is full of love, She know when I'm sad, and give thousands of kisses and purrs to cheer me up... She's just perfect ♥
ReplyDeletei love my kitties destroyer and her partner coco (both persians) because of the frequent back massages i get from them. They think im a scratch post and i like it
ReplyDeleteI love my kitties because they always know when I need a snuggle! I also love them because they have turned my new home into my home sweet home and have filled it with love
ReplyDeleteI love both my kitties. I love Cupcake because she practically lives on my bed, and every night after dinner she waits patiently for me to pick her up and carry her into my bedroom for snuggles.
ReplyDeleteI love Sassy because she is the cat who walks by herself, and all places are alike to her.
I love my cats (Midnight and Boo) because they keep my life interesting. I've spent the better part of my adult life being a full-time student working towards a PhD and that means a lot of working at home. Whenever I'm feeling overloaded or stressed out a little kitty purr/petting therapy goes a long way to making me feel better.
ReplyDeleteI love my calico Cleo for many reasons, but the best one has to be that whenever I am sad she tries to lay on my face. As though smothering me with her fuzzy purring body will somehow make everything better.
ReplyDeleteI love my cat Noc because he stands true to his name. Fur as black as night (Noc is Polish for night) but he will also "noc" you upside the head when you get out of line... Or when you get out of the shower and he wants to eat your fruity smelling hair.
ReplyDeleteHe never complains when the two huskies want to have a wrestling match with him, but he never lets them win either of course. Cat rules apply to all wrestling matches, whether instigated by doggy or human. He wins them all.
Noc may be vicious at times and attack our friends when they come over, or attack our sandaled feet when we come in from BBQing (true story, every time), but we still shower him with pets, cuddles, kisses, toys, and treats. He is a fat cat to prove it as well!
Noc is Noc and that is all we ask for :)
I love my kitty because he love-mawls me almost daily. The more it hurts, the more he loves me, right?
ReplyDeletewell.. my little Hércules was taken away :( but I still love him cuz was first seen love ♥ he used to follow me everywhere even when I didn't take him attention.
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty because she's gorgeous and she knows it. She uses her window seat to model for my neighbors and show off her beauty.
ReplyDeletei love my "herr karl" because we live together like an old couple. and he's obviously the cutest, fluffiest, biggest, most stubborn, caring and prankish cat i've ever got acquainted with.
ReplyDeletei'm so happy that he's my significant other! :D
i love my kitty because he just being himself.and for sure,he will never lie to me.we must talk+touch each other everyday.i just love him the way he is!!love u Puteh!!
ReplyDelete-melor =)
hugs from Malaysia
I love all six of my kitcats for a myriad of reasons. Persephone is like a furry little woodland creature and Lusy AKA Lusus Naturae is a tiny little ginger with a lion lurking inside. Talisker is my giant boy who thinks he is my son and he lays down my side or across my pillow every night. Sabella is the quintessential Cheshire cat and will only drink running water and Mathilde is our awkward turtle who makes up for her habit of running out every open door with a sweetness that is like winning the cat lottery. And lastly is George/Pudding who is so skittish you can't pet him if you are walking around but if you sit down he will come push his head into your hand and purr like 8 kitties. But mostly I love them because I knew as soon as I met them that they were family.
ReplyDeleteI think I love my cat more than she loves me. She hates cuddling but I love to pick her up whenever I can. She's so soft and SMELLS SO GOOD.
ReplyDeleteWhen she is in the mood to play with me she loves to head butt me with her wet nose. When she's hot she'll sprawl across the floor with her tummy facing the ceiling.
She's just awesome and that's why I love her.
I love my kitty because she is very affectionate and loves to come sit with me.
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty because she usually rejects my hugs and kisses, but when I cry, she would sit next to me and keep me company, letting me pet and hug her. On winter nights, she sleeps on my bed often and we're both warm. I love my kitty despite the fact she rejects my hugs and kisses! ♥
ReplyDeleteI love my cica (kitty in Hungarian), Ripley, because not only is she the world's cutest, most wonderful if somewhat contemptuous cat, but also because she has kept me sane in the year that I've been finishing up my studies and now job hunting. Whenever I come home she's there waiting for me, whenever she sees I'm lonely she comes and curls up on my chest. She really is my everything.
