Who needs alarm clocks really?
Come early morning, or if one of my cats sees my eyes open, they will go on and on and on, meowing and purring and scratching until one of us feeds them. Then my dog will follow, and wag his tail and jump around and knock everything over.
How are your mornings?
Pretty familiar. 8| One of our cats came over to our bed in the night, and if we didn't give him attention, he bit our toes. 8-----D That was yet cute, but also irritating. XD Nowadays we have to keep the door closed, so we can sleep. 8( But at least the cats are very happy to see us in the morning! <3
ReplyDeleteWith every cat I've owned learn on day 1 to fear me before I'm good and ready to wake up.
ReplyDeleteHow do I do it?
You launch yourself straight up in the bed and hiss like you're going to kick their asses. Lady Gaga-style claw hands add the perfect touch. If they're too terrified to move? You lunge.
They won't forgive you at first and might retaliate with bodily functions deposited in unwelcome places, but it's well worth the rest.
After five years, my cat has figured out to ever-so-slowly wake me up by laying beside me and purring very softly, which is awesome because I save a ton of money on one of those gradual-wakening alarm clocks.
Cats are assholes, but they're assholes with a keen sense of self-preservation.
My mornings consist of my cat, coming in to my room mouth first (MEOW! MEOW! MEOW!) if I'm not up when he thinks I should be...hopping on to the bed, crawling OVER me (instead of around) sitting at my head - meowing incessantly and then, in his final attempt to wake me up, shoving his paw right in my mouth and motor-boating my lips. This happens almost every morning. He's creative, I'll give him that.
ReplyDelete@lenni - i tried keeping the door closed. they ended up scratching the door, so now our door is, well, super scratched up. also,my carpet now has that "tousled" look and is all frayed across the door.
ReplyDelete@agent beryllium - that is clever! my cats are assholes. but gosh they're such cute assholes.
@kristi: yep. oh, and i have scratches on my face in the morning. i think it's from them.
ReplyDeleteMy younger cat, male, sleeps with me until I wake up. He doesn't ever try to wake me, and there are a lot of times where I actually wake up to find I've been petting him in my sleep. My older cat, female, will usually stare at me until the evil aura from her glare wakes me. I try to go back to sleep, but I can still sense her there, with her unblinking kemon-lime eyes fixed on me, and so I push her off the bed. When that doesn't work, she moves on to either laying down by my head and pawing lightly at my face, or---if I'm on my back---she'll lay down on my chest and stomach. And stare.
ReplyDeleteMy boys are pretty good until they hear our radio come on at 6 AM, then they come bolting into our room - unless they're already here, pinning us to the bed. We have one that barks at us, "Mya! Mya!" The other is a feline siren "Mraaaaaaooooaaaaaaaaoooooooooww" to the point where we're shouting at him to shut up and BREATHE once in a while. If we should ignore them, they'll jump up and walk around on us (especially painful if you're on your side) until we give into their little drill feet and go downstairs. With their insistence, it's amazing that they have the nerve to trip us on our way - as if our injury will get them fed faster.
ReplyDeleteGlad I don't have my mom's cats - one sleeps on top of my mom's head, and then pokes at her and pushes her face around with her paws until poor mom gets fed up and heads to the kitchen. I'll take my siren cat over that.
omg! SO TRUE
ReplyDeletehaha yeah this is why im commenting at 6:00am!! brilliant as always :D
ReplyDeleteOn saturday or sunday I don't need a clock *argh* ;) My two cats are checking out if I am awake by crawling about my bed or starring at my (closed) eyes. This starring wakes me up quite often :D
ReplyDeleteThe other days my mobile wakes me at 6.00 AM. A single tone calls my cats even from the balcony to me bedroom and then ... it looks and feels like the situation on your drawing :)
btw: I love your drawings!
Obviosly I'm not a native english speaker, so please indulge me ;)
hehe the same for me, 8 am and the neighbor cat comes to my place be cause one day I made a mistake, I gave him food. Now I'm trapped into an endless loop, every morning is the same.
ReplyDeleteVery cool drawing btw keep posting good stuff !
I'm lucky with mine - he very rarely tries to wake me up, but as soon as he sees the merest hint that I'm awake he demands attention in a very passive-aggressive way. He gets as close as he can and PURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
My cat is such a good and quiet cat in weekdays, when my husband and I wake up very early. But on weekends our cat seems indignant about our lateness and meows his little lungs out until we wake up. 6am on sunday.
ReplyDeleteWe're lucky because at the little devil did not enters the bedroom - you know, we enjoy some sex here and there, so we keep the door peacely closed.
