Monday, February 6, 2012

People leaving doors open is probably what gets me most.


I just opened my tee and tote shop several days ago. Here's a sample tote of a bathing calico.

You can check it out here :)


  1. same wit me...i get annoyed easily when people open the door widely and my kids (cats) aimed to get out...huhuhu

  2. .___. it's my mother... just like she...

  3. LOL I scream on top of my voice even if the door is slightly open and they are near it. Freaks me out!!!

  4. What is it with humans and their inability to close doors all the way?!?

  5. I don't know, man. It drives me nuts!

  6. Gah, we've only had the litter thing happen once thankfully but it's nasty-nasty when it happens!
    P.S. love that bag!! :)

  7. LOL yup, a door ajar or open gets my git all the time.

  8. Oh my goodness, these are the things that stress me out too. Someone ALWAYS leaves the dang door open for too long and just stands there like a dang statue. They know I have six cats! I have to turn into a ninja and try to stop them all for running at the door. Oh and running out of kitty litter is the worst. I just ran up to 24 hour Walmart to get some at midnight. I need a never ending stache of kitty litter.

  9. I think open doors mainly create stress for my cats... They feel the need to run out but are terrified when they reach the building stairwell. Poor cats.

  10. If that is bad, my husband would go outside, leave the sliding door open so our Yuki comes out to explore. What's worse, during summer, flies come flying in and I'm the one turned banshee at him for not closing the sliding door.

  11. LOL last night I had a minor panic session 'cos we were out of cat food and I didn't realize that!!

  12. OMG yes, open doors freaked me out! I used to live in an apartment with my cats, so if they got out of my apartment door they'd still have to make it through a closed hallway door, and then the outside door. I felt pretty safe.

    But when I bought my house a few years ago it opened up a whole new can of worms. I am crazy about people closing doors and watching for cats. My cat Finn managed to escape when both my dad and I were standing in an open doorway. She only got a few houses down, but it was enough to terrify me.

  13. runings outs of littur is awful. kitees wont waet. theys wil use anytheen.

  14. That bag looks awesome! And yeah, that's something I always watch for at my parents' house. Cats are quick! Close the door ALL the way.

  15. I agree with Heather. Why are humans seemingly incapable of closing doors?! We even have to keep the bathroom door closed now since kitty's fur clogs the drain (no matter how adorable he is drinking from the faucet in the tub)

  16. Too funny. Other people's kids are the worst, when they think your pets are toys. I think it is considered rude to throw someone's child out the window by their ear. At least, I heard that it was.

  17. The doors! I used to live at an apartment with a maintenance man that would always show up when you weren't home and after letting himself in, would leave the door wide open. I had a sign up that stated that I had cats and that they were not to bug spray and to close the door. Even if I didn't have cats, I had A.C. running and couldn't afford to leave a door wide open in the heat of Texas!

  18. When my pet sitter comes in, I ask her to come in the garage, close the garage door, THEN open the interior door to the house. Fortunately she has cats so she understands... :)

    I have a cat that wants to drink from the toilet (ew). So I am terrified he will somehow fall in so the lid is always down on the toilet. I FREAK out when visitors leave it up!

  19. My cats getting out alwayyyyys freaks me out. My female cat Poops (real name Catalina) has already gotten into our garage and unfinished basement, oy. Your tees and totes are fabulous =]

  20. I'm very lucky, my crew of boys is so vigilant about making sure people close the doors that when anyone is walking through or just standing around talking with the door open (seriously, why do people do that?)there are usually three people yelling "DOOR!" or "CATS!" before I can even open my mouth.
    Also, can't wait to get that tote bag! So cute!

  21. my cats go freely outside,where they can climb trees not blinds, and poop in my flowerbed. so I don`t have to worry about this xD

  22. OMG! I thought I was the only one in the world who has nightmares about the cats getting out!

  23. Ahhh, yes the doors! We have one cat that tries to rush out as soon as we open the door! She got out last night infact, good thing it's like below freezing here :) She hates the cold.

  24. House rules: NO KIDS. And NO LEAVING DOORS OPEN! (I follow people to ensure doors are closed and locked.) And fortunately, we own, so no landlord issues; but I remember some particularly nasty ones who are still on my "list" ;(

    LOVE the tote! ;)

  25. Too bad you ain't carrying a cat in that bag!

  26. Seriously! I get so mad at my housemates when they leave the stupid door open! Once my cat was out all day and no one knew until my roommate got home and the cat was sitting on the porch railing.

  27. The same happens to me but with my dog. She's a psycho that tries to run out the moment the door is slightly open.

  28. Funny - the one time I was sure I would lose all or part of a rent deposit was when I had a cat that would bite the metal blinds so that she could get to the window sill.

    By the time I left she had crumpled one end of all the blinds so completely that she could walk by without touching. The metal looked like paper wadded up, with little pin holes where the teeth punched through.

    But they returned the whole thing!

  29. Hi! I first saw your tumblr and now your blog, I really love it! I have 3 cats and I see them all the time in your cartoons :D! It´s really nice and funny!

  30. Whenever we have pizza or chinese delivered, we always ask the delivery person to please step inside so the cats won't escape. We have a table right by the door just for conducting delivery business. Most folks have been very understanding.

    Whenever youngsters visit, we always explain; "dogs like to play chase, but kitties don't. If you want to pet the kitty, sit veeeeerrrrryyy still, and they will come to you." I think it's important to teach kids how to interact respectfully with animals.

    Our 4 cats are toilet trained... I haven't bought kitty litter in at least 8 years.

  31. My fiance got a serious yelling for slamming the door behind him when he leaves the house and then one day my nightmare became reality when our Kiddie's paw got slammed (she was fine afterwards, nothing broken and no blood) but now he knows to slowly close the door and make sure no kitties are at the door. And I too follow my guests around and make sure the front and back doors are properly closed. No other door in my house is closed because I don't want my cats to get stuck in the room (I do a count every hour when I am at home and make sure they are both in my eye sight when I leave the house in the morning and come home at night). Also, the toilet seat is my big issue too. Luckily my fiance is a germophob so the idea of cats drinking from the toiled grosses him out and he is very good at putting the cover down but I do check the bathroom periodically when we have guests to put the seat cover down. Glad I am not alone!

    1. I too count my two cats all the time whenever I leave my house and come back from work. hahahaha

  32. i always hated when my cat got out side, specaily in winter with snow >_< poor kitty , i miss her

  33. How cute this bag! When are you going to deliver to Brazil?

  34. Very cuuuuute!!
    I need this in Brazil!!!!!!!!!!

  35. I get the same extra excited when the door is left open by people. I always worry my cat will go out and get lost!

  36. I know the stress. and I LOVE the bag!!!