ReplyDeleteHi! I *Adore* my cats. I have 4 at the moment, they used to be 5 but one went away :( I love them so much despite I have the worst (literally) cat allergies. Some time ago - like 10 years - we were mainly a dog type of family. We had 3 fox terriers (wire kind) and we didn't like cats much until this stray cat appeared in our backyard one night and began eating our dog's food. It was all white, thin and was all scarred from all the cat-fighting I suppose. From that night on, we began looking forward to seeing this cat and we began calling him - our imagination was at bloom back then: "white cat".
ReplyDeleteWe gave him cat food, and he began staying indoors. Two weeks later he owned the house, of course. Time went by and one day he didn't show up. We never saw him again but we began feeding and sort of taking care of dozens of stray cats and their kittens.
Almost 9 years ago I was about to go to my new job and was waiting for a cab outside my house and I saw a black and white kitty in front of my house. She was miaowing to every passer-by. She was alone. I crossed the street - all dressed up - and grabbed her. She's been with us ever since. She's our joy, with her naughtiness, laziness and over all cuteness, has helped us through many difficult times.
Now, he have 4: Tunita (this black and white cat), Cholo and Chola (brother and sister that were born in my house from a cat that we had and one day went away) and Mostaza (orange and white cat that one day just came inside from a front window and stayed). Love them all with all my heart.
I love my kitty because she's my daughter, she teaches me how to be a better person, and is my reason to wake up (moom, feed me!!!) hahaha How not to love this cute fur ball with pink nose? *-*
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty because she snuggles like a champ and because she goes from snuggle to full blown spazz attack in the blink of an eye.
ReplyDeleteWhat can I say, my kitties are my buddies.
ReplyDeleteI love my cats because.. they are cats! ;)
ReplyDeleteI love Teto, my orange tabby, because he's plays soccer. He'll dribble the ball around and he'll play hide and seek. He's feisty and loves to talk back. I love Luna, my Siamese cat, because she's the baby. She plays fetch and likes to run around the house like a maniac. She's a little bit crazy. I love TinTin,my black cat, because he's my cuddle and nappy buddy. He's a pacifist and he keep the peace between the other two cats. Between the 3 of them, the laughs and cuddles never end. I love them to death and I'm pretty sure my life would be very dull without th
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty because he kept me company on a 4000 mile drive across the country, and not once did he complain about the rain, the cold, the scary motel rooms, the music, my singing along to the music, sleeping in a Wal-Mart parking lot when we couldn't afford a room, or the night I cried myself to sleep in his fur. He slept in the backseat with his mousies and his knitty ball and occasionally came up to sit in the front seat with his head on my leg.
ReplyDeleteBest roadtrip companion ever.
I love my two kitties, in the last year they've become my companions, making life more cheer one meow at a time. Everyday they wake me up, and whenever I have a stressful day I just come home and they make me feel better. Cat-tummy-rubbing-time is like heaven. I feel a better person and I've started helping stray and lost cats in the community, they've change my life for sure! Their names... Sally and Harry.
ReplyDeleteI love my cat because it's like my son, I love him so much that I'm going to tattoo your face on my arm. It is a cat with attitude :)
ReplyDeleteFor now he is not with me because I moved to another country but next year I'll do anything to come with me, every day I miss him and cry for him. : (
I already have your book, but I would love a picture of my kitty.
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty because she's so smoochy first thing in the morning, and late at night. At those times, it's like she is just totally in love with me and cant get close enough to me, or purr loud enough. And then the rest of the day we both act like nothing ever happened.
I love my Otis cat because kitty head butts are the most efficient alarm clock. I'm also convinced he's an ancient alien.
