Friday, October 14, 2011

I decided to make an early Halloween comic. It gives me an excuse to draw bumblebee costumes.

Anyway, as mentioned before, I'll be doing a few giveaways for the CvsH book for this week! I have one book, and two posters from the book signing. So I will pick three random folks. All you need to do is comment below and tell me what your kitty's favourite play thing is. Easy peasy.

I'll list the winners when I post the next comic. Oh, and please don't leave your email and personal info below--just the name you want me to call out.


  1. My kitty's favorite play thing is my hand LOL!

    -katvela12345 AT

  2. My kitty's favorite toy is the bedsheets. When I change the bed, he jumps in the middle of everything and attacks my hands. He gets so worked up he hisses and spits! -thaitea

  3. My kitty's favorite play thing is my face! - Tara :]

  4. I have three cats.

    Nemo's favorite play thing is my stockings!
    Daria's favorite play thing is the laser, but Nemo is afraid of it. It's so strange.
    Benny's favorite play thing are cotton balls and mousies! I hope I win!

  5. HAHA! This comic is amazing!

    My kitteh's favorite plaything(s) - Myfanwy, my kitten-ish kitteh LOOOOOOVES the laser pointer. And will bat it to me when she wants to play. My older kitteh, Hobie - his favorite play thing is his brush. He will find it, and knock it down to my feet to get me to use it on him. If I don't use it on him, he'll brush himself!

  6. OMG that is too cute. Hmmm, easy kitties' favorite plaything is me! BarbR7

  7. My kitty's favorite plaything is a small fake mouse filled with catnip. She goes crazy, and then decides that her new favorite toy will be my high heels. :]

  8. Our kitty loves to play with anything it's not supposed to...namely, toilet paper. Toilet paper everywhere.

  9. My kittehs favorite thing to play with is hair bands. It's like he has hair band radar. He can hear my girlfriend take them out of her hair and he'll just appear next to her. Every morninng we find multiple hair bands in the food bowl where he stock piles them. He loves mini-stuff mice, string, bells, lazer pointers and socks. But he is obsessed with hair bands. <3

  10. love this Comic, My cat's favorite toy is the plastic ring from milk bottles. He bats and pounces and chases all day long :)

  11. Please marry? I'll open a kitty farm just for you :)

  12. My kitties favorite play thing is their catnip toy mice. They even have it down to a science. Bring mouse to human. Human throws mouse, I return it, I get petted, repeat.

  13. Hello :D My kitties favorite play things are this toy we have where the mouse zips around inside weird contraption and they have to try and catch it, and also, trash haha. We have bought them several other toys and they choose trash over it.

  14. we have a cat who loves to play with milk rings. as in the plastic ring that connects the lid to the gallon jug while still in store shelves. the pink ones are apparently the favorites!

  15. haha my fave kitty's favourite play toy used to be my little brother...He became a good scratching post because he always picked her up

  16. Computers xD
    He loves to chase the cursor, or make a mess with the sheets he finds on the printer.
    He also sits on my laptop and falls asleep in there when Im using it xD

    (I want the booook D: )

  17. I adore this comic, it's so fun!

    My cat's favourite toy is a door hanger mouse that squeaks! I'll play with it a couple of times to get his attention, then he just goes all out on it. Especially at 3am when I'm peacefully sleeping...

  18. That's what it's gonna be like when people come to my house on Halloween lol.

    Of bought toys, my kitties like the cat nip mice although in general they prefer to steal q-tips or anything small off my desk. Like rocks or the tiny ceramic lucky cats I collect.


  19. my kitties resurrect the dryer lint from the trash to use as a toy :)

  20. My kitties, Poe and Lenore, love playing with those plastic tabs that come off the tops of milk cartons. They won't play with normal toys anywhere near as much. Also, they steal my hair accessories and hide them under the furniture.

  21. Aww, I was going to be a bumble bee for Halloween this year, but I couldn't find the cloth I wanted. Maybe next year. My kitty Maru loves her fluffy green mousey toys, but only in one spot in the house. She shoves them underneath my bedroom door and then makes a bunch of noise trying to reach them with her whole arm sticking underneath the door, about half an hour after I go to bed.

  22. I have two kitties... plus will be getting a 3rd one soon when my boyfriend & I move in together... well, Molly is his kitteh. All three of them have different playtoys that they love.

    Hana, my tortie, love my socks. She drags them out of the hamper and carries them around the apartment.

    DoomKitteh (20 lb all muscle black cat, brother of Hana) loves plastic spoons, my skin (he can't be petted without licking my skin obsessively in return) and a catnip banana.

    Molly (my bf's kitty) loves a mini-coyote plush that I got for him... she steals it and hides it under the bed.

    BTW... the crazy cat lady costume... that's what I wear EVERY halloween now!

