Saturday, April 23, 2011

My cats' secret stash is under the oven.

Oh, and sorry I've been scarce. I was sick for a week-ish. I'm somewhat back now. Anyway, happy weekend!



  1. My cat's secret stash is under the bathtub :D lol. All her favorite spongy balls end up there. My hubby regularly has to take these out. :))

  2. My cats like to hide their toys under the couch.

  3. Hope you feel better soon! If I accidentally leave a bag of treats on the counter my cat, Pepper, will drag it off under my bed. Last time I moved we found 10 scratched-at, gnawed-up, empty bags. LOL!

  4. My cat pushes her toys, one by one, under the closet door, then meows loudly at me until I open the door and get them all out again. She usually does this in the middle of the night.

  5. lol i have two cats... we realized at one point toys seemed to be disappearing and lol one day we cleaned under the couch and one of the kitties (the others a little bigger so can't really get in there) had made a nice little pile (yea pile lol) of toys under there! LOL


  6. Feel better soon! My cat likes to keep her stash under the fridge and stove, or behind the entertainment unit. I always find furball-covered mice, straws, and all sorts of things under there.

    Funny story - when we cleaned the sump pit in my basement, we found three "crunchy ball" cat toys in the bottom. My cats don't use the basement, but obviously the previous owner's cats did!

  7. LOL! My cat does exactly the same but under the refrigerator...
    Yesterday I recovered 6-7 balls from there :P

  8. Once we had a workman here, and he moved the couch. He looked down at the various small balled up foil chocolate wrappers, rings from milk jugs, and crinkle balls, and said in a flat voice "cats?"

    In our house if there's enough space under it, and enough depth a cat can't reach the back of it, there is something stashed under it by one of the cats.

  9. Haha! Nice. One of my cats doesn't even bother with toys anymore. The one that does play with them doesn't stash, he just leaves them strewn about the floor. There have been several mice left on the stairs as well. Naughty kitty.

  10. Happy Easter to you and your furry family!

  11. Every situations are same in my home... have cats!!!
    Kisses from Brazil

  12. My cat's secret stash is in her litter box.

  13. YAY! Glad you're feeling better, it was a lonely cat week! :D *hug*

    My cat never plays with whatever I get her... :(

  14. my cats favourite toys are boxes. i don't even know why i buy them toys.

    thanks for the greetings guys! xx

  15. jajaajaj so cute!!
    My cat's secret stash is everywhere.

    I hate him.

  16. My cat started playing a game where she'd play soccer with her pouf balls on the kitchen floor and when it would go under the oven expect someone to get it for her. -_-

  17. My toys end up in my crinky tube thing.

  18. My gosh, this cracked me up real hard. XD
    Glad to know you're okay now, Yas!

  19. my cat likes to drag qtips from the trash and stash them under rugs! this has been her "bad habit" since she was a kitten, and she's about 14 now. cats are so funny

  20. Mine goes for under the couch or rim of the coffee table. grrr! I usually say screw it and pull out a new one. LOL.

  21. In our home, with eight contributors, it's the stove, washer, dryer, and entertainment center. Oh, the treasure troves I find -- along with dust bunnies the size of small dinosaurs.

    Feel better soon! ;)

  22. My one cat hides them under his bed and they are a mix of toys and pens/pencils. We have to hide all writing utensils lest we have them all disappear.

  23. My kitty likes to hide his toys under my bed, dresser, arm chair...basically anywhere where he can't get them back. He's cute, but I don't think he's quite thought out this strategy.

  24. @jillie the great -- my cat money is like that!!!

    it seems most of our kitties like to stash things in hard to get places--or expensive electronics. lol!

  25. Gosh... mine do that as well... although they hide their toys inside my bed T_T that's rather... uncomfortable haha

  26. seriously, there's some sort of death plague going around the office; boo being sick!

    Also, my husband and i are starting to think you have a hidden camera in our house, your comics are so spot on with our cats. 0_o ha ha ha! i pulled out no fewer than 9 cat toys from under the stove at one point (in addition to a few massive dust bunnies, and a petrified breakfast sausage that we thought was a petrified kitty poo until we looked closer)

  27. My cats don't stash, they pointedly put their toys in the main walkway of our apartment for playtime, and look annoyed that we've gotten used to stepping over them without looking. The one exception is milk jug rings, which seem to go in the bed.