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty Melquiades because he came to me in a very difficult moment in my life: I was felling down and lonely and then I found him: a very small and dirty furball, wandering the street. It may sound a little bit cheesy but I thought "if we're together we'll never be lonely". That was 4 years ago and I guess by now we're best friends, he's all cuddles and purring (maybe it took one of us getting neutered...) but I love how shy is he with other people. He plays with my dogs and sometimes I think he thinks he's a dog too. Mel is a weirdo but he's a good pal. That's why I love him. :3
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty because she loves me! People say it's impossible for a cat to love you but she does. I live away from home and couldn't take her with me, and whenever I leave after visiting home she wanders around meowing and looking for me and driving my family crazy! And when I'm home she hardly leaves my side, constantly snuggling with me and ramming her face into my face. She has such a hilarious personality and is so sweet, I just can't get over how adorable she is! :)
ReplyDeletei have two sweeties: a ginger girl named gypsy willow cat, and a tuxedo named william shakespurr, and i am enamored with them both! willow is perfect and sweet and the best behaved kitty ever. she loves to greet me at the door and kiss my nose. william is rascally and monsterous, but that's part of his charm. he is such a kitten, and will snuggle me the whoooole night! he is very like me, too: he LOVES food. :]
ReplyDeleteI have two cats, a male and female. Their names are Ashia & Sanosuke. I love them both very much because they are my very best friends. They know when I'm sad and when I'm not feeling well. I think they take are of me more so than I can take care of them. They fill that void in a lonely life with unconditional love and affection.
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty because she is the cutest thing one second and the next she is biting our feet!
ReplyDeleteI love my kitties because no matter what mood I am in, they will ALWAYS want my attention and distract me.
ReplyDeletei do not currently have a cat, but my childhood cat was my best friend - that is why i loved him!
ReplyDeletei always sang to him "i will always love you" by whitney houston - and he would endure it lol.
he didn't meow, he sqeaked! he only ate tuna, but begged for french fries everytime we brought home drive-thru food.
when we got a puppy, they became fast friends, and cuddled all the time.
my favorite memory with the two of them was when the dog chased my cat into the swimming pool, then she fell in right after him!
i miss my baby, RIP Smokey
I love my kitties, Macey and Fern, because they are complete opposites of one another. Macey is an agile, too smart for her own good, loud, mischievous siamese mix. Fern, the calico, is a slightly overweight, clumsy, but absolutely sweet lap-cat. They are constant sources of entertainment and bring balance and tranquility to my hectic, busy, and stressful life as a PhD student. I was a "dog person" and Fern and Macey have turned me into a crazy cat lady by somehow always knowing just when I need a good laugh, a cuddle, or distraction from studying/work. My kitties compliment each other well and have enhanced my life.
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty because she's always there for me when I need her most. I went through a depression around the time that I adopted her, and she really saved me. I have unending love and appreciation for my little boogerface (a term of endearment- her name is Branwen).
ReplyDeletei don't know why i love my kitties.
ReplyDeletei just do ._.
I love and adore my kitty because over the 10perfect years I've had him, he is truly my best friend. He has moved across the country several times with me, has comforted me through broken hearts and sick days, and is the feline incarnate of uncinditional love. He was ny first pet ever, and he knows my quirks as much as I know his. He is always at my side and is loving of everyone he meets (except the vet!). I love my 18 lb Tigger, and always will.
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty (Oscar, the one in my picture) because he always comes running as soon as I get up in the morning, and purrs next to me while I eat breakfast. :) He's incredibly affectionate, though he does have a tendency to glare at cameras...
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty, Otis, because he's totally not a cat, but a pug who thinks he is.
ReplyDeleteI love my Maslow kitty because...
ReplyDeleteHe showed up starving on my porch on my birthday. My mom and I are both allergic to cats, so we fed him a little until we could find him a proper home. Neighborhood kids would stop by and ask to keep him, take him home and then find him back at our house. After weeks of coming home to him sleeping in our window boxes and killing all of the flowers, and him following for a half mile on my morning walk to school, we decided we couldn't live without the little guy. He chose us.
I love my kitty because...well.....she drops her toys on my face to get me up from a nap, steals my pens, drowns her mice, lays in the middle of the bed when I make it, insists on waking me up by suffocation, ignores me when I give her attention and then begs for attention when im elsewhere. She likes to take a bath with me, loves to chit chat/trill/chirp at me and loves it when I provide a toasty lap. :) Shes everything I asked for in a cat....Her name is Freyja and she is a Maine Coon. XD
ReplyDeleteI love my kitties Cooper and Puck because they keep loving me even though I have had to move so much over the past 5 years, and kitties don't like to move all the time! Right now they are keeping my grandma company after her kitty died, and they snuggle up with her because they know she needs it. Also, she has dementia, but they have been helping her remember things just by being there and being love bugs. They are kitty super heroes and totally deserve to be immortalized in kitty comic-ness.
