Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Not a toy, Kitty!



  1. aw­wwww ! can't be any cuter xx
    i'm trying to imitate your drawing of those cats. i'm a cat maniac too :)

  2. You forgot condom packets.

  3. but it has a string! it has to be a toy!

  4. wow... thats a cool toy... its just like kitties.. run of with something you need thsat isnt meant for them.

  5. Hahahahah! Lovely! Have cats!!! Hilarious!

  6. so true. luckily my cats aren't obsessed with the trash, but I do always put my clothes on the toilet seat and they end up sitting on it and getting hair all over it or dragging it off some place! LOL!

  7. or shedding on newly washed clothes :)

  8. o___o; any luck using pads instead?

    and well, although i've never had a cat (not allowed >_>; landlord... is evil O_o) even i know that if its not nailed down, its a cat-toy! O_o

  9. lol its exactly like the tampon ad we have here in Australia a few years back: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlKQGWHC198

  10. LOL so true. My cats like to run off with my earrings and hairbands. One of them will play with anything that is circular, like the plastic ring from the milk jug.

  11. HAHA! I love your kitties!
    Also, you might be interested in a BBC article I just read about how kitties meow to "exploit humans" . . . not that this is new to us!

  12. But it kinda looks like a mouse!

    Law of Kittehs #21 - The more embarrassing the item is to the human, the more fun it is to play with in front of company.

  13. totally my kitty's first favorite toy! he's still a sucker for anything small, white, and sort of fluffy- like cotton balls and rolled up tissue paper... but i don't let him play with those as much anymore because he ends up ripping them to shreds and leaving a mess in his trail... haha! :)

  14. You think that's bad? My husband decided to experiment with a purchase for himself from the adult toy store. The next day we were finding little chewed bits of rubber all over the house. Apparently since they LOOKED like hair bands they were obviously toys for the cat(DUH).

  15. I love your blog ♥

  16. my cat has started stealing my tea bags right out of my cup while i wait for the water to boil. this one made me think of that and chuckle.

  17. My dog does this. Perhaps he is trying to be a cat? O_O

  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9RRwBcyhPQ&feature=watch_response_rev

  19. Haha, oh no! My dog ate a used pad from the trash once. LOL

  20. My cat used to always do this!

  21. my cat will even go so far to dig my tampons out of my purse and unwrap them. i now have to hide them or they get scattered around my house. silly kitties. those arnt mice.... though they are cheaper then cat toys

  22. I had 3 kittens, and a tampon was a perfect cheap toy to split between the 3 of them. Unforntunately as they grew, they learned where in the cabinet to find them and would help theirselves to a toy. I had to end their fun after my dad found a tampon in his shoe.

  23. ha brilliant! i once found tampons stashed under the freezer - toys got lost me thinks :)


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