Not the best predictors of quakes...At least mine aren't. Or maybe they don't care.
About a couple or so years ago, we had a rather intense earthquake here in SF. I was in bed with my pets, and it's as if nothing happened. There were car alarms going off outside and my cats were still napping.
Another time an earthquake occurred, my cat was sitting on me and she dug her claws into my chest. I pushed her aside and little dots of blood seeped into my shirt.
The only things that bother my cats are really loud people and the vacuum cleaner.
I sleep crazily. I toss and turn like mad. Yet every morning my kitties are both snuggled with eachother at my feet. Nothing phases them. Except the blowdryer and that weird brush I run through my hair :)
ReplyDeletewe live in the bay area too and my cat never freaks whenever there's an earthquake. she's just like, "meh."
ReplyDeleteand i love how your cats sleep on you (is that you?). they do that to me too. their purring is so relaxing.
I love when i see a new post from you in my blog list. you should make a comic about what bother your cats. you're doing a great job !and thanks
ReplyDeleteI bet if you chased the really loud people with the vacuum cleaner your cats would approve. I don't think the same could be said if you chased the vacuum cleaner with a loud person, though.
ReplyDeleteHmm. We don't have many earthquakes here on the east coast, but I'd be willing to bet that one would freak my cat the heck out. But then, EVERYTHING freaks him the heck out. He'll flee to the next room if you look at him the wrong way. He's a rescue kitty, though, so it's natural for him to be skittish...
ReplyDeleteA Curious Fox
your draws are so funny. i´ll suscribe. thank u for the fun!
ReplyDeleteaw thanks guys.
ReplyDeletelol jenna!
I had a cat leap off the bed and run from the room a second before an earthquake hit. Awesome predictor. The only thing I can think is that it was not a native California cat.
ReplyDeleteNice Story. I think my Cat doesnt care about anything except sleeping and food :-)
ReplyDeleteMy cat is also afraid of vacuum cleaners, she looks at it as if it was a monster. It's really funny.
ReplyDeleteLove your cartoons, specially cats durin' emergencies.
these comics are awesome. i love a good cat comic :)
ReplyDeletemy cat is afraid of loud girls, loud sneezes, and blankets/pillows/fabric being raised above his head.
my cats hate vacuum cleaners too.
ReplyDeletethe fat one just hides from it.
but the gray tailless one tries to act all bold and "stand up" to it. she'll sit and watch it when i'm cleaning the room, like she's all tough. and when it comes near her, she puffs up and hisses and swats at it.
the funniest thing is that...she'll still get all confrontational with it even when it's off. i've seen her swat at it when it's tucked away in the corner unplugged. silly cat.
I have two cats, both Californians. When an earthquake hits Spring the "alpha" bolts for a hiding spot under a bed or table, running in that low to the ground scared sh**less run. The other cat is usually less scared of the earthquake, but follows Spring's lead, being more scared because Spring is scared than because of the earthquake. In general neither can predict the earthquake any sooner than I feel it.
ReplyDeletewe only ever had one earthquake, but when we did my cats FREAKED. well they just got all in slow motion mode and had this look of shock on their faces. i felt so bad..heheh. they weren't the same for a couple hours after, like they were scared to move or something.
ReplyDeletemy cats are fascinated by the vacuum, Turtles has tried to beat the crap out of it before though. i love those kitty swat bops.
you really pump the comics out! LOVE it!
ReplyDeleteWe managed to have an earthquake here in Maryland and it phased my cat not a bit.
In 2001 there was a quake in the Seattle region. My cat, Pendragon (he's since passed on) disappeared somewhere in the house that morning. We couldn't figure out where he had hidden or why, until later on the quake hit. It was late Evening before he came back out from wherever he hid.
ReplyDeletemy two cats woke me up meowing and running around a couple minutes before I felt the shaking of a very unusual early morning IL earthquake.
ReplyDeleteMy cats hate the vaccum cleaner as well, and also big trucks and shoe noises.
ReplyDeleteBut about natural accidents, one time there was a huge storm coming and the cats of the shelter I help all crawled up and went to the highest spots in the shelter, it´s like they knew what was gonna happen. Crazy, huh?
Just like those elefants just before tsunami.
Love your blog !!
my cat hate vaccum cleaner too!!! =)
ReplyDeleteYou rock! Your cartoons are so precious, true and funny! Thank you! :)
ReplyDeletelol so true
ReplyDeleteThey can sleep through earthquakes and storms, but sneeze and they all rocket out of the room.
True story. The only injury I've ever received during an earthquake was when my 20-pound cat was sleeping in the windowsill above my bed and got shaken off and landed on my head.
ReplyDeleteI have to say, during the earthquake in Chile, February 27, 2010; my cat run out of my bed and it was lost for two days, I was scared... finally I found it on the top floor, hidden and as scared as I... that was my story xD
ReplyDeleteI really love your comic blog, I feel identify (sorry for my bad english T_T)
saludos from Chile
my cat had the misfortune of just been back from the vet the day of the earthquake, she was so doped from it!... so when the earthqauke hit I can't imagine what she might have felt like, but she run under my bed and didn't get out of there for a whole day.
ReplyDeleteWe had an earthquake a few years ago here in Mexico. Two minutes before it happened, my cat hid somewhere in the house and we didn't see her until the next morning. o______O.
ReplyDeleteHeh. Most cats are bothered by vacuum cleaners. But not the white cat, (I would've said "my" but that implies ownership, whereas she is the owner. XD) who is deaf. (Yes she has blue eyes, and for those who don't get why I said that, something like, 94 % of white cats with blue eyes are deaf.) She isn't bothered by the noise, so we just clip the brush attachment onto the vacuum hose, and then she lets us vacuum her. Seriously. She ADORES being vacuumed. XD
ReplyDeleteLast year here in New Zealand we had a pretty massive quake. The power had gone out and I couldn't find my cat, I could only hear him meowing. We eventually found him hiding under the bed. It took him about a month to get used to the (very frequent) aftershocks, but now he doesn't even stir. We had a 5.5 just last week (over a year since the first quake) and he barely looked up.
ReplyDeleteOur cats were severely freaked out with the last earthquake (Chile, 2010)
My cat's behavior during past earthquakes (Mexico) was really something to see, he would adopt his 'vocho' position (u know, when they sit on the floor with their paws folded and his tail underneath looking like a ball) and began meowing... but in last earthquake (6.8) he was really busy catching flies... I didn't bother him. LOL.
ReplyDeleteMy cat isn't really phased by much either - except for that scary thing I use every morning when he is drink out of the sink. Beware the blow dryer!
ReplyDeleteSince I live in Brazil my last cat never experienced a quake but I know she had grown to LOVE the vacuum cleaner. She was afraid of it at first, but one day she boldly decided to stand her ground on the carpet. My mom said to her "Come on, leave... or I'll vacuum you". She still didn't leave and when the sucking tip touched her she was kinda afraid but held on. She soon noticed it didn't hurt and I think she probably liked the "massage".
ReplyDeleteFrom then on whenever we vacuumed a carpet she would get up from her sleep and lie down on the carpet belly up to be vacuumed as well. And different from Marian5390's cat mine wasn't deaf at all.
Pity she died a few years ago, because she was one of a kind. I miss her so much.