  23. my kitty's fave thing is plastic bags! rustles them all up, eats bits and then barfs them on the floor!

    love, ami

  24. My kitty loves the little pop tabs from orange juice cartons!

  25. Our cats favorite toys are furry mice...they are all over the wella s the laser pointer of course lol

  26. You never need an excuse to draw a bee costume! My cat loves to play with my hair bands. Its scares me just a little... -Brenda

  27. My kitties' favorite toys are the ones I don't pay for, like the boxes their toys come in, or books I leave around, receipts on the table, etc. I feel bad sometimes that I don't have many toys for them, but then I realize life is a toy to my kitties. <3

  28. Very cute! I'm always amazed at how we cat lovers can associate almost every one of your comics to an experience we've had!

    My ADD cat Snoopy loves the little plastic rings off the top of the milk jug. He is pretty "meh" about expensive cat toys, but throw one of those on the floor and he entertains himself for an hour at a time. :3

  29. My Stanlee boys favorite toy is balled up notebook paper...and my little Sylvie kittens favorite plaything is Stanlee <3

  30. My kitty's favorite play thing is my toes! Especially when I'm sleeping.

  31. My kitty loves to play with my hair elastics! I always find them scattered all around the house! They even hide them in my bed!

  32. My cats' favourite things are each other. Suffice to say they don't always get along :p

  33. My cat Sasha's favorite toys are plastic shopping bags. Once I came into my room, and she was running around full speed with a bag in her mouth. I can't keep them away from her either! If I try to hide them she will find them!

  34. I'm surprised the kitties aren't going after little Mini-Bee there. I have a cat that chases wasps on the rare occasion they get inside. Luckily I've caught them all before he gets hurt.

    I have 3 kitties. The oldest's favorite toy is a finger puppet bear wearing a Santa hat we got from the dollar bin at Target forever ago. He sleeps with it, carries it around, holds meetings with it, and plays until his big gray butt passes out. The middle cat, my Siamese, loves the ring tabs off milk cartons. What she likes to do is to get one and put it on her paw like a bracelet and admire it before gnawing it to death. The youngest has what we call his "bug". It's a toy designed to hang on a doorknob with a butterfly dangling from wire but he likes carrying it around, the knob ring scraping the floor, and when you play he likes to run in circles like a dog chasing its tail until he falls over. If any other cat so much as touches that bug, no matter how asleep he is, he's up and getting them away from it. All three have their special toys and they don't share.

  35. Lately... because it changes often... Otto's been playing with his tail while he spazzes out for 35 minutes a night or my girlfriend's knitting needles.

  36. My kitties love this rat with really long tags on it from Ikea that was in the kids area for toys! It's bigger than normal cat mice and the tags drive them crazy! Good luck to everyone, good luck to myself, and thank you for the shot to win ;) !

  37. All three of my kitties love a balled up piece of paper, or my hand. Those commercial milk top ring toys are good too.

    Love your comic!

  38. yeah, i'm cat lady when i forget to lint-roll my black tops :P Felix's favorite play thing is when we play with the laser pointer!! The moment he hears the button 'click' he's all into it... Felicia's favorite thing is the feather duster... a real treat when I tease her with it :)
    Thanks for the continuous flow of comics ! :))

  39. My cat Moo-moo's fav toy are milk rings.

  40. Bowie's favorite play thing in the whole world is bottle caps! He will stop eating wet food (a delicacy in our household) if he hears a bottle cap drop on the ground!

  41. One of my kitties loves panties! She always grabs the clean ones I'm folding and runs off with them! They're like kitty magnets. And then my other two kitties have a little yellow dinosaur they carry around the house, it's been through a lot, IT'S MISSING AN EYEBALL D:

  42. The plastic ring from milk jug tops. :)

  43. I have 2 Babies. Kabooki and Buttons. They both *adore* hair elastics. They will both play fetch with me and drop them at my feet when they want to play :3 Kabooki also has a habit of dropping several hair elastics into his food and water bowl. Love your comic btw, It reminds me of my life! <3

  44. My kitty's favorite toy is her stuffed rat from Ikea!

  45. An old mesh laundry bag I have. The collapsible kind. He'll spazz out in that thing. even more so if it collapses on him while he's in it. He'll run out of it and start pouncing and gnawing on it

  46. I have 5 new little bundles of fuzz! They all love the bouncy mesh back rest that they ripped off my moms chair. Laid on one side it is a kitten cat-a-pult (har har) where they can rock and fling each other into the air. Laid on the other side it is a spring board, where one is under it and the one on top bounces a foot in the air attacking! All for $1.00 at the Dollar Tree! Shoe strings are a close second.

  47. My cat, Rahziel, likes to play with foam balls most of the time, fetching them when we throw them. He also likes to play a predator/prey game with our toilet paper. It is such a mess!

