Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The more expensive something is, the less they'll like it.


  1. i spent 19 dollars on a bag of premium litter. that was the medium size, and my cat would crap on the newspaper instead.

  2. Totally true!!! XD

    They know how to economize...

  3. at least the cats are cheap to keep ;)

  4. oh my gosh. when i first got my kitten home i was at my wits end because it didnt seem to matter what i used he wouldnt do his business in the litter box... it had to be the exact same litter as he used with his mum or he would poo on my housemates bed.

  5. Cats like to be in familiar surroundings, I think. They like routine and things they are used to. They kind of get thrown off if you mix things least that's how my kitties are :)

  6. The first day I carried my cat home, there was nothing in the house to cater to a cat's needs.
    Just put some newspaper in hope that he would at least pee/poo there. Came back from work, a wonder patch of nice smelling pee on the bed and a innocent 6 month old cute face meowing at me.

    The instant my gf poured in a small amount of crystals into the box, he knows that's the place to pee/poo.

    Some of the proudest day to be a kitteh dad.

  7. My cat will shit in anything I put down for him, but if I don't clean out the litter box he will poop in my bathtub in protest lol

  8. Hhahahaha that's totally what happened to us... but it's because those crystals didn't work and it just smelled like urine!!! Waste!!!!!!!

  9. First day in our new house the cat climbed up on the counter and pooped in the sink. We were only there for less than a few hours too.

  10. JUST LIKE MY CAT ANGUS! : ---D He's so fussy about the catsand.

  11. Oh ni! this made me laugh out loud. kitties just know that it's not about the money, huh? :)

  12. We got Kali a fancy new litterbox, the Breeze with the pellets and the separate pad beneath for absorbing pee.... We set it next to her old box so she would get the idea to use it, and she stood in her old box and used her paws to rake in the pellets from the new box. >__>

    She finally used the new box last night. Fiancee and I were overjoyed and showered her with treats. The only downside is she expects treats now everytime she goes poo....

  13. This just happened to me and my cat yesterday! I got the crystal see-through litter and he hated it at first because it's so loud when he walks into the box. After a few hours he warmed up to it though and now I find it much better than the usual stuff.

  14. My kitty cats use corn-based litter made by Arm & Hammer. It's a little pungent for the first couple of days, but it works well.

  15. Haha, I don't think we ever used any fancy litter with our cats. But when I have my own place and a kitty, I'm gonna be ambitious and toilet train it :D

  16. So true. My tabby girl likes Cat's Pride Multi-cat Clumping. Do you think I can get away with Cat's Pride Fragrance-free Clumping? NO. She pees in the laundry basket if I bring that home. The worst of it is, the stores frequently run out of Her Highness's brand, so I have to hoard it.

  17. Better on the floor than in someone's shoes...

  18. I personally love your kitty's facial expression in frame four.

  19. Yes, right! One day I bought a litter made of pellets. It was recommended to me from the shopkeeper. My cat looked at it and and then he went to pee in flower pots...
    Now I buy the normal one ....

  20. Thank god I didn´t had the same problem with my cat =D We tried several litter and my cat didn´t had a problem with any of them. Right now I use litter made of plant fibre, you can easily flush it in the toilet, it´s really great. =)

    1. What kind of litter do you use? What's it called?

  21. I'm beggining to think that my cat does his business outside the litter box just to make clear who is the boss. When I saw this comic, I thought "this is the story of my life" since I moved to my boyfriends place he seems to ratter poo just right beside his litter box. No matter what kind of litter we use.

  22. Same goes with toys! I can spend $$$ on a kitty condo, but they will always prefer empty boxes.

    I also spend $$$ on their food, but they have a soft heart for the cheap stuff.


  23. So true! Cats aren't consumerists, thankfully! And they hate any litter with fragrance.

  24. I thought I'd be nice and buy my kitty a can of expensive cat food with actual recognizable food pieces and he turned it away for the cheap stuff!

    There was the tiniest of moments where I considered eating it myself. x_x

  25. sigh. yes. One of mine refuses to use anything except a certain kind of Fresh Step. Not just any litter of that type, but that specific brand. what a bore.

  26. My Miss Lena uses Feline Pine, just as our old cats have, I hate the crystals and the 'regular' litter from most stores are dusty!

    Sadly I bought the only box of Feline Pine from Petco and it was "clumping" instead of "Original" which sticks to her feet, finding it's way into odd places like my sock box under my bed. o.

    Here's a link to the site if anyone is interested in trying it!

    Its hard to scoop but it absorbs moisture so its not too bad!