ReplyDeleteI love my kittehs because I think I have toxoplasmosis. Just kidding! I love em bc they know the sound of my car alarm and are waiting for me by the window (nacho) and door (mochi) when I get home from a long day at work. Because when I'm chopping onions (why else would I be crying), they refuse to leave my side. Because even when mochi's kneading bread on my breastbone and I'm on the verge of tossing him off because it hurts so much, he gives me his baby meow and I give in. Because when nacho accidentally got out while I was at work and I couldn't find him until midnight, he was so glad to see me that he wouldn't get off my lap until I fell asleep, and even brought home some friends to meet me (fleas). I just luv em so much!
ReplyDeleteI love my kitties because they are kitties!! There is no better reason. By the way we just got a new kitten today. :]
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty because is a good room mate that always wait for me to eat and always scratch in his scracther and he's so brave and understand he needs to take pills twice a day because has asma
ReplyDeleteI love u max!
Original comment because my name didn't appear :(
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty because he makes my depressed days happy with head bops, and cuddles, and kisses, and demanding I get up and play with him instead of moping around
I love my kitty, Teddy, because he sleeps on my pillow every night, puts up with the dog and my other cat, and because he always is up for cuddles! He is a cranky old man of almost 15, and I love him!
ReplyDeletei love my cat because he's an idiot. no lie, he might be the dumbest cat ever. but every day is the best day of his life, because it's yet another day that he gets to spend with us, and it's hard to be sad when someone is always that happy to see you.
ReplyDeleteI have three kittens in my life, one is the cat we have now - Panda. He is independent but when anyone goes away he is very affectionate and will follow you around - all to make sure his humans don't all disappear (who would feed him?!)
ReplyDeleteSecond is my sisters kitten, Tita. Just last night when I was upset (I'm cat-sitting while she is away) she cuddled up to me in bed and licked my tears away - she's a little purr machine!
Lastly, Mika. Mika was a while ago and he wasn't with us for long but he was a sleek black cat with a raccoons tail which looked like it didn't belong on his body. He was loving and used to sleep in my arm. I truly felt at home and like I had someone who would love me regardless whenever I was around him.
My Coco is the greatest most unexpected thing that has ever happened to me. He was almost hit by a car when my mom rescued him, he was a dirty, scared, hissing little 3 week old kitty when I first laid my eyes on him. And at first I didn't want to get attached to him because we were giving him away (we had 3 cats at the time) but his gorgeous big blue eyes won me over! He is the sweetest, loud purring, most unique loving kitty I've ever had! He loves water (it's a miracle!) When he was a kitty he liked to swim in the bathtub. And he always smells really good, but since he is a white and yellow kitty, he gets dirty alot. He is also my huskies Best Friend. He is soooo Coco Loco.
ReplyDeleteI love my Maru because she is my constant friend and listens better than some dogs I know. She will come when you call her name and knows when she is in trouble, but she doesn't seem to care :)
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty because she always waits for me patiently at window until I get home.
ReplyDeleteI love my 2 furry friends because quite simply my life would be pretty boring and unfulfilled with out them. They also act as pretty good head and foot warmers in bed...
ReplyDeleteI love my fur kids because I have a bond with them the is stronger then anything I have ever experenced. I fostered for a local no kill kitty shelter. They were about two weeks old when I took them and I became kitty mama! Bottle feeding, and growing personalities, waitching them come into their own and learn new things. I kept my fosters as my furever kids and I love them with every thing in me. They make even the worst day better. I wake up to them "talking" to me every morning, they play in the shower with me, and as they are eating breakfast, I hide treats around the house so they can hunt while I am at work. I have trained them to sit and shake for treats, they are smart! Bottom line is they make me a better person, they might not be human children but they are my kids and I love them and want there lives to be perfect. They give me so much and make me happy!! They just turned 3 in May.