My cat Izzy sleeps at the foot of my bed and hogs all the room. She had a bad bladder (so do I) so she'll sit on my bladder at 2am in the morning letting me know she has to tinkle so I have to open the bedroom door lol!
ReplyDeleteThe also 4am exploration of the bedroom and managing to knock over everything in her path. She doesn't have any night vision I'm starting to think lol!
I love your blog, it always makes me laugh! :)
haha! we're all pretty much in the same boat.
ReplyDeletethis happened to me just this morning, & pretty much everyday. my cat doesnt understand that i'm in college & need my sleep!!!
ReplyDeleteMy kitten Desmond is bipolar or something. Some mornings he'll just climb into bed with me give me kisses and cuddle. Some mornings he'll bite my face, attack my feet, run around like a madman and meow so loud that it wakes up my roommates.
ReplyDeleteMy cat also has the bad habit of (trying) to wake me at dawn. It gives a lot of anger, I confess, but do not mind. I still sleep just fine. ^ ^
ReplyDelete* Excuse the errors, if any, I do not speak English, use the google translator. =)
On the other hand ... I've been late for work almost every day since my Casey passed away in June. *sniff
ReplyDeleteThis is what happens to me every morning!! I'm pretty sure that I've learned to use a spray bottle in my sleep. As if that really works. If the cats really want me up, I'm up. I joke to my husband that the only time I get a good night's rest is in a hotel bed when we're on vacation... away from the cats.
ReplyDeletethey're just like children! sort of.
My cat is usually very good about letting me sleep, but if I sleep a bit later or she's a bit more hungry, she'll race around the bedroom and ping-pong off the bed. Sometimes she'll bring a toy onto the bed and play with it. But mostly she's a very good kitty in the morning.
ReplyDeletethe same!
ReplyDeleteI have one cat but if I don't respond to the "mewing" and jumping he will put his lovely "hindquarters" in my FACE...disgusting.....
Cat Chat http://opcatchat.blogspot.com
At 5 am my cat will wake me up by staring at me (being a light sleeper, it never fails to work). Once I look at her, she's satisfied, meows, and leaves.
ReplyDeleteForget cats, I do this to my boyfriend.
ReplyDeleteomg these pics rock! hope to see lots more!
ReplyDeleteMy little jerk-cat has decided if I'm not awake by 6am on weekends he gets the "zoomies" and gallops around the apartment (usually including my bed in the circuit) until I wake up enough to give him food/attenshuns. Though sometimes he'll STILL bite me if I'm not awake enough with the attenshuns.
ReplyDeleteI like the depiction of a shredded mattress in this one. My cat does that. He even has gone inside the box spring and torn it up. I think when he gets really frustrated he goes in there to kick to get me out of bed. He's so bad, but I love him.
ReplyDeleteI love your comics. They describe me and my three cats to the tee. I'm currently fostering 5 kittens so throw that into the mix! Thanks for your wonderful humor.
ReplyDeletemy cats aren't very big into meowing, but they will just walk back and forth across my boy and i's bodies if we even just shift in our sleep and give the illusion that we are awake. our little girl kitten, nico, will walk right up my chest, stick her face right in mine and breathe into my mouth/nose/eyes/ears until i pet her to her satisfaction.
To waghe the Wooman orp, I go eento the neghs' room, an' star' to tear the enbelope ob the Nedfleeghs. Sloooowly: reep, reep, reep. She say Estorbo! *&^%! I starp. I waid thorty-four secon's. I start to tear again, softly...reep, reep, reep.
ReplyDeleteEed maghe hor crazy.
Sormtime' she chaze me roun', bod mose' times she feed me to maghe me shord the f*&%#orp, as she says.
I adopted older cats who are amazingly understanding. If I feed them after midnight they are content to let me sleep till 8:30, sometimes even 9 (I work the evening shift).
ReplyDeleteI just discovered your blog, and holy hectate! It's both adorable and absolutely necessary to my life starting right now!
ReplyDeleteMine starts to walk on me about 5min. before the alarm clock's suposed to wake me.
ReplyDeleteAnd when it does, he tries to turn it off.
My kitten has started to purr/meow(comes out as a prrrrrrrrrrrrrr-o!) and trashes one of my bookshelves.
ReplyDeleteThis started 4 days ago because he found out where I hid the catnip stash and now since I moved it, he keeps going back there to find it.
It's less cute at 4:35am.