  27. OMG! This was my week, but it was about kibble rather than litter - thankfully. Last year one of our cats was really sick, but she bounced back thanks to steroids, but that still doesn't make overly contentious about what made her sick in the firs place. I thought maybe it was her diet so I have been trying to wean our cats onto more healthy kibble. We made our way through supermarket "healthy" kibble - begrudgingly. This week I crossed over to the pet store "healthy" kibble - for a small fortune for a small bag. Of course the cat would NOT touch it! I caved. I bought her favorite "junk food" kibble. She is in absolute HEAVEN!!! After she gets her fill of junk food from her bowl, she dips her head into the bag - like sh's never eaten before and she eats more! Maybe I can return the pricey small bag for at least a store credit. Maybe we'll buy her another fish she can gaurd from escaping the fishbowl. Let me just say in the 4 years that we've had our goldfish, there have been no escapees!

  28. My little princess cat has expensive taste. She'll only use "World's best cat litter" and her favourite food is tiger prawns (you can't eat prawns in the house without her fighting you for them).

  29. Yep. I spent $20 on a corner, covered litterbox and another $20 on Cat Attract litter in hopes of getting my cat to stop using the carpet as her litter box. No dice.

  30. This is so true. Once I spent around $50 in toys and their faves were the $1 mice. Then I bought a $100+ cat condo and a week later a $5 plastic house... Guess which one was their fave.

    BTW I love this blog. I always thought I was alone and my cats were some special aliens breed. Its good to know Im not alone :D

  31. I wish this were true. When given the choice between one box with the corn litter and the expensive senior Dr Elsey's brand, she made it abundantly clear that she was using the expensive one.
    She still only likes toys that are non store bought though, like boxes and crumpled pieces of junk mail.

  32. Mine too, has a knack for expensive food, so much that he hardly touches the "cheap" food anymore.

  33. This was exactly my experience trying to use the pretty crystals litter, too. haha!

  34. @Flamebird - dammit, you made me spit my drink everywhere. All I can do now is wonder what on earth your housemate smelled like to have that effect.

    My pair hate anything with odour-neutralizer. I think they might be able to feel it - they have rather sensitive skin.

  35. My cat Coco dislikes anything that isn't the natural litter, which is bad for us because that was the cheap litter, and they STOPPED selling it. We are currently trying to get her used to the typical (and second cheapest) litter, but she doesn't seem to really like it. I am wondering what to do.

  36. Same thing goes for food! If you change brands, forget it lol

  37. I switched my cat to feline pine litter. It's interesting to see used if you never have. It's got pellets.

    Now when I first switched from the normal gray litter stuff, I had to "ween" him off, so I kept switching how much of each til all I had left was the pine litter. If I were to switch him right away, he'd be like "what the heck is this? I'm not going in here". But if you slowly trick them, they get used to it.

  38. I have to tell my cats something's expensive or they won't like it. I got them different food, and my husband asked if there was a price difference. I said it was about the same and he said "Oh, It's MORE expensive than the old food?!" I didn't know what he was doing until I noticed one of our cats eavesdropping. They like the new food. However, they did NOT like the senior cat food. They are NOT old, thankyouverymuch.

    While my cats like expensive things, they have no wish to try to save the world. I tried them on World's Best Cat litter, which is made of corn, has no dust, and lasts much longer than clay litter. They reacted just like this comic. Even when I tried to slowly mix it in with the old litter.

  39. My kitties hated the crystals too. I hated them because they didn't clump......I like clumps.

  40. Marian5390 (My username for most sites)January 21, 2012 at 1:01 PM

    Kitties are humble creatures! 8D

    We use "Swheat scoop". It's a wheat litter - very nice, not bad for the cats, and completely flushable! ^^

  41. I have two cats and two litter boxes. Immediately after cleaning the boxes, one of the cats poos in one then he pees in the other. The other cat, not liking this, then uses the bath mats, sigh.

    I had one of those expensive LitterMaid self-cleaning litter pans, but the mat user refused it because he was afraid of the motor and movement. Also, they insist on Arm & Hammer, and you're supposed to use better litter in the self-cleaning ones, so I had clay forming in the track. Gave up on that self-cleaning one and threw it out.

    Now I'm debating whether to just remove the bath mats and give him the choice of the box or the cold floor. It's very frustrating.

  42. Oscar (my cat) stands in the litter box with his butt hanging over the edge. Poops outside the box. No matter what size litter box, with lid our without, he always poops outside ... I call him my special needs child.

  43. ahhahhah... ohh yes!!! My cat too!!!

  44. My cat hates crystals too xD ! He mad me crazy!

  45. My cat watched the dog poo outside and stopped using the box, she now poos outside in her own pooing area. *All the posts made me ball with laughter!

  46. My oldest cat has had the same litter for the past eight years. The store didn't have it one time, so I bought litter with "odor-absorbing crystals," and my cat didn't use the litter box for two days. He didn't go anywhere else, though, either. I thought he was sick! Poor baby just held it until he finally couldn't take it anymore and started yelling/whining at me.

  47. thats the same crystal litter that I bought! and they poop like everywhere. :|


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