Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The sunbeam is the best kitty tamer.


  1. Ha! They so do that, don't they? Mine have a crazy last hour late in the night, then sleep all day.

  2. I wish. My cats fight over sunbeams. The black one starts in the sun, then the orange one gets all friendly and cuddly and eventually shoves him out of the way, and then the fighting starts when the black one realizes what's just happened.

  3. hey ehm. in the third panel the orange cat accidentally switched fur-colours.

    Not many people have seen it Change it quick(if you want of-course)

  4. uh-oh 3rd kitty's head turns grey? :o

    i wish my cat has a playmate/hiss-mate. the shihtzu's not that interactive :\

    greetings from the Philippines. i love your comics and your kittehz~ :3

  5. Oh, great spot, Anon! I kind of like it. Makes him look like a teddy.

  6. haha orange cat's blue head XD

  7. I thougt it was weird the third picture, but is only missmatched the color of the orange kittie's head. Sorry for my bad english u.u

  8. LOL! I corrected that.

    or maybe, she was being squeezed so much she turned grey O_o

  9. It says the photo is unavailable =(

  10. My 18 lb tabby usually would just hook the 10 lb grey short hair by the neck with one of his front paws, lock him in place, and paddle him with his back legs. At this point, they need to be separated.

  11. I love the way you draw them all puffed up! It's so true, not to mention precious!
    Love and Turtledoves,

  12. Love your stories! And your drawings are bee-yoo-ti-full.

  13. My cats sleep 20 hours a day, maybe they're all koalas in cat's body .

  14. Mutual grooming - fight to the death - mutual grooming - fight to the death...
    Favo pastime of my furry beasts as well.

  15. The puffed-up kitties are so funny and cute!

    This reminds me of my older girl and my mom's boy. Sometimes they cuddle up together and clean each other. At other times the boy starts trying to intimidate the girl, and we have to yell at them to prevent a fight. Then the boy wanders around the house meowing pathetically like "I didn't do anything!" They're crazy, but you can't help but love them. :)

  16. Awww, so TRUE and so cutely illustrated, Yasmine! Although my clowder are known to cuddle and purr in catpiles at night, too, especially when it's cold ;)

  17. Hehe, that's absolutely true! :p

  18. I love their cute little struggling faces.

  19. I'd love to slap a sticker of the first frame on my car. Love those over-exaggerated balls of rage!

  20. HAHA! So true, so true!

    My furbabies will fight over everything (bed, food, me, etc.) but all is done when the afternoon sun hits, that is, unless the patch of sun is fit for only one kitty. Then they fight over that.

    Thanks for the smile.

    Pssst! Confession: Sometimes I join them for an afternoon nap under the sun!

  21. Yasmine, you should TOTALLY make stickers or something of your "over-exaggerated balls of rage"!!! *loves how Ahkee1 put that!*

    <3 <3 <3

  22. My cats just fight over who gets to sit on the arm rest closest to the screen door.

  23. This is sooooo true~
    nice drawing btw.

    love cats~


    p/s:post more of ur cats picture pls~

  24. Love it!!!!

    and to anonymous: the cats changed colors in the last scene due to the sun being on them making them lighter.....

  25. doesnt work for mine =[

  26. Really enjoy this blog and wrote a post on it.

  27. never tried seeing cats suddenly go slump when a ray of sunlight beam on them, but i do see them lounge about places with a wee bit of sun spot in it~

    still... aaaaaaaaaaaw

  28. totally same with my cat XD
    like this (^o^)b

  29. i just love this one! i printed it for my cubicle at work today and realized the unquestionable similarity to a typical work week - "over-exaggerated balls of rage" on monday, battling and hissing through friday, happy to snooze by saturday. consider stickers AND a stationary supplies line! thank you thank you :)

  30. I guess this is why men call women's fight catfighting....they have a fantasy that women will begin to cuddle each other after a fight. And then they pretend they don't like silly cats because they are "too feminine" pets.

    I guess this is why I love men ;)Oddballs and have amind of their own.....just like cats.

    Greeting from (now bit slippery from early winterfrost)Finland!

  31. hahahahahaha!!!!! soooooooo cute

  32. hahahahahahahaha sooooooooo cute!!!!!


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