  48. One of my kitties is obsessed with one particular kind of artificial flower, he loves to play fetch with them but he loses them all the time and he only likes them when they're a bit roughed up, so we have to pluck a new one off the bouquet and give it to our puppy so that it gets mangled quick haha

  49. My kitty's favourite toy is definitely paper towel tubes. He's obsessed. The second you throw one on the ground he falls over and starts blissfully killing it. My other kitty loves twist-ties and plastic. Neither of which he's allowed to have. My other kitty loves fake vampire teeth on a string. And my other kitty likes fake mice (and real ones when he can find them unfortunately). He's a traditionalist.

  50. It used to be the aluminum crinkly ball which I described as kitty crack. However, that has been upstaged by the laser pointer which is kitty...what is more addictive than crack?

  51. Holy Bijoly I love your artistry or whatever you call it. I could never in a million years draw anything to look halfway decent, but you, let's just say I'm jealous. Lol. Anyway I wish the best of luck to you in all your endeavors, especially CVH! My cat Roscoe absolutely loves to play with these little white fluffy balls that he tore off my slippers. He rolls around on his back and meows and meows and meows like crazy when he gets a hold of these things! His brother Luffie stole my husband's dogtag chain and he turns into a little devil with that thing. We have to warn guests to leave him and the chain alone when he has a hold of it. Thanks again for the art! It always makes my day! :)
    -Ariel Bower

  52. we have 4 cats, one loves to play with my 1 year old son, one loves to bite my hair, one loves to play with the odd toilet brush toy we have, and the last likes the laser pointer :)

  53. My kitty's favorite thing to play with is Mardi Gras beads....not the cat toys he gets when Santa Claws stops by. (Unless it has feathers...then the feathers MUST be obliterated, then after that, it's useless)

  54. We buy all sorts of expensive toys and gadgets, and still my cat's favourite toys are socks and plastic bags. We can't leave any of them around, or the cats will keep us up all night.

  55. Since we got a puppy, all of my cat's favorite play things have been ripped up. Now his favorite play thing is the dog!

  56. The cats in my life belong to my best friend. I spoil my furry nephews with the fake mice and the balls with bells in them.

    Thank you

  57. My cat used to love playing with my hand when she didn't try to play with my phone!

  58. Ooo, Domino's favorite toy EVER is a wadded-up piece of paper!
    It's hilarious/terrifying to watch his green eyes be completely overtaken by his dilating pupil whenever someone crumples up a scrap of notepaper.
    He's even been known to fetch it! Well, twice!

  59. My kitty probably likes my mom more than any play thing, since she can easily call her over and play with her for hours if she wanted to. :3
    I think my kitty, Ruki (though we refer to her as "Meow Meow" since it was so much cuter), loves my mom more than any of her little knick-knacks laying around the house. <3

  60. My Converse shoes o_o
    She likes to use them as a scratching post every morning after I put them on... lol

  61. Definitely the cat nip mouses on Christmas morning, she tears them apart ^__^

  62. omfg i want =D!
    Kiski's favorite play thing gotta be my hands, when he see me at the computer typing he tries to catch my fingers hahahahaha

  63. My kitty's favorite play thing is a modified cat teaser I made out of a fly swatter and some string.

  64. Hair ties and the little pull tabs from milk. She loves to play fetch with them.

  65. Oh, geeze, my cat's FAVORITE!? She's got some particular things. First is he scarf. I just picked up one of my mom's scarves laying around the house one day and played around with it and she's hooked. Her favorite thing is to hider under the scarf and then you take a feather toy and she ZOOMS across the carpet!!! Then she has an obsession with her turtle toy. When I bought it it was on a stick with a string.... yeah, that's been gone for about a year now. The turtles eyes are popping out and I've had to replace the stuffing with paper-towel because she ripped it all out. She'll start by giving it kissies and then she attacks it! We're very confused about her relationship with turtle, but if she loses it for a while and then finds it it's like kitty CHRISTMAS! And she also really, really, really likes these cheap little poofer balls. I think those are all over her favorites <3

  66. My kitty, Laszlo, is kinda ditzy. His favorite toy is his own tail. If I cuddle him in my arms and wave his tail in front of his face, he'll attack it and start chewing on it. Every time! It's like he doesn't even recognize it. It's so cute. :D

  67. My kitty's favorite plaything is my boyfriend. I think she likes him more :P

  68. Yesterday, my kitten's favorite plaything was a wine cork. Today, my older cat's favorite plaything is my kitten's face.

  69. I have a cat that loves to play with brussel sprouts!

  70. My 3 love twister ties rolled into spring shapes. They will sometimes play fetch with them too!

  71. Which kitty? For Deidre it's tribbles (little fur balls). For Yuan it's toy mice. For Maggie it's the laser pointer. ^_^

  72. My cat's (Luna) favorite toy is me :(

    Silvia Chacón

  73. My kitty is a bit old to play now, but she is still in LOVE with all my old My Little Ponies! When my 5 year old cousin comes over, we take all the ponies out so she can play, and immediately Cuddles emerges from her slumber to sit on the pile of ponies like a queen! We always leave one or two ponies out to keep her company :)

  74. my baby's favorite toy is her little stuffed flea doll. she carries it with her everywhere!

