Wednesday, September 7, 2011

We're kicking off the CvsH book signing in my neck of the woods--in SF Bay!

I'll be doing a mini talk on comics and blogging, giving away free stuff, and signing books! Yay!

First event will be at Books Inc. in Alameda, CA, at 7pm. Feel free to invite yourself by RSVP-ing above.

See you there!


p.s. I have an event in San Francisco and Phoenix as well, just an FYI. These are TBA.


  1. If I wasn't on the opposite side of the country, I'd be there.

  2. need tour, crazy cat lady tour then make your way up here in MN

  3. I wish I could go..but living in Spain does't help :(

  4. We wish we could attend, too, but we're down in SoCali sweltering in the heat. Wishing you huge success! Because huge success=more cat food, toys, and treats ;)

    PS There's no such thing as a "crazy cat lady" -- only crazy non-cat people!

  5. I so wish I could go, but living on the east coast is would make the trip a bit of a hassle :(

  6. would it be possible to buy an autographed book directly from you? cos i can't be there :( am living in Singapore ya see...

  7. I'm a big fan of cats and your blog. Just got one for now, and she doesn't allow me to bring other pets to joing us. I'd love to go, so bad I live on the other polo (Chile). Wish you the best!

  8. Just discovered your blog and I love it !

    I'm a cat lover too, have 3 on my own and I'm a member of a french association for hobos cats...

    I'm gonna read you everyday, now !

  9. Haha the look on the crazycat lady so funny :P


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