This strip is dedicated to my 96 lb dog, Puppy. And yes, all of the above has happened.
And things I didn't include: my leather jacket, pillows, books and my vintage Japanese dolls.
My cats are fine around Puppy. My kitten loves to play with his tail. The two older ones are just like, "meh".
Do you have a dog?
Oh, and I have an interview in I Have Cat. Thanks Tamar!
Tootsie rolls! Omnomnomnomnom! (ew)
ReplyDeleteLeather is kind of legit, being made of... cows... My dog tried to eat a leather recliner once.
By the time my dog was 11 he had eaten house insulation (cotton candy!), half a CD, a large roast off the counter, a four-layer cake, matches, chocolate, and tons of paper. He also tricked someone out of their slice of pie. We were very lucky that the chocolate didn't actually have coco in it or he could have died. I was freaking out. I guess I should thank my parents for being so cheap. ._.
I've got one of my cats now because of the dog's tendancy to view the litter box as a buffet table.
ReplyDeleteWe have a dog too except the dog acts like a human and the cats act like dogs...
ReplyDeleteThanks for the mention Yasmine! And the interview!
ReplyDeleteThat was an amusing and informative read, I loved to be able to see your cats in real life! (see my previous request on your bio page)
ReplyDeleteAnd the comic is so true. I was forced to put my kitty litter box up high to avoid the dogs from eating the Fun Surprises in there, after which they wanted to lick our faces ;_;
Your lunch looks awesome.
ReplyDeleteWe've got 2 dogs and 4 cats...One of the dogs is an Alaskan Malamute who thinks she's Mom to all of the cats. They don't care for that much because their heads fit in her mouth. Every once in a while, one of the cats walks over to me and is soaking wet in dog drool.
ReplyDeleteBut, it's funny - as much as she will sit and mess with the cats (there's one in particular who LOVES to play with her - and her nose has the scars to prove it...) - as soon as one comes home from a visit to the vet, she's right there making sure we didn't hurt them while they were gone :o) She's a good "mama".
Yeh, there's nothing wrong with dogs that couldn't be cured by turning them into CATS.
ReplyDeleteomg Jmuhj - funny!
ReplyDeletestaples... dogs should never eat staples unless you enjoy explosive staple diarrhea all over your bed and your boyfriend.
ReplyDeleteI have a 16 year old poodle that has eaten
ReplyDeleteD-Con (rat poison), bug spray, a whole can of peas, and king-sized Snickers bar with wrapper. He's a very curious dog, and has lived through all of this. We have to watch what he is around or he may try to eat something he shouldn't. He's our miracle dog. The sadly ironic thing is that he had stomach problem as a pup before he ate all this through out his life. He has a stomach of steel now.
I have a Bernese Mountain dog that, in his 9 years has eaten two textbooks, a Hot Wheels car, a bag of halloween candy, a quarter pound of cocoa powder, and of course, the litterbox "chocolates". He adores the kitties, they just ignore him. He also has two guinea pigs, he loves to give them kisses!
ReplyDeleteThe funny thing is that the dog's very sensitive to foods, any kibble that has grain in it upsets his tummy. Chewed up tennis balls and dead squirrels go down just fine.
ReplyDeleteI have 2 cats...but one of them does have a very canine energy...I'd love to get a little dog but worried the kitteh might leave home if we do!
ReplyDeleteI have a puppy Beagle and loveable as he is his second thought to seeing anything is can I eat it. He licks ash from round the fire and has his eye on our doorstop shaped like a chicken :)
ReplyDeletenice to see a little puppy creeping his way into your cartoons :D
My roommate's dog constantly eats my cat's litter treats... we started calling them Kitty Roca like the Almond Roca you can buy in the store.
ReplyDeletelol! you guys...
ReplyDeletewe built a barrier to block my cats' litter boxes.
My cats get along just fine with my roommate's pit bull. The dog actually really likes the cats and loves watching them while they sleep or just relax. He also loves to eat things like pennies, beer bottle caps, underwear, cat toys, and anything else he can find.
