Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The favourite part of the bed they like to sleep on is our heads.


  1. On the long move home from L.A. back in 1990, my Dad, who flew out to accompany me on the drive back, became intimately acquainted with Vincent, the orange cat I'd adopted while there (that Dad had just met). Every night in the hotel, Vincent insisted on keeping my Dad's bald head warm. Dad was the only person upon whose head Vincent would sleep. They're both gone now--I wonder if Vince is keeping Dad's head warm in Heaven. Anyway, seeing the orange cat on your head reminded me of that.

  2. aw! what a sweet thought jeanne. thanks for sharing.

  3. hahaha! so cute!

  4. Jeanne, that is wonderful! I hope that we never loose those memories! (ps- Orange kitties are AMAZING!!)

  5. I is sad....My cat don't keep my head warm. He only keep my legs and my crotch hot.

  6. My cat, ideefix used to sleep on my head too. Ever since he was a baby. I lost him recently 3 weeks ago. He was 15 years old :(

  7. Hahah, it's the same with our dogs! :D

  8. When I was young I had a cat named Sam who would always sleep on my pillow at night. My aunt came over for the holidays and she got my bed while I was on the couch. Both Sam and my aunt got a surprise that night. xD

  9. I would love to sleep with my cat, but he stays awake all night long and wants to play, he bite my feet, he jump in my head, so he stays out the bedroom hehe

  10. The bedroom, for my cat is out of bounds when the lights go out. Last week my parents came to visit and so I slept in the living room with my cat as they had my bedroom. When I was sleeping, or trying to sleep, little cat was kneading my head and sleeping right up at my neck. It was cute and so now I can see how this cartoon is so true!

  11. Hey Jasmine, been reading Cat vs Human for some time now, and every time you post a new story, I can't say anything but "so true..." ! Having three kitties at home, our lives are just perfectly depicted in each and every sketch you post here.
    You made my day. Again. Thanks so much !

  12. Fond memories of waking up to my seven year old sister screaming after waking up at my cousin's house with black and white ball of fur the same size as her head apparently trying to suffocate her.

  13. haha, so true.
    Mine's no so typical, i guess. She likes to get under the sheets and cuddle with my feet. Only if she can't get under the sheets will she curl up on my crotch (if I'm on my back) or behind my knees( if I'm on my side).
    Like one of the comments said, my cat bites my toes and heel too. It's an aqcuired taste, i guess, 'cus I enjoy it now.

  14. One of my kitties loves to sleep on my head or just sit there and style my hair. He'll also climb on my shoulders when I pick him up and just...hang there. Oh, kitties. :)

  15. Our old cat Icarus would always sleep on my husband's chest. It was so cute. Our new kitten Athena doesn't sleep on either of us, but she likes to get under the covers and sleep behind my knees or in my arms.

  16. Its so weird, cause Ive heard that cats do this. But my two cats, does not like to sleep on my head. Tiny cat who sleeps in my bed, lays exactly next to my head (I have a pillow for her there) or between my legs. Big cat prefers lo sleep in bushes outside, and always comes in with bugs and twigs in his hair, cause he has long fur, so I have to brush his hair every day.

  17. when i was pregnant my cat ALWAYS slept on my head! sometimes i would wake up and she was sleeping on the whole pillow and i had none haha. but before, and after pregnancy, she never did this. i think she knew she couldnt lay on my tummy anymore

  18. So true!! I'm glad my cats aren't the only ones. I actually upgraded to a queen mattress last year, thinking the cats would have more space to sleep and they STILL sleep on my head and face!! It's ok, I wouldn't have it any other way.

  19. All of the cats I have had and none have been head sleepers. Under cover sleepers, crotch sleepers, between the legs sleepers and behind the knees but never the head. However until this last cat I slept with my head buried under pillows--

  20. My cat, at the middle of the night, sneaks into the sheets of cloth and uses my feet as a pillow... xD

  21. That's how it is in my house. My little Ziggy loves to cuddle us and usually wakes us up in the morning by licking our noses and purring like a motorboat!