ReplyDeleteI love my kittehs every day even if I don't have them anymore. I had to leave them and keep the other kittehs at the Cat Hospital company because moving them halfway across the world would have not been good for them. I cry when I see your babies and the other flickr cats I've come to love because they remind me of every little thing that made me love and remain missing them every moment. Thank you for sharing your catmumm adventures. Congratulations on all your success o^~^o you've captured catventures only cat people can relate to (notice i didn't say crazy cat lady) hugs
ReplyDeleteI love my kitties because they are the perfect pair of brothers. virgo quirkiness, puffball furriness, jealous whiskerfaces. scaredy cat and his concerned companion.
ReplyDeleteI love my cat Nikki (she was 1 of 8 kittehs) because, even though she passed a month or two ago of heart disease, she still makes me feel better when I'm not at my best. She used to make my mom's headaches go away with her purr. She was a fluffy little grey ball of fur. She was very quirky, she had a person (my mom, if my mom wasn't around it was me), she did NOT like outside at all, refused to come out of my mom's room whenever company was around, she would make sure my parents went to bed on time, and was the most beautiful kitty you would ever see, even prettier than the other Nebelungs. We love her and I feel like my life is better having known Nikki :)
ReplyDeleteI love my kitties because they are so different from one another. Eureka tries to act cool but she's a big clutz who loves to cuddle in the middle of the night. Magellan is a behemoth who wants love, cuddles and play time constantly. They are complete opposites. Although sometimes they get on my nerves by tearing down blinds, pulling up the carpet or knocking things off of tables(to name just a few things). I love coming home and having them run to see me. All I have to do is give them food, water and a clean litter box and in exchange these two adorable fuzzballs give me so many awesome, weird, hysterical and lovely moments. Best cats ever. :)
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty because he's my new little baby! My childhood cat, that I had for 17 years, passed away a few months ago. I just rescued Alphie, a buff tabby from a local shelter, a couple of weeks ago, and it was love at first sight. He's so loving, but has the adorable crazies! I know his big brother would've loved him toooo :) Would love an illustration of us! Love your comics
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty Buttercup, because she hates everyone except for me, and there's something very endearing about that.
ReplyDeleteI love my little kitty Emily because she always knows when I need a cuddle or a forehead nudge. She is so sweet that I don't mind too much when she takes up most of my pillow when I'm trying to sleep :P
ReplyDeleteI love my kitties because they sneak attack and almost kill me when I'm standing on a chair. I love my kitties because they come up purring and then bite me when I try to pet them. I love my kitties because they yell at me to turn the water facet on (even though they have a nifty water fountain to drink from). I love my kitties for the gift of cat hair that ends on every part of my body: Lips, mouth, up my nose, in my belly button....
ReplyDeleteAlfie has this most wonderful way of being ridiculous. One second, he'll be completely contented from lunch or whatever, then all of a sudden he will arch his back, run headlong towards me, barely miss and stop about five feet away, making sure I'm coming after him. He fetches, he's intensely playful but yet incredibly sweet (especially when he's hungry for lunch #2). To describe would be like trying to describe my best friend or my family, he's so unique that one thing doesn't quite encapsulate who he is.
ReplyDeleteI love my cat because well, he's Alfie. The completely one of a kind, crazy Alfie. But more than that, he's my Alfie. And I would have it no other way.
I love my cat Tina because she is a big fat blob of awesomeness. She sometimes sleeps on her back with her lil feet in the air. She also has a bullseye on her side! Tina is my pride and joy and I love her more than anything.
ReplyDeleteI love my cat Anderson to bits even though I sometimes doubt he feels the same about me. He's super moody but I think it just makes me love the times when he begs for snuggles even better. I even love him when he sticks his tush in my face or walks around on my boobs.
ReplyDeleteI love my kittehs because they are my refuge. One tight squeeze from my pudgy love, Mouse, will make me once more feel sane; and one gallivant around the house chasing my fur ball Boots can make anyone feel cheerful. And not to forget my sister's homeless cat Gepetto, he who always rips me to shreds but spending time with him is always worth the long explanations of ominous suicidal-looking scrapes on my arms and wrists. Without my home full of kittens charging around the house and running it like kings and queens, it wouldn't be home at all. I love them with all my <3. >^._.^<
ReplyDeleteI have so much love that I have 4 kitties. ;-) But there's one I love a bit more than the others and that's because she watches over me when I sleep, she stands guard in front of the bedroom the whole night. I put a cushion and a blanket there for her. I love her because she licks away my tears when I cry. And I cry a lot at the moment because I have lost my husband recently. They all keep me company and try to comfort me. But Conina , that's her name cares the most.