  28. Our kitties always lose their toys behind the TV or in the closet. However, one of them also enjoys parading around with them in her mouth, and somehow manages to meow while she does it. Then, if I call to her, she deposits the toy wherever I am (usually on my pillow).

  29. Mine loved to stow her things under the couch.

    Welcome back, hope you are feeling better! :)

  30. Yay! You're back. Has been a sad catversushuman-less week. Glad you're feeling better.

    My cats have multiple stashes (basically anywhere they can't quite reach to remove things themselves - under the fridge, TV cabinet, futon...). The two 6 month old kittens like to migrate toys around the house, particularly noisy plastic ones down the wooden stairs at night. *grin*

  31. Mine uses the sofa for his treasures, hehehhehee! :)

  32. YES, you must have my cat Walter's twin! Walter will prowl around the house with his toys in his mouth (like a dog), then drop them in the kitchen before deliberately batting them under the oven & pawing at them while stretched out flat on his belly. I'll post a pic of his most recent recovered stash!

  33. My cat hides her toys. I'll go months without seeing the furry little mouse, and then all of a sudden there it is! (and then gone again)

  34. As a tabletop gamer of many years, this reminds me of the many stories I've heard of cats keeping hoards of dice that they've "appropriated" from gamer owners and their fellow players.

  35. Haha! This reminds me of a time I came home and my mother looked at me with a serious expression and said, "Bella (my cat) has a serious problem..." She then peeled back the kitchen rug to show where my cat had stashed old milk gallon cap rings!!! It was funny :p

  36. Mine stash their toys behind the fridge here. Which is an improvement on what they did at my last house... They killed some birds while we were out and stashed 4 of them in a roll of carpet. We found the gruesome mess and disposed of it... but two years later we found a bird skeleton stuffed behind the video recorder.

  37. My birman breeding queen has a secret stash under the two seater sofa..because she is the only cat that can still get in under it (and don't ask me how she manages because there is a very tiny space betweeen the edge of the sofa and the floor - though when she gets under it there's plenty of room) and there she hides glittert soft balls and hair scrunchies, especially glittery ones...she's a magpie at heart that cat!

    Otherwise under the TV counter is a good bet! Or the water bowl - for some reason our other birman puts soft toys in the water bowl every now and then. Or the bed! We alsmost alsways have at least one kitty toy in our bed.

    My old domestic longhairs don't stash things, though.

  38. I regularly find toys stashed in my running shoes. I'm convinced it's the kitty way of saying, "You should be playing with me instead of running around in circles for an hour!"

  39. We avoid this problem (learned after YEARS of incidents just like the one you illustrated) by placing a bubble level (like from the hardware store) across the opening at the front of the oven. Its just the right size and it doesn't block air flow but toys "shall not pass"!! Anything sturdy & wide enough will do... I know it sounds so simple but it took us years to finally think of so just thought I would share! Although some furry kids will just pull the blocker object away from the oven, bound & detemined to shove toys under it and then cry pitifully until someone fishes them out... That's the REAL game lol!

  40. I wondered the same thing until I moved out of my apartment and into my new house. When the guys moved the washer and dryer, I found about 20 tinsel balls, several fuzzy mice, enough hair to grow another 12 cats or so, and many miscellaneous items such as milk carton rings, pens, twist ties, and other unidentifiable items.

  41. My cats' stash is under the fridge. I recently got a new fridge, and when we moved the old one out, there were bundles of fur and toys everywhere. Well, mostly trash because the cats won't play with real toys anymore. My younger one loves the plastic off of medicine bottles.

  42. Somehow my cat gets behind the stove and we often move the oven and fridge to retrieve their toys...

  43. When I got a new oven, I found four missing jingle balls cleaning the area out. At least none of the fuzzy toys wound up under there!

  44. Last 5 years i had a cat.. He always stole my panties.

  45. I have a storage drawer under my oven. I rescued a black cat back in December, who it turns out loves that drawer. I recently found toys, pictures, wrappers, etc. Now my big thing is trying to keep her from doing that again:-|


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