Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The best job.


  1. My dog also wont eat unless you watch him hahaha.

  2. The hissing cat is like my Etta...except it's pretty much to do anything with her except pet her, when she's allowing it.

  3. My cat will only eat certain food only if prepared by her mummy and has her plate held up by her pa pa.

  4. My cat won't finish eating until you stir her food (she just meowed at me to do this while I was reading your post).

    1. Mine used to do that, until one day I did not cave in to his wily cat ways. I stood there staring at him silently for literally 10 minutes- as he purred and meowed and rubbed all over my legs- before he cracked and finished every last damn kibble. I'm the boss. Not the cat. (I keep telling myself this.)

    2. My cat joins me for meals, and I haveto give her a few treats before I'm allowed to eat my own food. She'll then stand by her bowl and wait for me to pet her before she will start eating her real food!

  5. Ooh are those guinea pigs? Didn't know they liked cranberries.

  6. My cats do whatever they want whether I watch them, help them, or anthropomorphize them. They're effin' cats.

  7. my cat eat only veal. and I must always encourage him

  8. This is awesome because I just started pet sitting! <3

  9. All but the last one are pure bliss!

  10. My friend kittysat for me. And even though she showed kitty all the love possible, kitty took a dump in a no no area (i.e. a plant pot).

  11. This is so funny because its so true! I just got a lovely new cat, shes very sweet and settling in very well, I am just on the hunt for compare cat insurance, I find it best to shop around to find the best deal

  12. this is wonderful, what a great blog so funny, great humour and a great cat owner by the looks of things too! I am just taking out some cat insurance as I type I think its so important!

  13. The hissing cat reminds me of my late cat Nike. In life, she was one who take abandonment with a bad attitude. As she was a friend's cat, she missed her old owner. She actually bit my grandmother when she kittysat Nike.


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