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty because he's always been there for me. When I'm sad, he comes over to comfort me, and he's always ready to greet me when I get home, even if I've only been gone for five minutes. He wandered into our backyard one day when I was 15 and we didn't know where he came from. We kept him in my dad's workshop that night, and I checked on him the next morning before school. I was sitting with him on a bench on our patio, and he started purring just from being in my lap! Then, he gave me some "kitty kisses"— rubbing his face all over mine. My heart was lost then, and my heart is still lost to him today, nine years later!
ReplyDeletei love my cat Chicken. my little female orange tabby. she's a scaredy cat that is only attached to me.
ReplyDeleteI love my kitties Emma and Boots because they honestly complete my life. I will never need human children because my kitties create enough noise, mess, amusement and responsibility all on their own. They hold better conversations than most of the people I know, they are amazing listeners, great comforters and they keep my feet warm at night. They cry when they can't find me. Boots has a foot fetish, Emma stalks my hair ties...
ReplyDeleteMy life would be nothing without my fur children...
I love my kitty because he saved my life. There was a point in my life I am not proud of, and I was contemplating suicide. I had the gun in my hand, he came over to me, layed down on top of my arm and looked up at me as if to say "I still need you"
ReplyDeleteI don't have a cat of my own, unfortunately, but I started volunteering at an animal shelter about a year and a half ago because I missed having animals to hang out with after moving away to college. I had always considered myself a dog person, but something lead me to work with the cats. I have had hundreds of different favorite cats since I started volunteering. There is absolutely nothing that can make my day better than going in to see "my cats" (which I do almost every day). I fall in love as soon as one crawls in my lap or rubs against my leg, or honestly, even climbs up my leg or plays with my hair. The endless cuddles, kisses, purrs, and play time has become my favorite way to spend a day. Hopefully I'll get a cat of my own sometime soon, but having 65 rotating cats at the shelter, and the opportunity to help them find new homes, is enough for now.
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty because she brightens my day, cuddles with me when I'm sick, brings me her favorite toys in the middle of the night (while meowing very loud to tell me so), greets me at the door every day when I come home, she watches Cats 101 whenever it's on, and climbs on my lap and purrs. Kava was the best Christmas present I ever received.
ReplyDeleteMy kitty's gone now but I loved him because he always protected me and made sure I was safe and happy. He was in my house before I was even born, and passed on at the ripe old age of almost 20. I made sure he was included with everything the family did (indoors), and even gave him his own little chair at the dinner table. He was a fat old ginger guy, but he'd wait by the door every day and meow if I was late...I won his affection by sneaking him bits of pork from pork fried rice :)
ReplyDeleteI love my cats because they never let me down. They're always grateful and welcoming when I enter the door when my workingday is over. When I sit down in my favourite chair and a cat lands in my lap I can feel my bloodpressure go back to normal. I don't like to wake up too early in the morning (if not the reason is that a belowed little kitty licks my nose to tell me that he is hungry ;-)). At most we have had four cats at the same time but now there's only two left :-(.
ReplyDeleteI love my cat Rocky because he's so up himself but secretly he loves me. He never wants me for anything, he'll ignore me if I try pat him and scratch me if I try pick him up, but when I sit on the couch at night he'll always come and sit on the back of the sofa - he takes one end, I take the other - because he gets lonely. What an asshole, but I love him really and he loves me :)
ReplyDeleteI love my cat because no matter how bad things ever get, I know I have a beautiful and loving furry friend to hug and make me feel better . . . and crack me up.
ReplyDeleteAlso, he was nice enough to forgive me for naming him after a cartoon mouse (sorry, Pinky!).
Mikitos Lady could be unsociable and sometimes hard to deal with, but she's everything to me. She's my little girl (though kind of fat :p) and my best friend.
ReplyDeleteI love how she asks me to groom her very morning and the way she communicates her needs and feelings to me. I love the way she play to fetch the toy mouse and how she hunts moths.