Our girl is on a diet so she's always hungry. She pats my husbands nose to wake him. Unless our boy has already woken the whole apartment complex before 6am by screaming just because he's bored. Cornish Rex scream at their own *special* volume... Some days it makes my ears bleed. But we love them!
ReplyDeleteWhat's an alarm clock? I have a cat. He jumps on my desk and starts stealing things, or he brings me toys and sits on me yowling.
ReplyDeleteI have three kittens, and they're all either cuddly and purry, or they're all attacking and climbing EVERYTHING.
ReplyDeleteMy cat is weird. On the days where I can actually sleep till 10 or so,he'll let me be. But on the days I have to get up at 7 he'll come on my bed at 5:30 meowing and purring extremely loud. I'll try to pretend I'm still sleeping and he'll then actually sit on my head. If I move my head towards the edge of the pillow, he'll actually curl up on the pillow and sleep, leaving me with no space. Until I get annoyed and get him out of my room and close the door.
ReplyDeleteMy cat usually wakes me up, by purring loudly and scratching the bed, at 1:20, 3:30 and around 4-5 o'clock in the night. Around 4-5 he also meows semi crackled and starts attacking things.
ReplyDeleteIf I don't notice him he comes up in the bed and smells my face, purring loudly :p. I havent dared taking this step any further though, he<d probably attack ^^
Sometimes he also sits and "howls" (high pitch "Oooooooooo").. sounds like a little kid whistling :p
T_T cats are evil little bastards, but so cute! My fat Lily will sit beside my head and paw and munch on the ends of my hair. She knows I hate that. Then when she sees me open my eyes, I'm greeted with her chirpy "mrreew?". She then hops off the bed and runs to her bowl in the kitchen goin "mya mya mya mrew mys" the whole way until she gets her food. She's a walking stomach. But I refuse to give in to her tactics and usually put up with it until she stops. THEN I feed her. Otherwise its just rewarding bad behavior. Flea just doesn't care all that much about food. He'll just jump on me in the bed and meow his head off for attention. Siamese can be so loud!
ReplyDeleteOur cats... wow, my wife is such a sucker for our cats. I tried to implement a Nighttime Feedings Rule to stop this, but my wife gave up even though it was working! Anyway, it's kind of adorable, first they sit nearer and nearer to here on the bed, and then if she doesn't get up they give her the tiniest little lovebites. The kitten, though, is EVIL an has figured out that scratching the walls with his claws will create a horrible aluminum-foil-on-chalkboard sound!! This works really well on her. Anyway, nighttime feedings only!! It works!
ReplyDeletethey own us. we like to think we "own" them, but in reality...not really :P
ReplyDeleteHow they know is 4:45 AM? Mine wake me up about this time almost every day...
ReplyDeleteMy cat has a very creative way of waking me up in the morning. She sticks her whiskers way up my nose. YEOW!
ReplyDeleteI'm very late on this one, but my middle-of-the-nights are filled with cats who want to sleep directly on top of my face and my mornings are filled with this:
We have three cats; Darwin, Josie, and Little Bit. Darwin will cuddle right up to you until your legs get stiff, and when you try to move, she'll just stay there. The other two just play and run around the apartment, driving everyone crazy.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Your comics are so cute! keep it up, please!
When my cat was a kitten she'd lick me until I woke up, but I started rolling over and going back to sleep just to spite her...
ReplyDeleteShe doesn't wake me up anymore. :D
My cat bolts into my bedroom, dives onto the bed, races across it, dives off the other side and repeats but going the other direction. Backwards and forwards, if I don't get up, she wriggles under my sheets and starts attacking my legs, biting my toes and clawing at the drawstring on my pants, which is usually on my belly. Then she proceeds to lie next to me purring loudly once I've woken, and puts her big fluffy tail in my face.
ReplyDeleteAlso when I yawned one morning after she woke me up, and as I did, she sneezed in my mouth.
I love Pepper greatly, but sometimes I want to scream!
lol! my shelley has sneezed in my mouth too! eek!
ReplyDeletefinally catching up with comments. love hearing your kitty stories :)
wow, that is the exact same time that my cats bother me every morning. they recently started this, and it drives me crazy. so if i lock them out of the bedroom, they literally pound on the door. i cannot win. but i love them!
ReplyDeleteMy cat was like that, meowing at 4~5am to go escort him downstairs to the food bowl (that was full) ... now he doesn't do that, he jumps out of bed (he sleeps on my bed, even when i'm not at home) go take the food, and at 7h30am wakes me... i don't need an alarm clock to go to work :]
ReplyDeleteNice blog you have there :]
We all have to get up at 530 on weekdays so Saturdays and Sundays should be days to sleep late, but our cats just won't go for that. Sure they are relatively considerate, they give us until 7 (sometimes) but after that its scartch, scratch, meow and in the case of 2 or the 4, who are very talkative, caterwall, the weekend lie in is not possible.
