Thursday, October 17, 2013

My cats act possessed when they encounter random objects, like a piece of crumpled paper, a loose loop of yarn, or a blank wall. 


Just an FYI, my book signing for my children's book, I See Kitty, is coming up this Saturday, October 19, at 10am at Changing Hands Bookstore in Tempe, AZ. You can find the event page here:

See you there! 



  1. Dust bunnies will also get the same treatment. :)

  2. We have wooden floors, and my cat will bounce around so much when she's playing with a piece of lint that she looks (and sounds) like she's tap dancing!! Most of the time we can't even tell what she's playing with!

  3. I LOVE "I see Kitty". It makes me cry every single time. Mainly cos my partner is deadly allergic and I can't have a kitteh and I pretty much see kitteh's EVERYWHERE & am totally obsessed and drive him nuts but know I can't have one & that makes me so sad. All because of dumb stupid love. Which IS awesome, cos it's love, but love doesn't purr in the middle of the night when he snores & wakes me up & I scratch it's bellly with my foot; or curls up in my lap when he's out of town with work & drools when I scratch under its chin while I watch Scandal marathons. x

    1. Sarah, they're pretty pricey (900+ dollars), but Siberian cats are known to be hypoallergenic. They're great for people who suffer from allergies. Also, they're known for being friendly and they have extremely soft fur. Here's some information from wikipedia:

    2. A new partner would be cheaper :D

    3. I know I'm way late in replying but I think Devon Rex cats are good for people with allergies, too.

  4. No matter how cool the toy, Quint, our cat, would rather play with milk jug rings, or pieces of cardboard. And he would almost always rather play with his people than by himself. Of course his favorite thing is the ragged, beat-up and almost always lost, little toy mouse that I had to wrap in tread to keep its fur from falling off. That one, when we are able to find it, is the best thing of all.

  5. Lol it looks like a mini pair of pants >w<

  6. that mark on the floor that drives them crazy everytime

  7. lol, I get the same, I will buy my kitties a new toy and they have more fun with the crumpled up reciept and bag it came in!!

  8. Such vivid imaginations, I can just see the drama developing in their heads--the unknown foe, the brave and bold kitty, the dangerous battle, the hero cat!

  9. With my over a little over a year old cat, it's Q-Tips, which she tends to dig out of the garbage in the bathroom. I think GROSS! but can't help but chuckle when I find them. Just as long as the lil squirt never chokes on them!

  10. Yeah, we know all about this. Blank walls are extra exciting.

  11. aww... meow! cute!

  12. At our house, it's insects. We had to take apart a chair to get Jack to stop digging for one a while back.

  13. Wowww.. nice blog!!! Im falling in love with this blog!!

  14. My cat..


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