  75. We have 7 kitties, but some currently live with my family. Our kitty that's currently with us, Pandora, loveloveLOVES her foil bird. In fact, she loves to play fetch with it! She will expect us to throw it and she will retrieve it for up to an hour if we let her. She's a trip and cracks us up constantly!

  76. My kitty's favorite plaything is crinkled paper wads. From the first tempting sound of paper being slowly t...o....r...n, to the ear perking sound of it being crumpled into a ball, then the exquisite pause just before I ---*FLICK it off the edge of the desk, and he shoots after it sliding all over the wood floor. Sigh. good times! >^ ^ <

  77. My cats all have different playthings, but one item they can all agree upon is the boxes my supplies shipments come in. They fight over who gets to crawl inside the 'cave' first. And once a new shipment arrives, the old box is immediately cast off, and the brand new 'cave' is once again territory in dispute.

  78. Millie's favorite toy is a little white bear. It wasn't even a toy but a decoration on an x-mas gift of mine a few years ago. She loves to carry it around in her mouth and occasionally we find it drowning in their water dish.

    Kitty's favorite toy is a small plastic stick that has remnants of feathers. She likes to carry it wherever she goes and it is always on the bed when I wake up in the morning. -blaess23

  79. My little kitty Fitz is obsessed with straws! He loves to bat them under doors and meow about it while I'm sleeping.

    - Jillian J.

  80. I have 2 cats. Ozzie and Curie :)

    Ozzie likes to fight with my dog, Charlie who NEVER does anything to Ozzy. He just likes to mess with him. And Curie is just an anti-social brat LOL. I try to pat her then I would lift my hand up to find a bloody mess. So I guess my fingers are her play thing LOL. -Zach R.

  81. My kitty, Dash, loves to play with my hair...while I'm sleeping!

  82. My Kitty loves to chew on my buttons!

  83. Kiara loves to play with everything!
    Put your hand down on the arm of the couch, her pupils will get big like a bottlecap. If you whistle, she'll run at you like you're a bird. I think her favourite thing to play with is dragonflies. They're free, very mobile, and apparently, they're very delicious...
    Beetlejuice, my little anxiety cat, loves string. Not tiny string, the heavy-duty stuff. His favourite is a long yellow ribbon that was tied around a box I got from my stepmom's baby shower.
    As nervous as he is, he only plays at night.
    After everyone else has gone to sleep.
    And when Kiara is in another room.

  84. Errrm, aside from standing in front of the screen when I'm looking at your comics (makes me feel guilty!), Zuuly is a big fan of getting his paws on the little red, plastic ring thing that comes off of a milk jug.

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  85. My kitty's favorite play things are these decorative cloth balls which are supposed to stay in a basket but they are usually found on the other side of the house at the end of the day. My mother gets rather mad about it.

  86. My kitty's favorite toy is any one of my cardigans. He likes, let's just say he LOVES them and leave it at that.

  87. My cat's favorite play thing is an empty top ramen box. When the box is facing down she crawls under it and pretends that the box is her turtle shell. Or so I imagine in her little cat brain.

  88. My cat favorite play is nurse on my arm. yes, NURSE. he is 5 years but acts like a kitten!

  89. the joyful pain of a cat kneeding your face is the best thing in the world

  90. My kitty's favorite play things are my dreadlocks or my ankles when I'm going up the stairs -__- lol

  91. We have four kitties with VERY different personalities, however, the ONE thing they can agree on is how much they love boxes and their awesome toy mouse. Our arthritic kitty will turn on some major hops to get the mouse, as will her very chubby sister (Jabba). Our bobtail and his sister LOVE to play king (or queen) of the castle with any box in our home. It's amusing to see a beagle sized cat try to fit in small boxes.

  92. My cat Camille loves the small crinkly mylar balls. The big ones scare her. Sometimes she will fetch the small ones.

    Nicki, who is not a kitten, prefers the Kong Kitten Kickeroo - she often tosses it in the air and flip it around on her own. It is, however, distressing when it ends up in the litter box, the water bowl, the trash can, or other less desirable locations from vigorous flinging...

  93. My cat's favorite play thing is a straw. After I throw it Layla will run to "catch" then bring it back to me even going so far as to place it the couch for easy access.

  94. My cat's favorite plaything besides me, are paper bags, any kind! Whenever we get into the house with paper bags she'll go crazy and climb wherever they we leave them and inspect them. She also likes to inspect any bag at all, Milla's a VERY curious cat!