  22. Our heads are their beds here too. It can get hot and noisy (purrs)

    Yasmine, the little statement advocating against declawing, docking, defanging et al, has gone from the bottom of the page :(

    First time I landed on your site, Gerry our scruffy lad rolled on the keyboard and the page zoomed down to the bottom where the statement was. I was cheered to see you not only making exquisitely observed and very funny cartoons, but also advocating for animals this way. Any chance the statement could go back? Little things like that do make a difference and one day those awful, crippling mutilations will be banned everywhere if we keep that message going :)

  23. oh and the cats also LOVE to sleep on our chest and between our legs!

    hi everycat! oh i took it off. i was going to rewrite it and make the wording a bit better then post it again. sentiment's still the same :)

  24. My cat likes to lie her head on the side of pillows, or when she's with my parents, she sleeps between both their pillows XD but she can't stay on our rooms because she's TOO hyper, she will start making noise whenever she wants to go out, and then to get back in again. Too much of a crazy kitty :V but she likes monopolizing all the couches, oh~

  25. Hi Jasmine, I'm glad you still feel the same and are working on a replacement :)

  26. My alpha cat won't let any of the other cats sleep near our heads. They aren't even allowed to sleep on the pillows wile we're awake.

  27. Lol, same here... both my cats enjoy sleeping around (or over) my face...

  28. No one is allowed on my pillow while I'm on it. The cats have learned this through trial and error. If they had their way, our bed would look like this every night.

  29. The first night with my first cat was slightly scary... I woke up with her sleeping on my neck. When I tried to move her, the claws came out. I now know, two years later, that she was just stretching and telling me she's the boss. She hasn't slept on my neck since, but she's still the boss.
    Nafsika - my sympathies to you, I can't imagine your loss :(

  30. Ahaha, that is soooo true!!! :D
    Beautiful stories from other comments...
    Kisses from Brazil!

  31. hahahahah...sooo cute and so true...

    love kitties!!!!
    love your stories!!!

  32. hahahahaha my baby girl like to sleep between her daddy and me <3 is shelley your orange cat your favorite?? she is the most drawen and she is always with you¡¡ sweet

  33. Hahahahahaha! So true to my cats in every way!

    My orange cat, Kyo, does that to my husband sometimes when he was a kitten - either on his head or his neck. But these days, he would curl up between us for snuggles and snoozing.

    Yuki, on the other hand, would sleep on my side at the foot of the bed because I'm the shortest of the two of us. He is our daily alarm clock as he would normally wake hubby up for either attention or breakfast*.

    *He's idea of breakfast is 5.30am.

  34. My cats give me inspiration as well: This is of me, staying up with my kitty. Doing the same things.

  35. This is very common situation with our cats too. Allthought it's mostly our younger cat who does that

  36. Hi Yasmine~
    Love your kitties and CvsH! <3
    Just wondering though, you've mentioned that the kitties love sleeping on your heads on several ocassions - have you ever inhaled enough cat hair to hack up a furball?
    A Closet Fangirl

  37. Have you seen I think you'd love it! They have 5 adorable kittens on a live cam for hourrsss. I'm am incredibly addicted!

  38. do they at least avoid suffocating you? mine doesn't sometimes. :(

  39. SmallKitteh has her own pillow next to mine that she likes to sleep on, while BigFatKitteh tucks herself under my left arm and lets me spoon her.

    The purring is deafening.

  40. Thats a th9ing all cats do :D
    Btw, how can I add this to blogs I'm falollowing. There are so many ways of bookmarking and sharing this, but not that one.

  41. In my house, we call that KittyHat.

  42. When she was a little kittenling, Spaz used to sleep by my head. I LOVED drifting off to sleep listening to her rumbly purr.

    Now she sleeps on my legs or my side. :( I miss the head-kitty days.

  43. aww reminds me of my cat, he curls up & sleeps on my shoulder & snuggles into my face but mostly it's my feet he keeps warm when he snuggles at the bottom of the bed :)

  44. In your drawings, is Money the light grey one and Dumpling is the darker one or vice versa?


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