I'm not the jealous type--except when it comes to this.
My sister stayed with me for a few weeks. All three cats slept on her bed instead of mine during those times. Those were cold, lonely nights.
Anyway...in case you aren't in my FB page or Twitter, I have a little shop now :) I have tees and prints. You can visit it here.
In addition, I'm going to be at I Can Has Cheezburger's event. Folks like The Oatmeal and Laurie from Itty Bitty Kitty Committee (Gah I love that blog! So many kittens!) are going to be there too. Stop by and say hello!
I know how you feel! When my sister and I both go home to visit our cats, I mean um, Dad, it's always like a competition to see who can get the most affection and attention from the kitties!
ReplyDeleteI am the friend that your cats ignore you for and I am sorry but I love the sqeeeee
ReplyDeleteaww... i totally am the girl who steals friend's kittah love. my cats are too afraid of new people that they hide for a while unless that person has been over a lot, so they're pretty loyal to me in that case. but- i get really excited when they decide they want love from my friends because that just means they're good people. cats know! :)
ReplyDeleteKitties will be kitties... but still whenever my cat ditches me for someone else, I pull out the kitty treats. :) My secret weapon!
ReplyDelete:o I'm the same! We bought a new kitty three weeks ago and my sister-in-law roommate (with whom I share EVERYTHING cause we are besties) kept trying to muscle in on my place as mummy cat and steal my cuddles! But not my kitty litter duty tho - wouldn't mind if she took over that for me! :p
ReplyDeleteMy friend and I discovered nothing will make a person more mad than saying that their cat likes you more than them
ReplyDeleteMy cats are doing this right now while my BFF stays with me for the week. Eventually one of them will come back and attack my feet after he realizes he can't crawl under the sofa bed she's sleeping on, but, still jealous. :(
ReplyDeleteHaha I'm in the reverse situation. My red tabby was so attached to my brother. Then he went to 1 week camp, now the cat stays with me all the time and ignore him. He's kinda jealous and I'm kinda guiltily enjoy it. Lolz!
ReplyDeletethis happened to me too when my sister came for a visit...
ReplyDeleteWhen the guy came to install my digital cable a few weeks ago, I thought Rocky was going to leave with him. I never saw him get so attached to someone so quickly. He was sitting & staring at him, then chasing him when he would move, rubbing against him...so funny.
ReplyDeleteI'm the guilty party that gets the kitteh snuggles. The worst part is, is that it's -always- he supposedly more aloof cats that glom right onto me. (But then, pretty much all animals do this, even cows and horses!)
ReplyDeleteI think I inherited it from my father. When he came to visit for my wedding, my black cat was all over him. He always used to say he didn't like cats, but he lied. ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm that person.
People call me the cat whisperer because they can't get their cats to even look in their direction but said cats will adore me within seconds. >D
Oh please please please make stickers for your shop!!!! And/or stuff for iPhones (skins, backgrounds, etc)!
ReplyDeleteI've been on both sides of that couch. Other people's kittehs always attach to me like that, but my girlfriend got all of my kitteh snuggles whenever she came over.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, my mother's here... Similar situation gonin' on...
ReplyDeleteThe same thing happens to me when my sister comes to visit! Except her adorable kitten (The Fluff) always sleeps with me :3
ReplyDeleteMy Korben completely ignores me when ANYONE comes over. He also runs to the front door as soon as he hears someone knock. If I don't get to the door fast enough for him, he reaches up and starts fiddling with the door handle as if to mean "It's ok, Mom. I'll get it!"
ReplyDeleteHe then spends an hour doing sideways summersaults and landing on his back with all limbs spread out in front of my guests as if to say, "Look what I can do!!!" I don't exist until my guests leave.
I think it is just a way to watch the intruder :)
ReplyDeleteMy cats LOVE strangers! They are almost embarrassing when a utility worker comes into the house, they won't leave them alone! When I had the cable set up in my new house, my one cat Gracie kept sitting behind the guy and he kept tripping over her. I felt so bad I offered to lock them in the bedroom, but he was a cat person (!!!) and kept loving on them while doing his job.
ReplyDeleteBTW, just ordered a shirt! Yay! Can't wait for it to arrive & wear it proudly.
daikon eklectik, u r right. They absolutely DO. ;)
ReplyDeleteYasmine, my sympathies. But it's at times like these I'm glad I don't have a (biological)sister, and my "sis" lives 2,000 miles away. ;)
haha, my husband's cat doesn't like me as much as strange men. She used to be our shop cat, and she would purr and rub up against customers and try to leave with them, and if I picked her up, she would growl. what a jerk cat, huh?
ReplyDeleteOne of my kitties is very cuddly, and the other is extremely anti-love. I get incredibly jealous when she consents to cuddles from someone who isn't me!
ReplyDeleteReading about people's cats getting attached to strangers (like cable guys, etc.) reminds me of the time our fire alarms kept going off (faulty wire), and when the fireman came over the cats would not leave him alone! It was pretty embarrassing, especially since the boy cat thinks it's appropriate to lay on his back and show his (leftover) manly bits to strangers.
I HATE it when this happens... :c Breaks my heart every time.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you make a comic about the opposite: when you have a very friendly kitten and when you tell that to a visitor, the kitten ignores completely the visitor? It happens to me ALL the time!
ReplyDeleteI useds to has kittees liek that. Useds too...
ReplyDeleteMy cat is mostly indifferent to other people and their approaches, except for my boyfriend, she loves him :D
ReplyDeletehahahaha thats very cute!
ReplyDeletethey also love my sister's husband. he woke up to shelley sitting on him and staring intently at his face. he kind of freaked out.
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ReplyDeleteI am so jealous that you can go to the Cheezeburger party :-( Seattle is too far away from Atlanta.
ReplyDeleteTotally!!! Although I must confess, if I'm visiting a friend and their cats are all over me, I feel like the most special snowflake in the whole damn world. XD
ReplyDeleteIf this would happen at my place, I'd immediately start plotting to kill my sister :) I'm gonna take a look at your shop right now.
I'm always jealous when my kitteh does'nt give me all of her attention and affection ;)
ReplyDeleteMy cats did the exact same thing when my sister came to visit me!!!
ReplyDeleteOoh! This happens to me all the time it makes me so mad! A friend will come over and i will be like "This is my kitteh and she does not like people accept for me" And then she will go and fallow my friend around all day..... :/
ReplyDeleteMy more "aloof" cat only does this to our immediate family members, my mom, my husband's sister, etc...(despite the fact they rarely visit). I am thinking because we look/smell similar or have similar mannerisms or something. Otherwise he has little interest in anyone else.
ReplyDeleteA warm, fuzzy kitty snuggled against you on a cold , cold night is a must. And I know how rejected one feels when they go and sleep with guests. I usually kidnap mine right back. :)
ReplyDeletethanks for the heads up, i just added the link to my christmas gift list, my aunt will love one of your products!
ReplyDeleteMine are too fearful (and wild) to do this... so I'm not jalous!
ReplyDeleteFickle is the love of a cat when it comes to guests.....they are wild & territorial animals. They r probably just trying to claim ur sister just to make her smell right (aka like them) or possibly they r trying to ashyxiate her while she sleeps....they want all the attention. Don't feel bad, keep bacon in ur socks & catnip in ur bra.