ReplyDeleteThe dog we had when I was little ate an entire tube of Desitin ointment, tube and all. All she left was the cap. The backlash was...nasty. But she ignored the Kitty Krunchies. Probably because she thought she was one of them. I would not be surprised at all to learn she went through a phase of using the litter box.
ReplyDeletemy dog is constantly eating my kittens poops, and his kitten chow its really annoying.
ReplyDeleteI love the little confused cat in the past panel.
ReplyDeleteI don't have a dog, but my friend's dog recently ate a tube of toothpaste.
ReplyDeleteyes I have a dog and he is like: I want to bite all
ReplyDeleteJust this evening I discovered my dog eating my cat's special canned food for his upset tummy. My dog is 13 and in his life the things I know he's eaten: entire chocolate cake (twice), giant toblerone bar, entire loaves of french bread stolen from the counter, countless underwear, pencils, a bottle of tums, a bottle of elkaseltzer, of course litter box treasures, a package of hair waiting to be sent to locks of love...the list is endless and sometimes I can't believe hes lived through it
ReplyDeletehaha! i like that term "litter box treasures".
ReplyDeleteMy dog ate an unknown quantity of Miracle Gro fertilizer when I left the bag outside. I only knew because of the tell-tale blue stain around his mouth.
ReplyDeleteI told him "bad dog, you are already too big, you don't need to eat fertilizer." He was fine.
well goodness, lots of random "food items" here. haha!
ReplyDeleteI have fond memories of poop scooping and recognizing missing socks. One sock stands out in particular as the knitted penguin's belly was surprisingly still white. My dog would try to eat anything once. I think part of the excitement for her was the chase that was sure to follow.
ReplyDeleteI had a friend who had her homework eaten by her Rottweiler once. She even brought it to school to prove it. ^_^
ReplyDeleteSeems like no matter the country you're in, cats and dogs do the same things...
ReplyDeleteI have a dog, and a cat, and many foster cats. Every now and then there is a scuffle, mostly when the dog gets too rough while playing. The rest of the time they team up to destroy the apartment and play with the debris, or to get at food they can't obtain alone (the cat pushes it off the high shelf and the dog rips the bag). Everybody wins! Oh, wait... everybody except me =S
ReplyDeleteMy 160 lbs Great Dane Dexter snacks on trees for fun!
ReplyDeleteOh, man...I really lucked out with my Ella (a Jack Russell Terror...err, Terrier). She got into a few things as a puppy: a favourite CD, important papers, etc. But never since then. And she never had a thing for Kitty Krunchies, thank GAWD!
ReplyDeleteMy dog ate a lightbulb. ._.
ReplyDeleteOh my god this is just like my dog [Minus the litter box nuggets]
ReplyDeleteWith the description: Exact same with my 5 cats and dog. My 3 kittens just love Teddy's [Yea, that's the dog's name] tail, and the older two just go "meh" when she's around
my dog ate 4 potatoes, 2lb roast beef, and four sticks of butter while we were out once. . . it was like the anaconda ate the village goat.
ReplyDeleteMy roommates dog used to eat out of my kitty's litter box - which I was a little bit alright with - because I hate sifting litter.
ReplyDeleteOur ridgeback has eaten shoes, toys, CDs, kleenex (clean, dirty, in the box, out on the road, makes no difference), whole box of crayons, fleece and fabric strips after he rips them up and my daughter's homework. The teacher was not amused.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog!!! I have 23 cats and two dogs, and one of them, the older one, eats the little balls on my cat's litterbox
ReplyDeleteI have 2 cats and 2 dogs... One thing I thought I should mention that you didn't... My dog likes eating feminine hygiene products. And leaving torn pieces everywhere. For the humans to clean up. Yummy snack?
ReplyDeleteI have four cats (one that likes to eat my lunch) and one dog. The older cats view the dog as somewhat of a retard, but the younger cats grew up with her and think she's just a big cat. Oh, and yes, she eats out of the litter box, and knows very well she shouldn't. That's why she always comes to me with a guilty face and cat sand around her nose when I haven't paid attention.