Sunday, March 25, 2012

Never on the tile or hardwood floor.


  1. I thought it was just our evil cats that did that!

  2. Hahaha omg, this is EXACTLY what happens. Every. single. time.

  3. At least yours does it on the carpet. Mine hacks up on our bed.

    1. And aims for the pillows. Or the exact spot you lay your feet.

    2. one day mine was going to do it at my face while i was slepping ¬¬

  4. This is super duper true of my 2 fluffy monsters!!! :D
    (Just happened to me, again, yesterday.)

  5. Mine always do it on my bed :(

  6. Sometimes, when I'm lucky, I can chase my cat around with a paper towel and put it down before she spews. Like, 0.0001% of the time.

    1. That made me laugh. I can just imagine you running after your cat frantically.

    2. I try to do the same every time I hear the dreaded gag sound coming from my cats...

    3. Yes, I do that to. With whatever magazine paper or book that happens to be there...if they are easy into out, they won't move, but other wise they run to another spot on the grosses my girlfriend out!

  7. OMG, yes... sometimes I can catch them and shoo the off, but the worst is when it's on an upholstered chair or sofa.

  8. they always pick spots that absorb.

  9. Anyone who has a cat that hacks next to them on the sofa? Mine does. I've managed to catch her and hold her over the trash can.

    1. i try to grab them and put them on the tile floor. then they go back.

      i guess i just keep a paper towel handy at all times.

  10. true story!, always in carpets....or in my clothes ¬¬, damnes cats, i love it anyway =)

  11. I have a cat w/ a sensitive stomach so she vomits regularly. One the couch and the blankets and the carpets and my work uniform on the floor and one time the book I was reading........*sigh*

  12. Mine do it one the carpets until they are mad at me. Then they do it on the bed and hide it in the blankets

  13. I love the dried-up, crusty hair-ball "surprises" I find sometimes UNDER the bed. Much fun...not.

    Also: BWAHAHAHA---soo true! Carpet must provide a much softer "landing" for their furry li'l barfy gifts. :/

  14. Haha, so true! Usually for mine it's either on the carpet, or the bed. Always has to be somewhere where it is a pain to clean.

  15. The worst is when you wake up hearing that wonderful sound but when you get out of bed, you can't find "it" anywhere.

    The best was when the cat was hacking up next to a pile of old books I had on the floor for decoration, I made a dive at her and she turned around and puked on the isobar for the TV. Sparks abound!

    1. Oh I hate that one! Waking up & looking for it is the worst way to start a day. "Finding" it with my feet under the dining table when I'm sitting down to EAT is pretty awesome too.

  16. Hahaha. I take my cats outside every day and last week when we'd been outside only 10 mins or so, Bosco decided he wanted to go back inside, which was unusual. It turned out he only wanted to go inside to vomit on the carpet and then come back outside again!

  17. Cats, while absolutely necessary to living a happy life, can be absolute wankers when it comes to the location of their upchuckingness, yes. Perfect depiction! :)

  18. Mine just had kittens in my bed! Hair balls are nothing compared to after birth. Ickkk!!

  19. I must be lucky: my cat always vomits on the floor! One time he was sleeping next to me, he suddenly left the bed, just to vomit on the floor and not on the bed. Oh I love him <3

    1. I think I'm even luckier--my cats tend to puke on the tile. They're quite considerate in that respect. (In all other respects, not so much.)

  20. Yup! Always on the rugs! So there is always wee scattered stain spots no matter how hard you try! :) x

  21. Hi, Yasmine! After that I wont think anymore that my cats are from hell. Thanks God they never did it in the carpet! Bab kitties!!! =^_^=
    Love your comics!!!

  22. I never ever had any of my cats throw up hairballs, and i had over 20 cats already... This must be an american cat thing... :)

  23. Or my brand new cushions!

    Urgh. Always on the carpet or the soft furninshings.

  24. I once (many years ago) threw away a jacket because a friend's cat hacked up a decomposing mouse (*blerk*) right on top of it (having jumped up from the wooden floor)

    Now I've got kittehs of my own I'd just get a paper towel, and then put the jacket through a wash. Or three. If I threw away everything that got hacked up on, I'd be living in an empty box.

  25. My cat does it to my expensive carpets or the rugs. The foot rugs are easy to clean, but the carpets and living room rugs are not. :(

    I'm so trained to hear her hacking that the moment she does I wake up and go after her, hoping she doesn't hack up on places I don't want her. Luckily she was just doing it on the floor.

  26. Hahahha it must be in their wiring. Oh they think their present looks nicer on the rug...

  27. The other day I was cleaning up after one of our cats who vomited after eating grass (they love doing that), for once on the wood floor. Then I saw that she was finishing the job on the carpet next to our new couch, and shook her head around to help the process, flicking the stuff all over the new furniture. Um... yeah. So much for only getting it on the wood floor.

  28. When I hear it I pick them up and take them to the sink or at least the tile and hold them. Works out sometimes.

  29. My cat is pretty considerate: always tries to get to the tile floor, the bathroom or, once, a dirty sock.

  30. My dog also does it… Every time :D

  31. Puke needs to fall softly.
    My cats cross the whole appartment just to hit the carpet. Thats why I never buy carpets for more than a few euros ;-)

  32. That is the question !! And when it's not the carpet, it's the sofa or worst, the bed!!

  33. Cats are funny! Hard wood floors? Forget about it! It's straight to the rug.

  34. seriously! it's like they plan it that way.

  35. I don't have carpet in my house, so as far as that goes it's okay. But then you pour food in their bowl and they get sick right in the bowl? I have to replace the food. Also they prefer to get sick on our welcome mat. I'm sure the mail lady enjoys that.