She's now watching me type and meowing so we can cuddle and go to sleep. So I'll just say that I love her so much.
I love my tuxedo kitty Lewis because he makes me happy no matter how sad I am. I've suffered from depression and anxiety since I was a teenager, and Lewis is what gets me out of bed every morning. I can't imagine life without my furbaby, he's everything to me.
ReplyDeleteI love my kitties because they are the best blessing we have had in 10 years of marriage. We have no kids, and sometimes people don't understand that they ARE our kids.
ReplyDeleteI love my kitties because they are adorable little furballs.
ReplyDeletei love betsey because she got me through a really tough time in my life and she's always there when i need her. she's quirky like me and has the same attitude. i also love her because she attacks my stepdad at the best moments. she loves frosting as much as i like making cupcakes. and i love her because she's a little skank and had my third kitty neville.
i love neville because he's a huge awesome adorable little furball. he plays fetch better than our two dogs. he is the best snuggle buddy and he lets me pet his tummy almost without the risk of having my arm attacked. i love the way he flops all over the place and just takes a nap. i also love the way he slept under the covers when he was a kitten.
and lastly i love sookie because she's so different from neville and betsey. she is just your typical fat cat. i always wanted a calico and got one when i adopted sookie. she is the weirdest cat. i love the way she meows whenever you try to pet her and they way she is when you give her food. plus i love the way she sits on her hind legs and looks like a meerkat.
Cause she's adorable and loves to snuggle!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love my two cats (children! I am the CAT LADY of my office & my friends. annnnd baby I have NO SHAME in it! Currently just my 24 year old self living in my one bedroom apartment with my two little furry loves of my life... oh wait i mean my 2 plus THREE cats that I am cat sitting for a few months. Yes myself, plus FIVE cats. Never a dull moment here. Loving loving loving it! I would love to have a image of these moments up in my house. Just me and these five fur balls running around, naping, poopin, eating, and playing tag at 4am. hahaha.
ReplyDeleteI love my kittenbeast because from the first day I brought him home from the pound, he has been nothing but enthusiastically sweet. He cries when I try to leave the house, he sits behind my feet when I do my makeup, and he reaches into the shower when I'm bathing. He spends the night alternately sleeping on my face and at my feet, and purrs when touched. He is Jude, Destroyer of Worlds and Grade A Snugglebutt.
ReplyDeleteI love my kitties because they r funny and smart and sweet and cuddly and clever and cute. They have taught me so much about love and acceptance and patience. They are my whole world and I'd be list without them!
ReplyDeleteI love my Kitty because at the end of a hard day I know she cares. She shows that she loves me when she presents me with a dead animal of some kind and happily crunches it into bite sized pieces while hiding under my bed. Then she climbs up, purrs like crazy, and falls sleep on my legs. Also, she beverage hisses, growls, or claws at my son. She even let's him tackle her and plays Battle Cat to his He-Man.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't ask for a better cat.
I don't have a kitty but I adore my friends' three cats. They're so amusing to watch while they're playing and are great for relaxing pettings!
ReplyDeleteI love my cat because she helps me sleep at night. <3
ReplyDeleteI love my 5 cats because I live alone and yet I don't feel alone. I had to childproof my kitchen even though I don't have kids. They are always there to greet me at the door when I come home, they comfort me when I'm upset, and all they ask for in returned is to be fed and loved. It is a small price to pay for what they give.
ReplyDeleteI love my Kitty Karli, because just looking at him makes me happy! We got him from the shelter when he was 7 years old, he spend almost his intire life there...he was so shy at first and it took us one year until we could touch him. But now he is so cuddly and loves to lay beside us whatever we so.
ReplyDeleteI just love him!
We love our kitties because they adopted us. 'Miau' was our roommate's but preferred to hang out with us all the time, so he accepted she was ours. Then we found 'Tigri' crying in the street, so we adopted her too, since the first day, if she sees you siting anywhere she will sit in your lap, no matter how many times you put her on your side, she will come back running until you get tired. They also get along very well, like sisters.
ReplyDeleteWe love them so much we made everything possible to bring them from our country to the US, to keep our family together.
