Friday, November 11, 2011

Alternative title: what the outside of my house looks like.

Here's my window treatments. Isn't it lovely?


Here's some photos from the second CvsH book signing in the Bay Area. This was in Book Passage in SF.

I talked about my cats, how the blog started, future projects, gave away free posters and then we chatted about cats some more…Thanks to everyone who came!

Oh, and next one will be in Phoenix (Changing Hands) in a couple weeks! RSVP here if you'd like.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yasmine haven't Your cats trained you to leave the blinds partially up and/or get curtains so you still have privacy from the street/neighbors? I usually leave the backyard/kitchen blind partially up 24/7, and the bedroom window has 2 curtains so she usually finds her way to the window on her own!

  3. Yup. Wooden blinds are the best for kitty houses.

  4. We have a catnip patch too and my kitty loves rolling in it! This is almost so true, it's eerie.

  5. I'm going to your book signing in Tempe. Can you draw my cats?

  6. i gave up on blinds and stick to curtains now, cheap ones that are easy to replace lol.
    we grow catnip for our kitties every year but it doesn't like to overwinter inside the apt.

  7. my kitty usually just sits on top of one of our cars... patrolling the neighborhood

  8. After my first cat destroyed the cheap vinyl blinds the house came with, I installed faux wood blinds. She still managed to break one of the slats, trying to watch for the strays who come by to feed. All the windows on the second floor have blinds open 24/7, because you know how cats love high places!

  9. totally have my blind partially up, they like to see what's going on in the backyard.

  10. Hah! My kitted are only indoors right now, so all you can see from outside are the destroyed blinds. But this applies to my mother's house too, lmfao.

  11. hey! there are not dead birds over the roof and of course, there should not be flowers ...well, my cat used to like booting them. =/

  12. haha, all my blinds are broken, and the curtains are covered in hair.

  13. Hmm, maybe it´s a U.S. kitty thing, but our venetian blinds here are pristine, but it probably helps to have them permanently up just about cat head sitting height.

    Also, another thing that would apply to our houses here, how to spot a cat person´s place in the Canary Islands (where a lot of the houses, walls etc. are *white*) is to look for dirty paw marks on the white paint where kitties jump up and down.... :)

  14. MOL! I raise our miniblinds about cat-height, so they can look out and the blinds aren't mangled. And in the office, there are verticals, which are very cat-friendly. Other than that, yup, pretty much house twins ;)

  15. LOL! I wish I had a house like that :P

    You're aMEOWzing, girl!!!

    Don't stop! =ƸΦ.ΦƷ=

  16. Another way to tell is to look for an accumulation of cat nose marks on the window, especially the sliding glass patio doors.

  17. the drawing is funny, but the "Alternative title: what the outside of my house looks like." is even funnier!

  18. I thought I was looking at a cartoon of my own house. The blinds are identical to what ours look like... complete with the kitty sitting in the window.

  19. Old cat lady here. Solution to cat destroyed window treatments? Blinds sandwiched between the glass of thermal windows. I know, expensive. But the satisfaction of winning on any front as a cat owner is priceless.

  20. This is why we replaced our miniblinds with vertical blinds! The kitties just shove their way between them without causing any harm. ;)

  21. Parts of my blinds are completely broken off from the cats pushing to look out the window and from me trying to pull the blinds back in place. Sigh, I never get my full security deposit back because of them. Good thing I love them so much. :)

  22. We got our kitty Kali from the shelter when she was 3 months old. She had never seen blinds before in her life, but it took her all of ten minutes to break ours beyond all repair. There goes our security deposit.

    On the other hand, my mom has two 16+ year old, 20lb+ cats who are ornery enough to have broken her wooden-slat blinds in HALF.... I think I'll stick to a little plastic mangling from my nine pound kitten.

  23. the blinds being bent is very familiar!

  24. We (my husband, I and our four cats) live in an apartment on the 6th floor. Our blinds are the thin metal kind. They have HOLES in them where my Birman queen hav played ticket puncher and bitten them.

    Our apartment can be recognized as housing cat lovers from the outside by the balcony. We have a large balcony and it is netted in (as required by law if you let the cats go out on it).

  25. this depicts the true picture of a cat person's homeJava Training in Chandigarh

  26. I wish I could say I know the feeling, but knowing my step-dad... he'd break out in hives and have a heart attack just driving past a house that looks like this. :/ There are two cats in my house.
    My blinds look like crap, but that's just because they get stuck in the window when I close it.

  27. I love your drawings, and also I love cats.
    Greetings from Serbia

  28. I looooveeee this blog!!!

  29. HEY! how do you know my house? ;)


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