    Thank you for giving us the chance to win something :)

  95. Teddie's favorite plaything is my arm, and sometimes my box of tissue. - Jayna

  96. Socks plays with anything that doesn't make sense. Pencils, anything metal, bits of dust, nonexistent things only she can see. She also goes crazy over strawberries and peppermint teabags.

    Spaz loves her catnip mice. :)

    They also love chasing crickets that get in the house.

  97. I have a lot of kitties, but for one of them, his favorite thing to do to play is toss items off the shelves to test if gravity is still working. We call him Newton when he gets like that...

  98. My kitty's (mercutio) favorite plaything is thread. He just loves stalking the super fine thread along the floor. He would unwind an entire spool if he could.

  99. My kitty Hippie loves boxes, and a little stuffed chicken named Chicken. She likes to play with/eat my herbal heat pack too. Do they put catnip in those things? That would be weird. Thanks for the giveaway and congratulations on your book!

  100. My cat loves to play with toy mice. She's always so exited about a new one (no matter if she already have 5 around the house).

  101. Both my Scampy and my Lucy LOVE Q-tips and ear plugs! :-) And we ALL love you and your comic!

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. My Gracie like tomato stems and makeup brushes!!
    -Miaoux Mix

  104. My two kitties love the plastic wrapper off the milk jug more than any store bought toy!

  105. cat #1 favorite toy is catnip
    cat #2 favorite toy is peoples sock covered feet

  106. My cats favorite toys is feathers and stick. One of my cats get really excited when he hear a paper crumble and that when he you to throw the ball and he start to play with it lol

  107. My cat Sofie plays fetch or rather chase LOL with my recycling. She hears the sound of crushing a water bottle and will run and sit to wait for you to throw it for her. We throw it and she runs after it, bats it around and then looks at you waiting for you to pick it up and put it in the bin. She also likes to steal pencils and run away with them (she annoys my son when he is doing his homework by stealing them from him if he sets it down!) AND OMG never mind all the shiny things she steals!! I swear she is part Cat/Raccoon/Dog/Tiger - I wouldn't trade her for anything though!

  108. There's going to be A LOT of comments for you to go through haha, but I have 4 cats and they each have their favorite toy. Wednesday loves chains, any chain she hears she goes after. Pugsly loved this little bear/mouse mutant thing, he likes to throw it up in the air and freaks out when it hits the floor. Pumpkin goes nuts for hiding under the blankets and attacking everything that goes by, even my feet. Lastly Widow loves pens, she'll find them and steal them. I've found her stash, it's unfortunately in the cat box so I can't use them anymore. If I win just call out Berkley-catlady. I think it's so cool we live so close to eachother!! I hope I win!

  109. My cats favorite play thing is my headphone wire.

  110. My kitten's favorite thing to play with is either my toes while i'm asleep or my hair when i'm asleep. I guess whatever wakes me up. ):

  111. My Kitties love the strangest things.

    The plastic ring from the top of the milk is their all time favorite.

  112. One of my kitties used to love chewing on barbie heads (only the brown haired ones, and he tended to take the heads... ), though now that he is older and cat naps most of the time its dandy lions that take is attention. My other kitty, I would say her favourite play thing is a person, and only the one she wants. One of my past cats that was vary deer to me enjoyed sleeping on peoples laps, railings, chars, tables, beds, faces, the top of the stairs, and pillows. Every day when I was little he and my grandmother would compete over the same chair. When she would come down in the morning, she would shew him off. Then when she went for lunch, he would take it. This would continue the hole day, and never stopped. I would say his fav play thing was my grandmother and her chair. Good times :).

  113. Despite all of the toys we've bought her, my cat Bing is most amused by aluminum foil balls

  114. My kitty Sasha (whom I just adopted, she was rescued from a cat hoarder) loves old boot laces! She likes to prance around with it the lace hanging out of her mouth and show it off to me and my roommates.
    We all love you comic! :D

  115. lol my cat's favorite play thing is my jewelry

  116. I have two cats, so I'll tell you the favorite play thing of them both (just because I want to be fair to them :D)

    Rastan (male, 2 years old) has a thing for green beans. Yes: fresh, uncooked green beans. If you throw one at him, no matter how high, he'll jump in order to catch it - and he ALWAYS gets them. He does the craziest things while playing with them, and as he's a *huge* cat, it's really fun to watch.

    On the other hand, Fu (female, 9 1/2 years old) goes absolutely crazy over shopping tickets. If I leave my bag open on the bed when I get home after buying groceries, she'll dig around until he finds one ticket to play with; and then he'll run all over the apartment hitting and chasing the tiny bit of paper. Preferably at 3AM or so.

  117. My cat loves to play with jacks! I taught her how to fetch and now she wont stop!
    -Lauren V.

  118. My striped cat LOVES to play with q-tips and bottle caps, my little grey kitty loves to play with ANYTHING and my large gray cat only likes to play with the other kitties.

