Friday, January 6, 2012

There's no such thing as privacy in a cat person's home.


Update > Lemonade Swimming Pool: New comic - Sleeping Contest


  1. hahahaha it's true

  2. LOVE that the kitten says "smft!"

  3. I absolutely agree! (the post title is "privacy and the cat" ;)

  4. Hahha oh my goodness I'm not trying to sound like a creeper here, but I totally blogged about kitties not giving me alone time in the shower:

    I LOVE your cartoons

  5. Sooo true :)
    Great comic, as usual!

  6. And God forbid you should shut the door all the way! Then, you may be alone, but the peaceful part will be over and done with...One of ours will start to pull the bathmat under the door, and others just scratch and whine.

    Promise! Nothing that interesting is happening!!

  7. I cannot shut the door to any room. There would be scratches on the door and rug :/

  8. ;) This definitely has the ring of familiarity! Our Maine Coon man thinks ALL doors are to be opened. He works tirelessly to achieve his goal. ;)

  9. That's true... But my solution is trying to through him to the water... Then he keeps his distance =P.
    (Don't worry, only tried it once, he didn't even get to touch the water, haha).

  10. So true - even if I lock my cats out of the bathroom, they're at the door the whole time, reaching their hands underneath, trying to open it, meowing and squeaking.

  11. haha. My cat just stands up on his hind legs, puts his paws up on the edge of the tub, and stares at you and the water without moving the entire time. Creeeeepy.

  12. I just got my very first kitten, and I'm learning that tub time = playtime. Who knew a kitten would love bubbles so much? and definitely no closed doors! (Love your blog, it's such a happy part of my Fridays as a new cat owner.)

  13. Mine is not just loving the sound of water and the bubbles. He's meowing, asking to lick some soap foam from my shoulder. It does sound strange or even kinky, but it's just another one of his "things". And I indulge him... Can't resist to that begging little voice :)

  14. The only alone time a person gets in a cat house is when you don't want to cuddle. =]

  15. Oh, it´s even worse for me! Whenever I´m having a lovely, nice smelling bath one of the cats decides to have a sh*t in the litter tray (one of which is in the bathroom, and of course it always *has* to be that one!), meaning I have to get out of the bathtub much sooner than I would have liked to! :O

  16. grab one of them, pull them into the tub

    kitty will never come back and bug you in the tub again

    you have to do this with probably each one

  17. I love that you captured the kitties promptly knocking down the candles or soap bottles. That is often what my Cosmo does first!

  18. My cat loves the shower... so weird. He does an insane shower-cat dance. I loves it.

  19. I have lost the idea of what privacy was when I had a cat. :p

  20. This comic is so very true, and extra-funny to me because I just got out of the bathtub, after being harassed in there by my 2 cats during my soak. :-)

  21. Yeah, I guess we all know this... My old cat always sleeps on the bathroom heating, and after I get into the tub, she gets up and NEEDS to drink from the faucet right now.
    Our two other cats, fortunately, are sort of afraid of the whole bathroom thing, because they've once fallen in the hot tub when they were little.
    But the creepiest thing ever happened once to my mum, as she was lying in the tub with her chest slightly above the water, Andy came and lied down on her chest... and what can be more scary than a cat lying on you, giving you that "don't you dare move"-look, with his back a centimeter from that scary wet thing all around?
    Well... you never get bored with cats in the house. I'm just glad that mine don't know how to open doors :)

  22. Oh man, this is spot on! And I second what MadCatLady said: my bath time is their designated poop time. It's the worst when I take bubble baths and start smelling that distinct smell. lol

  23. Hahaha! If I let my cat D'Artagnan in my bathroom when I'm showering, he usually meows the whole time. And he likes to lick soap bars, and also my legs when I've gotten out. Cats, gotta love 'em. :)

  24. My boyfriend wants me to tell you your comics are fantastic! And I think so too ;)

  25. haha YES. was just snuggling in the sofa having a dinner while watching a film and then my cat COULDNT leave me alone. aghh.

    brilliant comics. you are clearly talented

    xo katrina

  26. When my pet cat was still alive she does that to me! I miss my pet cat. :)

  27. Funny! A cat I had once sat on the bath mat waiting for me to exit. He then liked to half attack, half lick my wet legs. I had to race to dry them so he would stop.

  28. Hey Yasmine, I wrote to you, but did not get any reply, so posting here.
    I am an animal lover from Mumbai, India. We have a lot of feral cats here and I started a program last year to get them sterilised.
    To generate funds for the same, I made calendars with my cats. This year also, I have made Crazy About Cats calendars and cloth bags and selling them in India as well as USA. Can you help me in promoting them?
    Details can be seen in my FB profile-

  29. Damien likes to crawl between the inside and outside shower curtains and try and catch the drips while meowing like crazy. It'd be annoying if he wasn't so cute.

  30. Exactly!! It's when I take a shower, mine (who does not like water) would like to come with me!
