Tuesday, December 17, 2013

They learn. 
My cats either go for my hand or they walk away…


  1. Mine has also caught onto this!

  2. My cat caught on but still plays because he is bored

  3. My cat acknowledges my intention, and politely ignores the whole thing...

  4. My cat looks at the pen when he can't find the dot, and goes "mrrr". I shake it and voila, the dot is back on the floor :p. (Initially I did that for the batteries to work again, now, I do it just because that's what I'm supposed to do)
    Try that next time, see if it helps ;)

  5. Mine know it's the pointer, but they can't resist it once the light touches their paws.

  6. My cat picked up the laser in his mouth making the laser "go" for the other cat to chase. No kidding. I wish I had it recorded.

    1. oh wow i'd like to watch something like that ;3

  7. My mom's Siamese understands that the red dot and the laser pointer are related. As soon as someone picks up the laser pointer, he starts to frantically look around for the dot.

  8. My husband's cat, Buddy (age 13, nicknamed "The Professor") won't give the laser pointer the time of day. (He plays with other toys like a kitten and can still jump from the floor to the kitchen table like a much younger cat, but could immediately tell where the dot was coming from.) My cat, Cheeto (ginger, age 5.5), will chase the dot for a minute or two until he notices my hand moving and, much like the ginger in your cartoon, loses interest.

  9. what you do, is get one that has a pen light in it, as well. once you see them looking at the laser, you shift to the light, and they are none the wiser. this even works if they had caught on, and didn't have this pen.

  10. My cats know, too, but as someone already described, the moment I bring out the pen, they get all excited and start looking for the dot. If the dot doesn't appear fast enough I get needy looks.

  11. mines on a keychain. My cat caught on, so everytime she hears the keychain she runs up to me super excited and ready to play

  12. Two of my three cats have caught on. The third one still runs like crazy after it and the other two just look at her as if she is stupid =P

  13. Great topic thanks

  14. So it isn't just mine! Only the kitten doesn't know yet :)

  15. They always learn. Human must come up with new tricks.

  16. My Tenshi knows that the pointer is a game, but she loves it as is. Sometimes she catches the pointer in mouth and gives it to me with a look of: "come on, I want to play! Turn it on and let's go!" Is the closest thing to a Playstation 4 for her, I guess :D

    Giovanni also knows the pointer game is just a game, but he is so obsessive with that that I need to go slow with him (or he gets breathless and coughing). Anyway, he pokes my hand when I am holding the pointer, in that totally anxious way of "come on, turn it on, turn it on, now! NOW!!"

    The only cat I have that simply doesn't care about the pointer is Helena (she is super playful, but also a bit of weak in vision—something like a Mr. Magoo cat, not blind, only not all that good than others—perhaps that explains, as pointer is essentialy a chase-sight game).

  17. Ours know. But that doesn't stop them enjoying. ;)

  18. I don't want to be preachy, but my cats's vet don't recommend using lasers to play with them. Cats see the red light as a prey, but one that is not physical and therefore they can't touch/grab/bite. It becomes stressful and frustrating for them.

    I agree with my cats's vet, but for each it's own, right?

    Love CVH sooooo much! Yasmine is the best.

    Love, Bianca.

    1. I heard this too but also that its helpful if u give the kity a treat at the end so they can feel like they caught something. I usually put down the treat while my kitty is distracted by the laser then I shine the dot on the treat so when she eats it its kind of like she has caught the dot. anyway she seems generally satisfied with this

  19. If you give the kitty a reward every few times that they actually pounce on the light spot (kibble throwing is good) then the kitty tends to keep enjoying the laser. Otherwise they give up on silly prey that they can see but not touch. The laser can kinda messes up the hunting sequence because they never get a reward like when they play with solid toys or real mousies yum

    I love your little comics, you have a real eye for capturing the essence of cat


  20. One of ours is terrified of the red dot! The other is just bemused...

  21. Your pet is so cute, so happy to see you play, I also intend to buy a green laser pointer home and my pet try.

  22. One of my cats caught on very early, but still loves it. He just gets ready to go bonkers if he sees me pick up the pointer.


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