    Cat toys have proved to be nothing but a giant waste of money in our house! Haha!

    <3 MuffinLovesBiscuit

  119. Maggie loves to play with and in plastic bags(no matter what size) and Allie loves the little colorful Hartz Kitty Frenzy mice, she's usually seen packing them around the house in her mouth.

  120. My darling Kali and her daughter Obsidian love playing with (and nesting in) my hair :| Also, my 4 year old is content to pet/play with either of them for hours on end, and could thus be considered a favourite thing ;)

  121. Scarlett -occasionally emery boards
    Buddy - anything
    Horus - anything, but especially reflections
    Wildfire - Horus

    Mandy. :-)

  122. My baby, Diana, loves to play with soccer balls, toilet paper rolls (fully papered) and passing feet <3

  123. My cat Turtle's favorite toy? STRING. Her favorite game? Hide and seek! We take turns hiding around corners and jumping out at each other :D She also plays with my toes as I'm trying to fall asleep. lol It hurts 40% and tickles 60%. She makes me laugh so much <3

  124. My cat doesn't really play...but he is pretty evil ;) So his favorite play would be to destroy my stuff, eat the computer wires and spinning on the carpet. He is such an awesome kitty :)

  125. Davey loves to play with my socks even though he has tons of toys lying about. he still prefers my socks. >.<

  126. My kitty is going on 16 years and his favorite play thing would have to be either hair ties I lose around the house, which he keeps in his food bowl... Or q-tips he steals from the bathroom. He's a little old man thief!

  127. my kitten's favorite play thing is his little stuffed goat. yes, a goat. he carries it all around the house and even tries to feed it by dropping it into his food daily. :)

  128. My kitty's favorite toy is my mechanical pencil when I do school work. He likes to bite the eraser and try to steal my pencil while sitting on my books. :)

  129. wow I think this is the most anyone has ever commented :O thats great!! My kitty likes rolled up paper balls. She loves playing fetch! :)

  130. Tamago's favorite toy is this feather toy.

    He won't play with anything else so I always have to go out and get replacements.

  131. Loki's favorite play things are my apron strings. I have a little rack holding all my aprons and the strings dangle about the floor. He loves it. Sometimes he'll just sit there and paw at them until someone moves them around wildly for him to catch. Cuteness.

  132. My cat's new favorite is a laser mouse. It is the only thing (next to her shadow) that will keep her playing forever!

  133. usually my face...or a rodent! depends on if he's inside or outside :) my fingers are crossed!

  134. My kitty's fav play this is a broken peg ;o)

  135. Kitty's like to play???
    My kitty doesn't do anything except lay on his favourite spots, some are... in the sun on his chair and our couch

  136. My two cats (Hide and Seek) favorite plaything is each other. They chase & wrestle with each other ALL the time! They also love the laser pointer, dangly toys, and mousies.

  137. My kitty, Chocolate Lily, loves to play with her plastic stick with feathers stuck on the end. When I play with her, I can use it to get her to run and jump pretty high and turn mid air. My favorite is when I catch her playing by herself every now and then. She walks from room to room with the feathers in her mouth and the stick dragging along side :o) silly kitteh!!!

  138. My kitty's favorite play thing is a sock from my drawer!

    kaiou - andrea

  139. My cats favourite play things are as follows:
    Patra: the shell that the kinder toys come in with a bell inside
    Cleo: cat dancer
    Butters: laser pointer
    Skipper: The little plastic tab that you have to remove from 4L milk jugs before opening the lid

    I just love, love, love your comics and think you're the greatest!

  140. My kitty loves to play with twist ties that are made into a circle or a spring. She goes CRAZY when she sees them

  141. My kitty's favorite toy is the much face eating.

  142. My cat loves to play with anything sticklike: sticks, pens, the handles to most cat toys...

  143. My tomcat loves his stuffie, my 2 yr old calico her furry mice and my 5 month old kitten beer bottle caps or jungle bell balls because she's partly blind and can hear them when she plays :)

  144. My cat's favorite toys are anything that was not originally intended as a cat toy, preferably if it did not cost any money or only cost a few dollars. That would be things pens and pencils, my hair ties (particularly the GIR ones), little plastic things that once had thread around them, and the laser pointer from the 99 cent store. She also likes hands under the blanket on the bed. Her absolute favorite though was a length of string obtained from when by boyfriend shortened the pull on the blinds.

