Sunday, April 17, 2011

Saturday is kitty adoption day at the pet supplies store.


  1. That's the story of how I met my kitties!

  2. one of the best kitty's blogs that I know =D

  3. You are a woman of my heart. I want to do the same every time I go to Pet Store. I always look forward to a new entry from you. Thanx for sharing your art and spirit with us. Nancy a.k.a. cybergata

  4. LOL! I think we all get 'crazy-eyes' at the adoption center =D

  5. Yes it is - that's how we got BB the orange boy - went in to buy cat food for our other kitties and I just couldn't let those other people have him (They didn't look like nice people!)

  6. There is always room for one more in your heart.. just not in the house.. :(

  7. Same in my hometown! I always came up with an excuse to go to Petco on Saturdays between 1 and 4!

  8. yup. it was at the petco...we go to petco or pet food express or whatever local shoppe and a lot of times they will have some sort of adoption for kitties and puppies going on. i've adopted while shopping so many times :/

    nice to see y'alls do the same thing. lol!

  9. Oh, how I know. I have major problems every time. We're full up here, but sometimes I buy a toy to donate to a little one waiting for a loving, forever home. Or put some food in the donation bin in front of the checkout lines. Crosspost for cats in need on fb, too. Hope everyone reading who doesn't do this yet will look into it. Every loving adoption is a big success and so joyous!

  10. yeah...i feel bad not adopting another one. i always donate as well. sigh. it's the least i could do.

  11. One rescue near us always keeps a few kitties at a local PetCo. There is actually a PetCo that's closer, but my human always wants to visit with the rescue cats.

  12. I love kitties so much but I already have 2 so alas, I cannot adopt any more at this time. :( But to counter that, I volunteer for a local shelter so I can play with all the kitties there! :D

  13. my cat just gave birth to 5 kittens this morning OMG!!!

  14. I can't go into pet stores anymore ._. I want to bring all the kitties back :(

    BTW, I totally thought of you and your blog when I saw this:

  15. Cute. :) I hope every kitty who's up for adoption will be adopted soon.

    Mars of fashion insouciance

  16. That is so me!!
    Anyway, I work at a big box pet store in North America and we're having an Adoption Weekend from April 29 to May 1.
    Please come check out all the kitties who need a home and lots of LOVE!

  17. that's where I adopted my Cody! He was there when the foster rescue he was with brought their doggies and kitties there!

  18. I found your blog Thursday the 14th and my pet human Bob and I read it all in one sitting. I got Bob to add you to the links on my blog so all my friends can find you too.

  19. Marthaamay O_o: Or the budget.

  20. i'm the same way!! i know i can't adopt any more kitties but that doesn't stop me from looking!

  21. And that is precisely why I am not allowed in the adoption area any longer!

  22. Whenever I see the adoptable kitties, I always always always have to put a finger in the cages to pet them and play with them... even though I am severely allergic and go home with itchy red eyes.

  23. That is totally me, When I was a kid and we went to the pet store, my mom would head to the cat food/litter/etc. while I would go look at the kittehs.

  24. I LOVE YOUR COMICS! I discovered this site a few days ago, and I would laugh and read everything, now I can barely wait for your book which I intend to buy (and it comes out on my birthday too =X!). I feel SO identified with most of your comics, my cat and dogs are exactly like that XD and I always want to adopt more, it's madness!

    Thanks for making these amazing stripes!

  25. i love nothing more than going to the pet store and checking out all the kitties. im pretty sure its why i can never get my boyfriend to go. we don't need another cat, but i want one so bad!

  26. i like the sign saying KITTY ADOPTION, with the cat saying "i need love". makes me melt. xD

  27. The local Petsmarts all have dedicate cat adoption areas that they let local shelters populate. But I'm kinda relieved that the store I go to doesn't do this. After being a hard core volunteer for a bad year at the shelter where I got two of my four the sight of homeless cats breaks my heart.

  28. i know...leaving the adoption center is the most difficult part :/

  29. This is why I'm not allowed in pet stores. Unfortunately, there's a pet store on the ground floor of my apartment building, and there are KITTENS IN THE FRONT WINDOW. There's no getting around it. Yes, I adopted one.

  30. Caturday ;)

  31. Oh God! That's the story of my life... ^^

    Petsmart had an animal adoption day the other day and I was like OMGBBQAOSKDJF;LAKDJSF PET THE KITTIES!!!


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