Friday, March 4, 2011

FYI, it’s not a bad thing.

Next week’s comic will be on Wednesday instead of Monday. I’ll also have a comic on Thursday or Friday as usual.


  1. I am the resident cat lady in the family. I don't care, I love my cats.

  2. Is that pug drooling?

  3. I'm what you might call a "dog lady", and I get the same looks from people. I don't think somepeople understand the joys of pet companionship.

  4. It's not a bad thing AT ALL :)))
    Hugs to all the cat people in the world, as a matter of fact, to all PET PEOPLE :)) can't imagine my life without cats anymore! Some friends raise their eyebrows when they see that people can actually LOVE their pets. My question is - what is wrong with that?

  5. Oh I hate those little "handbag" dogs, they yap and snarl and bite. Big dogs are better, but I prefer cats all the way. Cats don't slobber.

  6. Is it not possible to both a dog and cat lady? ;) I'm an animal lover all around.

    And I have a small dog (pug-ish, mix possibly) that I rescued. She does not snarl, yap, or bite. I don't prefer big dogs or small dogs, but I've seen plenty of big dogs that were barkers, snarlers, and biters.

    And my dog doesn't slober, and I've met cats who do :)

  7. @KP don't take my comments personally. My own experiences with little dogs have left me wary of them. I do actually love one little dog - the West Highland Terrier, I've never met one of those dogs that doesn't have a lovely disposition. My neighbour has some sort of terrier thing that yaps all the time. I was also bitten by a small dog as a child so that's why I'm not so fussed on them. And the slobber comment was a joke what with the drooling pug in the comic.

    I would love to have a Chow - big gorgeous teddy bear dogs. My nan's neigbour had one and he was the sweetest dog. He liked digestive biscuits :D

  8. I'd rather be covered in cat hair than dog slobber! Cats rule and dogs drool!!

    Truth is, though, I love all pets! Cats, Dogs, Reptiles, Birds, Rodents, you name it I love it! I'm a Crazy Pet Lady all the way!!

  9. They p!$$ me off to high heaven, too, Yasmine --and you've captured their "look" and expression perfectly! Stay true to what you know and who you love, and IGNORE these creeps, is always my advice ;)


    A really interesting article on cats and women. Haha!

  11. pfft dog people what do they know of cats!!
    cats are wonderful lovely fluffy purr balls i love them

  12. Dog people don't realize that we don't feel insulted at all when we're considered cat people..I mean, where's the offense in loving the most intelligent, sophisticated and gorgeous animal??

  13. I love em both, but you can always have more cats. You can only handle so many dogs.

  14. I am looking for an apartment in SF right now and have encountered not one but TWO landlords who are totally ok with dogs, but NO CATS ALLOWED. Now, I love both cats and dogs, but I happen to have a cat. I think it's great when places allow both types of animals, but I can understand why people would be wary to have a canine tenant since they can cause damage, and will go to the bathroom on the floor if not taken out. But I cannot understand, if a landlord is ok with a dog, they would say no to a cat. I know some can spray, or claw carpet, but my cat is neutered and these apartments have hardwood!

    We managed to talk one lady into the idea but if we get the apartment she wants a $1000 cat deposit! How in the world, I have to ask, is it possible for my incredibly lazy, 6 year-old, NEUTERED kitty to cause $1000 worth of damage? It just seems like blatant discrimination against cat people!

  15. Your characters wear such interesting costumes. I love it. :)

  16. least we don't show off our cats to everyone because we think everyone loves them. It irritates me when dog people will just show up with their dogs randomly because they thing their dog is the best thing on the planet.

  17. You should feature black kitties! My sweetest kitty Miles feels left out!

  18. Hah. One of my cats drools when she's extremely happy. It's so cute and gross at the same time.

  19. Poor doggie! pet of those girls... can you imagine?? agh!
    All my love to every pet friend, especially cat ladies!
    I'm such a cat lady, by the way...

  20. i agree that 'cat lady' should be CELEBRATED! there's no such thing as a "crazy" cat lady, it's just ppl who don't understand her love of cats are crazy~! ^_^

  21. I've been enjoying Cat vs. Human, but I just have to ask -- why is one of the women dressed like Pocohontas???

  22. Proud cat lady here :D

  23. It is nothing to be ashamed of ever. At my most drunk moment I told a coworker at a party that " Love kittiesssss!!!! and Babiessss!!!!" and I would never take that statement back. :)

  24. Okay, no offence, but you REALLY need to link each comic to it's individual page! I'm still trying to comment on your most recent one! D:

  25. I have a dog and 3 cats, and I love them all, they're the best friends I ever had


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