I love my kitties (shadwell and agnes) because they're like having furry little kids. Shadwell behaves like a dog (he fetches!), and loves to have attention of any sort. His sister, Agnes, is shy around strangers but the most loving kitty you could ever ask for. They both enjoy rough-housing with each other (they grew up with a terrier that was about their size; they play like dogs...) and waking us up in the morning with everything from bladder pounces to face licks.
ReplyDeleteI love my kitty because he is a survivor and one of a kind(sort of). He is (for now) a farm kitty, his Mommy (also my kitty) gave birth to him, his brother, and his sister last July. He is a light grey ragdoll, his brother was all black like their Mommy, and his sister was a tiger kitty. Yes, I said was, neither of them made it to see the new year. The funny part, and where he got his name, Minnie Mo, is that he looks like a duplicate of one of my boyfriend's cats, who also came from the same farm. The farm is my boyfriend's grandparent's. I love my Minnie very much and can't wait to be able to take him home with me!
ReplyDeleteI love my kitties because they are cute and like night and day. My older cat is calm but a bit shy and my new kitten is crazy and all over the place! <3
ReplyDeleteI love my kitties because they have such unique personalities. One is my calm, slightly grumpy, but well behaved kitty who is my constant companion for reading/cuddling/sleeping. She prefers hanging out and relaxing to physical exertion. She does, however, have one vice. She likes to steal socks and hairbands and then bring them to people in exchange for praise. The other is my happy little troublemaker. If I am doing something she has to be a part of it. She follows me around the house and is always talking to me, asking me her little questions, and then lying down on whatever it is I'm doing. Sometimes she wants to be where I am, but she wants me to carry her while I do things. So she will meow a certain way until I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder. As soon as I do this she is quiet except for the occasional purr. She gets the cutest look of contentment on her face. Between the two of them, I can't help but smile no matter what is going on.
ReplyDeleteI love my cat because he doesn't like me. He's very independent, and unlike with other cuddle whore kitties, I have to earn my cuddles. When he doesn't want to be held, he tells me. If I don't let go, he tries to eat my face. He doesn't sleep with me at night because my bed isn't good enough for him. If he doesn't want me to pet him, he'll slap me. He's temperamental and very unstable. But all of this makes his nice moments that much more precious. Every time he lets me pick him up, every time he lets me give him a hug, I'm reminded of how far we've come together. Socializing him has been difficult, and it's still a work in progress. But watching him open up to me little by little is so heartening because it shows just how much he's grown to love and trust me over the last few years. I love my cat because he's learning to love me.
ReplyDeleteI love my three kitties-toki lilo and scrunch because they are the best kitties ever! I love how they cuddle me at night and the morning and keep me warm. They also provide endless hours of entertainment whether it's scrunch Chasing his tail or lilo getting her head stuck in small paper bags or toki playing fetch! They are so precious and I love them so much!
ReplyDeleteit's hard to give you reasons why i love my cat because there are so many. she's always been the one to stick by me with everything and it's nice to know i have someone to cuddle whenever i want.
ReplyDeleteWhy I love my kitty, mmm, kinda big question, I guess just for being himself, with a special catsonality, for let me love him and pretend love me back. Also he meows weird, he mixes prrr with meow, so it sound like prrrrmeow, jajaja, I just go mad!...Im totally a crazy cat lady ¬¬ isnt it?
ReplyDeleteBTW, congrats and thanks for the comic, its great!
I love my cat Andy because in 2007 I had a disasterous medically mismanaged surgery. I lost twins and no one knew. I wound up having 3 surgeries to remove the tissues, once a week for 3 weeks because no one knew what they were doing. I hemmoraghed twice, between surgeries. I developed an infection in my uterus and they gave me an IV antibiotic I was labelled as being allergic to. I saw a huge bright white light, felt shocks all over my body and had a seizure. I woke up unable to walk, feed myself, etc.
ReplyDeleteI spent the next 9 months learning everything again, and my one companion during the hours of 6am to 6pm was my cat Andy. We rescued Andy as a too small kitten who was too weak to eat. They didn't think he would live, but he did!
He stayed with me day in and day out through therapy, both physical and mental, juice diets, meds that made my hair fall out, crutches and is still my best friend. While he's aged and I've gotten a bit better, our bond is still super strong. He is truly the love of my life. <3 He's my Andy.