Thursday, February 2, 2012

Tummies make pretty good springboards I guess.


  1. Exactly the same with me! Sometimes, my cat loves to just walk along my stomach until I wake up in the middle of the night.

    1. That's why it's healthier to sleep on your side! Duh!

  2. Jaja!!! They love to weak you up and do like nothing happened...
    By the way, new couch? Or its allready scrached?

  3. YES! It's like getting punched in the stomach sometimes!

  4. ALL the time. Occasionally she also uses my face.

  5. Mine are only satisfied if I am a little in pain and awakened from the deepest of sleeps, but they just nudge my hand and roll around on their back until I forgive them. They have me wrapped around their tiny little paws!

  6. Hahahhah yep. My family's cats enjoy burrowing in my tummy. They're really insensitive as to how to makes me feel. :P

  7. My cat once jumped from the headboard down onto my face.... The scars are only just now receding.

  8. My 2 cats when playing around the bedroom while I am asleep, would use my tummy to chase each other. I always woke up with a rude shock.

    1. Same here, first they run over my tummy and under the bed after that. Why can't they run under the bed all the time? I have several scratches from them using me as a springboard, and I get easily scars :D
      One time my younger cat was walking on top of my books, which I read before going to bed. He slipped, and managed to drop LOTR, and himself to my head. The next morning I had bump in my head, and several bled scratches all over my head. My work mates had a hilarious time when I showed to the work XD

  9. mine has an obsession with walking over my boobs, especially when I'm on my period and they hurt!

  10. My boy cat (and therefore heaviest) once did this from the very top of the headboard (near the ceiling) onto my hubs' 'boys'. I guess no children for us...

  11. OH, my goodness, YES! My tiny 8lb tortie manages to inflict so much pain with her well-aimed dive bombs. (jumps is too light a term). and she also manages to always step right on the nerves inside the hip bones. EVERY time! she has perfect aim.

  12. Tummies do make good springboards! So do full bladders and boobs!

  13. My cat weighs 20 lbs and does this to me. Knocks the wind right outta me!

  14. Hahaha! This reminds me of 2 nights ago. I got up at 2AM and found Dimitri, sleeping like a tank (as I like to call it), on my chest!!! No wonder why I was having trouble breathing, hehe.

    Hope you have a great weekend! ;D


  15. Very true. One of my cats does it too. Unfortunately - the fatter one.

  16. Hehe, I agreee, tummies are the best springboards

  17. i seem get same thing but since i am guy they go for painful part below wasit =P instead of tummy

  18. And backs! we have a kitty that uses a springboard method to wake us up if we sleep in. She'll jump from a high point to me and do a double spring from me to my husband to the floor... and then wait a few minutes and repeat. Luckily she's the light one, if our 12 lb kitty do that I'd need a chiropractor!

  19. My dogs do this to me all the time - and in reverse (use me to jump up ON something). I'm pretty sure I'll never be able to have children thanks to their constant use of my belly as their personal trampoline.

  20. My cat weighs 12 lbs, not that he knows it when he decides to hop on mommy.

  21. My cats do this to my boobs. Always my boobs. I guess they're a better springboard than my stomach. They look offended when I cry out in pain. "How dare you be in pain when we graced you with physical contact?"

  22. The question is, why were you sleeping on the couch? :P

    (Big fan of your comics, BTW. It's really fun to witness the torment of those lucky souls who have cats.)

  23. i get this every so often! haahah!

  24. I love your comics! I'm a certified applied animal behaviorist with a pet behavior blog. I featured this comic today! It reminds me of my dog. He has many cat-like behaviors. If it's alright with you, I'd like to feature more of your comics in the future. Thanks! -Mary

  25. we have a 7ft tall cat post, and my cat will jump off the very top on to my husbands gut while he is laying in bed. She did it twice, and then my husband started trying to defend himself and would set her like a volley ball when he saw her coming down. Then I moved the cat tree. haha

  26. My cat did that the other morning. At 5:00 am. And he landed on my boob.

  27. Why?! I don't understand it!! There's a perfectly good arm of the couch they could walk down - but noooooo! ...if they weren't so fluffy...