  145. My cat is VERYYYYYY playful..
    He likes to play and hide my colored marker pens A LOT!!
    My kitten would hide my pens one by one and keeps it in his cage under his blanket =)
    And I'd have to buy another set of it cause apparently, he keeps it to himself, and NO, you can't take it back..hahaha

    Ohh did I mention, he is blind in one eye and partially blind in another?
    Yup, a smart cat he is <3

  146. Mikhaela(big one) loooves to play with... my hair >.< . She`s like my personal hairbrush that follows me arround the house(when she`s not sleeping/eating). The other thing she loves are
    the plastic ring from the top of the milk/juice.
    Aleenah (little one)plays with everything that moves, including her dad`s legs lol

  147. Love the giveaway! My kitties love to play with bottle caps!

  148. Their favourite toy is always the box any toy arrived in, and never the actual toy :)

  149. Binx loves the little plastic balls with bells in them! If he really wants to play, he'll either carry one in his mouth or bat it forward with his paws to me, so that I'll throw it. He likes when I throw them over his head so he can jump up at them.

  150. Mine is a little random, haha. So I bought some shoe inserts with gel bottoms for myself and had to cut them down to fit in my shoes. My cat, Kitty, loved the scraps and would carry the large crescent pieces all around the house with him. Whenever he was on the tile floor he would bat them around, fling them, and then go chase them and repeat the process.


  152. My 20 lb orange tabby, Toast, will roll around on the floor and chase his tail.

    Timmy, our 12 lb grumpy old man doesn't really play anymore, but he used to love to drink beer.

    Our favorite was 6 lb Boney Maroney. She just got really sick in August and we had to put her down. But she used to love those rubber bracelets that started out as yellow Livestrong bracelets and then turned into bracelets for everything. I would hide them from her in my purse and she'd somehow get her little paws on them and then go crazy! I wouldn't let her play with them too much b/c they were such cheap plastic that she'd tear them apart and I worried that she'd eat pieces of the plastic. But she loved them so much.

  153. My cats like to play with rolled up aluminum foil and spiders ._. Scares me when they find black widows.

  154. My kitty likes the spiders in my room. :[

  155. I have two kitties: Mikey and Mushu. Mikey's favorite toy is, well, anything--but he especially likes a little blue and checkered pillow with catnip in it. Mushu likes a little brown mouse.

  156. Steve's favorite toy is the top of a box. He likes to play morse code with it.

    Caleb's favorite toys are twist ties... and my nose while I'm sleeping.

    So far Momo's favorite toy has been an upside down (drying) bridesmaid bouquet. Oh the mess...

  157. Well, on the off chance you'd ship it to Canada...

    My kitty's favourite play thing is a tiny little stuffed duck toy. She tosses it around and goes completely nuts with it. Even after she loses interest in other toys she's had for months, she still keeps playing with that one.

    I love the halloween comic though, it's hilarious :) I'm in full halloween mode, and trying to think of a costume myself. Perhaps I could go as a crazy cat lady.

  158. I don't even know what you call the toy...the stick with the feathers/string/other bobbles on the end.

    Yeah, they love that...except they've ripped everything out long ago except for one or two sad pieces of string holding on.

    So basically, my cats really love a plastic stick.

    Mary Rebecca

  159. Wooow, there are a lot of answers!!!!! Nice to know there's so many people who loves little kittens.... My kitten's favorite toy is my sister's old dog tail... I bet the dog is not pleased with it, but at least he does not complain too much...

  160. era's favorite toy is her house of boxes that i made for her...or her cat nip mouse XD.

  161. Unfortunately, my sweet black kitty's favorite plaything is my face. In the morning. When she wants food. And that is very sweet and cute except when her claws need to be trimmed...ouch! Not the way I prefer to wake up from a deep sleep! :) I can't wait to read your book!

  162. My kitty's favorite play things are my feet under the covers!

  163. My cats favorite play thing is live mice because he is a born-to-be-wild cat

  164. My kitties' favorite play things are plastic bags rolled up as a ball. They chase them around the house and try to eat them every now and then.

  165. Hello! My name is Amanda. Penelope's favorite play things are black rubber bands and Lillith loves any fishing pole type toy.

  166. My kitties get potatoes out of the bowl on the counter, throw them on the floor, spoon them and then dig at them with their back feet. I've spent over $900 on towers and heaps more on actual toys, but they like potatoes.

  167. my cat's favourite plaything is my face! Head buts it, licks my nose and lays on my chest and paws at my face when I'm trying to sleep. A kitty's way of saying I love you.

  168. My kitty's favorite game is fetch. She has a dog's knitted bone she loves to carry around and brings it over whenever she wants to play. I love her <3

  169. My dog does not really play; she sniffs, walks and cuddles. She also really likes kitties and would appreciate a book. :)

  170. Our main cat's favorite plaything is scotch tape, which he also chews and tries to eat.

  171. My cat's favorite plaything are all of the legos and small action figures in my brother's room!

  172. Our kitties love to play with hair ties, paper (particularly post-its), and they enjoy chasing each other all night long and wrestling on their cat tree. Oh, and btw, their costumes this year are bumblebee and ladybug! :)

  173. I have three cats:

    Cortana's favorite playthings are twist-ties from bread bags and the plastic rings from milk jugs, even though we buy her plenty of real toys.

