Monday, January 9, 2012

I get lots of baby and puppy pictures. It's only fair that I share my cat pictures and videos.


Just an FYI, the next CvsH book event will be at Booksmith @ Haight in SF this Friday, starting at 8PM. You can RSVP here or check out Booksmith's site for more info and other participating writers.


Update > Lemonade Swimming Pool: New comic - Ice Cream


  1. Bleagh! Who would send you baby or puppy photos? How boring!

  2. I like getting videos of cute things.

  3. LOL! I download cat pics everytime I can...almost all the time!! ♥__♥

  4. I like being productive at work.

  5. Truth! People always ask me if I have kids, and I always say "No, but I have 2 cats. Wanna see?!?"

  6. I eat lunch at my desk so I can watch Maru :P

  7. Between watching cute videos and flipping through photos of cats, dogs, babies, hedgehogs and other cute things, it's a wonder we even got any work done really :)

  8. This happens to me alot!

  9. haha so true! I love my friends kids, but if they send me baby pics they'd better be prepared for my cat pics :)

  10. So is that a cat plushie on the monitor or did you actually bring your cat?

  11. Do your cats play with the door stoppers late at night and cause heart attacks for both humans and fellow kitties? Mine just did, the other cat puffed up like I had never seen.

  12. @Amy is soooooo right. Want to be my servant's friend, accept that Tiny Lady is a cat woman.

  13. Hahaha, my coworkers know me well, I get the animal forwards! I also got a cat calendar for Christmas.

  14. i's gets sik ofs babee pitshurs. kitees > babees.

  15. Haha, this is me exactly. My boss, especially has figured out what a crazy cat lady I am, and always sends me the cat videos he finds now.

  16. I love the contrast between our favourite cat lady's workspace and everyone else's.

  17. i would love to have that floor mat of kitty head for my chair, now i need cat calendar, do you have any calenders of your comics?

  18. Ha! I LOVE your work station. It looks just like mine. Except mine has more junk on the desk. And less pictures of cats. But the floor? That looks like mine.

  19. And also...the word verification on my comment was PUPEE. Haha!

  20. look at this. life of cat ladies are much more fun and colorful! just sayin

  21. I look exactly like that cat lady. Do all cat ladies look the same? I NEEDZ to know. :)

  22. To quote W.C. Fields, "Anyone who hates kids and dogs can't be all bad." I rest my case. >^^<

  23. Haha fabulous! I feel like one day I'll be doing that...only I want to do psychology stuff so maybe I'll make people look at kitten videos during sessions.

  24. Hahahah i TOTALLY do that. Actually today a few of us were watching puppies on ustream. I love pets.

  25. Oh it's totally fair! My cubicle at work is covered in pictures of my cats (present and past), as is my phone, my coat closet, and of course my computer!

  26. Haha!! Yes, I definitely can identify with this one!

  27. My fellow students always ask me if i have a cat. And in the first seconds i always don't know why they might think of that. Then they point out the scratches on my hands and the fine white hair on my clothes.
    Okay, and maybe the catstories.

    1. I get that alot too! Tweenzys

  28. Cat videos are my very favorite to get.

  29. The way that I can tell I'm the cat person in my office is anytime anyone sees a cute cat video, they send it TO ME.

  30. This is so me... In my work place I saw other ladies having pictures of their children on their walls so I decided to have pictures of my cats on my wall. And I always send some cat related e-mails to my co-workers! Most of them don't reply anything...

  31. I see myself in a few years...
