Thursday, May 31, 2012

Better than her sleeping on my keyboard, I guess.


  1. This is all of the time. My Siamese Miyu always sleeps in my computer chair and my tabby sleeps in my husband's.

    1. they're warming up your chair just for you and your husband :)

    2. I have a black kitty named Miyu. She has a white crescent moon on her chest.

    3. did ether of you get the name Miyu from the Fatal frame game series? there are twins in the second one named Miyu and Mio

  2. Bad kitty, bad...OMGWTF what a cute little kitty!!
    Who's a cute little kitty? Yesh you are, yes you are!!

  3. I have done this so many times I've lost count, LOL!

  4. I don't even pretend to move her anymore ;)

  5. Ha. This happens to me all the time with our cat Duchess. When she gets tired of sharing the seat with me, she gets on the back of the chair and puts her front feet on my shoulder like she's pretending to be a parrot.

  6. Haha theyre just too cute to resist

  7. Hi, Yas! :-) . If I let my cat Odiseo sleep in a place I'm working in, it's because I spoiled him too much. I just want him close to me. For example, right now he is sleeping with me in my bed, on me, to be exactly, and I need to go to the toilet but I'm not going because he will let the bed! And he is sleeping so calmly, poor thing. This make me think in one of yours old comics, in which you don't want your boyfriend to get up of the bed because kitties are sleeping on it. :-) . Kiss! :-*

  8. MmmHMM! Exactly what I go through 10x a day.

    (one of the most wonderful things about working at home!)

  9. This happens to me all the time! I just can't resist my Tonkinese's marble-like eyes when she pleads "no." I don't mind though. She gets away with pretty much everything.

  10. This happens to me whenever one of the three cats at home sits on my PC chair. After telling them on how they took over my chair, I would sigh and sit down but taking care not to squish them or I get an even smaller chair and sit on that.

  11. I love your page Yasmine, it makes me smile! :)

  12. When I try to move ours, she'll try to bite us. The trick is to curl her up so her teeth can't get to her, then gently lift her from the bottom. This way, she'll be purring by the time I place her on another sleeping spot

  13. Hehe! Mine does this when I'm sewing.

  14. My little buddies do this all the time also! XD

  15. There is some subliminal message they send out, something like: "If you wake/disturb/move me, I will shatter into a thousand pieces and your house will probably fall on your head". It works.

  16. AKA "No Joey, those are MY shoes, that's MY ice cream, MY pillow." Give 'em an inch, they'll take a mile ❤

  17. Mine used to do it, but then he grew and I started to squash him a little while we were sharing a chair. Now if he wants to sit next to me he (or me if he's fast) have to choose different chairs...

  18. this happens with my cat Rex.. when I'm teaching piano I'll get up for a second and he hops on the chair. Of course i then perch on the edge because he is just so cute and I can't disturb him...

  19. I have 2 chairs next to the computer. Its easier to move the chair than to move the cats

  20. There's a reason desk chairs spin, and it's not to provide hours of fun, free entertainment.

  21. This just looks like a normal day at my house!

  22. Recently I was cat-sitting for my parents, and she ignores me so much (breaks my heart!) that the one time she *would* sit on my lap, I just starved rather than push her off to make dinner...

  23. my little Mikuna does that as well. as soon as i get off the chais she jumps on it, gets her claws done and the looks at me with a "ahah its mine now!" face.

    i just sit over her (without crushing her... duh!) or slither my legs around her till she gives up and jumps down.

    ..... unless i sit on the floor and poke her mad, pinch her paws xD Then we wrestle!

  24. That always happen in my house

  25. My cat gives me the 'move me and I won't cuddle for a week' glare, but I trained my dog to just move when I try sit wherever :) she's not spiteful like the cat, she always cuddles.

  26. When did you visit, Yasmine? :)

  27. If you do try to share the chair, there is the risk of having your butt kneaded. Which is kinda wrong, but even wronger when they don't keep their claws in.....

  28. Mine does the saaaame thing. But he gives me the "I'm too cute to move..." look, which he does with his eyes half closed, a little smile and massive purring.

    Why do they do this? Is it a dominance thing? I mean, as soon as I get up, my cat is on my chair. But the rest of the time, he sits/sleeps somewhere else. I don't get it.

  29. Seriously, I've been known to kneel on the floor instead of moving my sleeping cat. Cause sometimes me sitting on there will scare her off. Yeah, just sad =/

  30. If I need to get up during the night I either have to walk round the bed or climb over Kes either way I still get a dirty look from him lol

  31. I love your blog!!!!!!!!!! As you, I am cat lover too and I just laugh so much when I read your comics because this is just real life, hahaha!!! Thanks for sharing that! =)

  32. This happens pretty much everyday. My Zosia will not only give me the "I'm the cutest thing on earth" stare, but also meaow like to say "I'll die of sadness if you take me off". But now instead of sitting on the edge of the chair i roll her a bit more, take her with two hands, sit on the chair and put her in my lap. It works :)

  33. If you get off the couch in my house, the cat will take your seat and force you sit on the floor. I have been floored many times.
    (She's 19 tho so we let her do whatever she wants)

  34. I bet if you fart Kitteh will get up and move, heh heh.

  35. Hahahaha!!! Oh, I have done this, more times than I care to admit.

  36. I pretty much wrote my entire dissertation for graduate school perched on the edge of my computer chair like this. Great cartoon!

  37. At my home, we had this armchair we used to sit in at the desktop computer, and whenever we were typing one of our cats would always climb up and wedge herself between us and the back of the chair so we'd have to scoot forward. Doesn't have much of an option to try that anymore, as we all have laptops now and recliner chairs, but yah.

  38. If you put a shoe box next to your computer the cat will curl up in it because it has all four sides surrounding them. It makes them feel warm and safe. That should divert them away from laying in your seat and your keyboard. =)


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