    Aristotle's favorite plaything is the feather teaser.

    Benny's favorite plaything is Aristotle (especially his fluffy tail).

  174. My one cat loves to play with those soft puff toys, she'll hold them softly in her mouth, go wild attacking them, and then lay on top of them. The only other thing that drives her wild is rugs. She LOVES accent rugs. Her brother adores them too. Sleeping under attacking, chasing each other over and around them...
    - Susan B (from C-Bus)

  175. Love the comic!!! <3

    Starlight's favorite toy is a length of heavy, plastic, neon orange chord that's all curly. (Taken from a spool of line for a weed whacker.)

    Spock's favorite toy is a little bit of flimsy black rag he found under our porch when he first came home to us!

    Jasmine is too old and grouchy and far above such things as toys!


  176. My boy cat's favorite toy is a giant faux-lamb skin rug. He'll drag it around the house while "Rrrrrrrrraaaaaaawwrrrrrrrrr!"ing. My girl cat's favorite toy is a plain stick (like, the handle end of a flying toy...), moving around on the floor.

  177. I have three cats and they love the same toy.
    "mousy" when one sees the other playing with mousy or sleeping with it they get pretty jealous with that jealous I want it stare!

  178. Gosh. Mine love these red cat toys. Some are balls made of red plastic mesh with a bell inside and a small red feather attached to one end, some are red tinsel. It's common to see the kittens, especially, carry these to their favorite hiding spot (under the bed), or to their other favorite spot (on top of the bed). It always cracks me up to see a cat with a toy in his mouf.

  179. My cats are obsessed with a toy called Neko Flies. It's a bug that dangles from a stick, but it moves in a very realistic fashion. Sometimes it freaks me out because it looks exactly as if a giant cockroach is running across the floor. But my two Siberian cats think it's the best thing ever.

  180. Right now it's a cardboard box. Throw some catnip in there are we have a party!

  181. My cat's favorite thing is a roll of paper towels. Beaker goes nuts over it.

  182. I have three cats. Peppie just loves to chew on his own tail but he's so chubby that you need to help him get it. Mephistopheles' favourite game is forcing you to open the door 2o million times a day. Mr. Darcy's favourite toy is any scrunched up paper ball. I'm lucky, their toys are cheap :)

  183. My Floppies favorite toy is my fingers, either under the covers or on the cat tree or anywhere, we love to play cat and fingers, and the kitty always wins!

  184. cube b. is obsessed with pipe cleaners and maribou feather boas. he also has this stuffed animal hedgehog you can put catnip inside. gliese is obsessed with any ball she can easily carry around in her mouth. right now she likes the rainbow foam one. she likes to knock it down the stairs and chase it. can't forget the laser pointer!

  185. My kitty loves to play with scrunched up paper balls! She picks them up with her mouth and puts them in her water bowl then swats them as they bob around in the water hehehe, adorable!

  186. Boost's favorite toys are pens. Coloring pens, ballpoint pens, you name it. All our letters come out looking like gibberish because he loves swiping and chewing at them as we write. It's hopeless. We have to shut him out of the room when we write birthday cards and he knows we have pens and cries outside the door. We tie them to string and hang them from doorknobs and he goes spazz batting them about until he loses them under the fridge.

  187. Yay....

    Favorite plaything: A doormat that she rolls around on top of.

    ps. thx for the great comics :)

  188. How about anything that is NOT meant to be a cat toy? :) Tom Nom's favorite toy is usually any box. Especially if he is too big to fit inside it. Then he will REALLY try to fit inside it...He will also chew off bits and pieces of it and spit them out on the floor for me to step on. Make a giant mess and then usually try to TAKE the box somewhere else...He's a funny kitty. <3

  189. Buddy LOVES pipe cleaners! And I can get a pack with like 30 in them for a dollar! :-)

  190. My cat Oberon loves these catnip mousies I bought for him at the herbal shop in our Renaissance Festival very much, but I actually think his favorite toys are my hair ties!!! I know he's been in my room when I find a hair tie in the living room floor (or in his water dish...). Something about it being a circle shape drives him crazy!

  191. My senior girl has slowed down BUT she will still go crazy for a catnip toy and my younger guy will play with anything ... even shadows!!!

  192. Your blog is so funny and realistic.

    My favorite cat play ismy hand hidden in the catnip. It makes her think my hand is a mouse or something like this. Her eyes turn black, she looks like crazy, a second before she was a baby, when my hand touches the catnip, she's the wildest hunter of the jungle. It's so funny.

    Michael c.

  193. I swear my cats' favourite playthings are my wife and I. "Let me in, no, let me out." "I wanna eat NOW, no, I'm not hungry now. (after prepping the food)"

    I'm sure you get the drift. -_-

    Jason Woo

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