ReplyDeletemy cat used to be very nice in the mornings, he slept in my bed, although he got more space on in than me. at 6 am he starts to stare - so i turn my back on him. then he starts to purr - i cover my ears with the pillow. and the final step is to play with my hair, which is very pleasant. i liked this better than my alarm clock :)
My youngest cat decided that I need to be up and feeding them every morning by 5am. She runs through my bedroom throwing things off shelves and then looking at me to see if I look like I am getting up. I get some relief from loops of box tape on everything & a nerf gun in a holster hanging from the bed.
ReplyDeleteI have a cat with hyperthyroidism. She gets a pill every 12 hrs (3 am when I get home from work and 3 pm when I wake up). It gets tucked into a cat treat to makes the process easier. She knows when it's treat time and is never more than 10 min off.
ReplyDeleteMy cat was jealous for the longest time when my bf stayed over and "stole" his sleepy spot. He would yowl and knock stuff over. Now that we are married, he has accepted it, kind of. Though he still makes a go of jumping on the bed and gettting shoosed off then makes an excessive amount of revenge noise in the litter box.
ReplyDelete2am.. i may hear some crunch-crunch or sip sip (extra bowl of dry food and water in my room to lessen the times of getting up if I want to sleep in)
ReplyDelete230.. a little kitty play (start hearing them play with my makeup
6am.. trying to squeeze through the blinds (they may have just heard birds chirping outside
7am.. meow. meow. meow. meow ( i want out )
730.. meow. meow. meow. meow ( i want in, and if i don't get up, they'll jump on the door knob and prance in)
8am.. kitty is NOW sleepy and want to kneed and get comfy around me
830.. ALARM... and they may get upset because i have to move them to get up...
SIGH... but... as we all here now.. we love our kitties :)
my cat is constantly thinking up new ways to wake me up in the morning. if he's not whipping his tail against the bed, he's scratching at my guitar case, or headbutting me, or tapping me gently on the face with his paw or sitting on my feet, or knocking books off the bookshelf, or biting my toes, or licking my hand, "combing" my hair with his claws, or sniffing my face (complete with whiskers tickling my cheeks), or digging under the covers to get to my hands before biting them, or taking (repeated) running launches onto the bed to land on my back, or opening and closing my dresser drawers, or knocking over my external hard drive, or climbing up the window screen.
ReplyDeleteThat is totally my spring/summer mornings. Since I live in the far northern hemisphere, where days are much longer (sun breaks out around 4:30am), my cat would wake me up to feed her. I get the most sleep around winter.
ReplyDeleteThe tip she uses to wake me up (because apparently her meowing fails to work due to her human being deaf), she digs into my scalp and my face until I wake up which results in various of scars.
Well, my cat usually starts out with the same routine, then proceeds to pee on me if I don't get up fast enough. :/
ReplyDeleteI'm awake right now (though he woke me at 3:00) because mine wanted me to bring him to his food. He has an automatic food dispenser... he just likes me to escort him to it... -__-
ReplyDeleteMy mornings are preyty much the same..xD
ReplyDeletehaha my cats used to do this to me. i'd go "pssst!" and swat my hand in their general direction til they move and leave me alone, now they mostly rub their faces into my eyes so that i wake up blind and furry. usually unable to breathe or open my mouth too... but it's way better then the claws randomly sticking me at 5am.
ReplyDeleteThis entire blog is like seeing my life in cartoon. Minus the bangs. I don't have bangs...
ReplyDeletesometimes, i don't have to set the alarm, cause my son will wake me up...good boy~~~hihihi
ReplyDeleteI have to say I LOVE YOUR COMMICS! I even went and bought all my cag lady friends your book. :D As for early morning wakeups, my job requires me to be up early (4 am) on 2 of the days. If I didnt have my Maine Coon Freyja suffocating me in the morning, I probably wouldnt get up on time. XD
ReplyDeleteWest was the perfect little alarm clock crawling around on me at exactly 6 am giving me enough time to roll off the couch and drag my self to the shower to make it to the city bus on time for school. I always made sure to feed him too so he'd do the same thing again the next day. ^^
ReplyDeleteTwo words..
ReplyDeleteSpray Bottle
My sleep is sacred.