  36. We call it honking when they throw up because that's what it sounds like. I love how happy they are right after they do it, too...

  37. I have been complaining of this for the last few months. I even pick up the cat and move him to hardwood floor and he moves right back to the carpet. I also chase him with a paper towel to see if he'll hack it up on the towel... he just turns away.

  38. You know, Yasmine, we have ONE good rug. ONE. And one only. And guess where most of the cat-yak is deposited? ;) <3

  39. My Fatters hardly coughs up hairballs, but everytime he "pretends" to hack it's at some ungodly hour of the night... Like 2am. I hear him and instantly jump out of bed, thinking I'll find a surprise... But he just looks at me like "what's all this excitement?" I swear he does it on purpose...

    But in the rare chance he DOES spill his guts, without fail, it's where I'll put my foot. Whether in a shoe, my slippers, the floor under the table, clean clothes... Yup, they take pride in making their human staff members cringe. :)

  40. if you think throwing up on the carpet is bad you should meet my kitty. she starts to throw up on the tile but at the last second moves to a remote control, video game controller, headphones... anything hard to clean.

  41. My wife gets so nervous when this happens, she thinks the cat is ill or something. She always ask me if our kitty is really alright.

  42. There is a more awesome habit of my intelligent cat: he fancies gravity, so he climbs the scratching post, and pukes down from there. Every damn time. Which means twice the work to gather up all the distorted splats.

  43. Haha! For me it's waking up in the middle of the night to the sound of puking kitty on the bed. I've gotten pretty good at getting him to the bathroom before it comes up :)

  44. My cat used to run to her litter bix to puke, I was really proud of her hygiene education. Unfortunately it seems that she forgot everything while she grew up.

  45. SO true! Or, like the last three times, in my bed... Sigh.

    Just found your blog - and I'm totally in love with it!

  46. For some reason, our cat is fascinated with our carpet as well. It sleeps soundly on our bedroom’s carpet, especially when the AC is turned on. There are even times when I almost stepped on him because he looks so much like our grayish carpet! Haha! =)

    Kathy Carbone

  47. Window sill behind the black out curtains. Totally not what I wanted to see when I opened the windows for the day.

  48. We live in a 1900 sq. foot house that is all tile and hardwood...except for one 8 x 10 area rug. And yep...that's where our cat always hacks up her furballs!

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  51. Every freakin time! lol We have resorted to throwing flyers under her face to try and keep it off...I wonder what it is about carpet.

  52. Contents of this blog are good and appreciative.

  53. When my kitties do that, I hury to push them off the couch or carpet onto the hardwood.

    1. Before puking, my cat likes to get up as high as possible - like on top of a bookcase. The splatter effect is much greater that way.

  54. Haha. Story of my life.

    Mine tries to cover it up, too. If there's a piece of paper or a grocery bag or a piece of clothing sitting nearby, she'll try to paw it over the barf. I haven't figured that one out yet (esp. since she's not that conscientious in the litter box).

  55. Bahahahah! Not only is this site hilarious, but the comments from the other readers make me laugh over and over again!

    After narrowly avoiding having the dreaded furball-of-doom yacked up on my bed (and reading that other kitties like to use a precious 'vomit deposit' to test Newton's theory of gravity) I am now thankful my furbaby hacks up on the carpet instead of these other more insidious options.

    Human: 0
    Cat: Inifnity²

  56. Mine have become quite fond of hurking them up on the bed (sometimes with my husband still in it).

  57. I usually manage to get mine onto the tiled floor before anything comes out.

  58. So, So true. If there is one thing on the floor, mine like to bee line to that to hack up on. Just count it an achievement if I can navigate them to just on the carpet.

  59. Bhahaha! This is awesome. When I heard the "hack" I would try to slip a magazine or newspaper under my cat's mouth. Invariably, he would turn his head to hit the carpet instead. Once he projectile vomited spectacularly over the length of the magazine I was holding to make his mess on the carpet. After that, I just gave up and would stand by with a paper towel until he was finished. Miss that little guy...

  60. hahaha...mine does exactly the same...all 3 of them...sometimes i think they wanted to camouflaged it (guessing that thing belong to which kid)...hahaha, and i only realized that thing after i stepped on it...hohohoho

  61. sound like something my cat would do in a storm and what my mom would say.

  62. Omg seriously! I was visiting my friend and her apartment was all hardwood floors, but her cat barfed on the rug >:(

  63. It was an excellent effort made by you through your nice piece of writing, holding the quality and knowledge together for the readers.

  64. Mine does opposite. He ALWAYS goes from the carpet to the tile area and vomits there. I was so amazed by this, as if he knew it what's wrong :)

  65. Uselless scratch post

  66. Sooooooo true! Mine does that all the time! And we only have two rugs in our whole house!

  67. Haha! We have one hallway with carpet and that's were they always do it! Although tonight, Joey decided that my lap was a good spot.

  68. If I hear my cat hacking ill grab her and throw her in the kitchen(the only place without carpet) but then she decideds that hairball didn't need to come and walks off. Everytime.

  69. Jajaja really this is a evil cat รณ smart cat

  70. This is the reason why I keep shoes by my bed, so that when I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom I won't have to put my bare feet into a nasty surprise. Of course, sometimes I end up skidding along the floor in a comatose state.

  71. No way ,even when visit my nieces, that have a lot, I prefer to keep them far of mi jajajajaja

  72. haha awe poor kitty! What can you do sometimes though, right? my sister's cat does that all the time anytime any place haha

  73. Love it!! This is soo true!

  74. I taught my cat to puke on paper. I wasn't trying to, it was just that she would always vomit on the carpet -- if I tried to move her, she'd stop! So I just started shoving junk mailings under her chin. She got the idea, and I started making EXTRA certain to keep all important papers off the floor..


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