Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The 5-second rule does not apply in my household.


  1. no five second rule at my house, unless you like hair and "other" bits on things

  2. Hahhahahaha, here in my house is the same way! xD

  3. Anyone else think of kitty litter every time they see Grape Nuts?

  4. We don't have a five second rule either. Our rule is that if it can be brushed off, it's okay.

  5. yess. I've picked up many dropped noms only to find a layer of fuzz on it. The worst is when my cat rubs up against my water cup. When I go to take a sip I have hair all up in my mouth. eep.

  6. We have a no-second rule in my house: the moment it hits the floor, it belongs to the cats!

  7. HAHA I was just talking about how my house is like this last night! A guest said "oops dropped it! 5 second rule!" I said "there is no such rule in this house. Your food is now a hair ball."

  8. OMG Yes!! I have sooo had this happen!

    Though I think the worst for me was when I was dishing up some ice cream, and the scoop slipped, and sent a nice round ball of ice cream to the kitchen floor. I'm not sure I would have wanted to eat it anyways after that, but... It landed smack on top of the cardboard scratch box next to our counter. So not only was it covered in cat hair, but it was covered in little bits of cardboard too. x_x

  9. 5 seconds? Hair or no hair, dropped food simply doesn't have that long in our house. The cats have learned to hang out under the kids' chairs and pounce anything that falls. Amazing reflexes for being so lazy.

  10. i know booth versions, 3 or 5. if 3 doesn't work, you always have 2 seconds more. but nevertheless, it wouldn't work in my room too.

  11. ... seeing the comments, am I the ONLY ONE who will just wipe it off or blow on it and eat it regardless, if only to one-up my cat?

  12. I'm lucky if there's no cat hair on my food before I eat it. Nothing like taking a sip of coffee in the morning to find cat hair floating in your cup. :/

  13. if its dropped here it goes to whomever is fastest.. 1 of the 4 kitties or 1 of the two dogs.. no one even has a CHANCE to wait 5 seconds!

  14. If you drop food around here, the animals have already gotten it.

  15. Oh God no! We mostly definitely do not eat anything that touches the floor. We let the dogs eat it though. ;-)

  16. i started laughing, only to find cat hair in my chili right after.

  17. Puppy is VERY quick to get food that's been spilled. The cats get to the food even when it's still on the plate O_O

  18. Anonymouse 8:37 AM: Well, I can't vouch for why Yasmine's friend eats just meatballs, but I do remember eating at an Ikea in Singapore once where the meatballs are served sans noodles or red sauce, according to Swedish standards I suppose. It has just a brown gravy. Meatballs aren't always served as part of a spaghetti and meatballs dish.

  19. my kitty-puppy is fast so there is no chance of any one getting the five second rule

  20. Haha, so true. But if it's something "washable" (raw veggies, etc.) then yes it can be rinsed off and still eaten. Most things like candy and "wet" foods, though, do not pass the "covered in 10 layers of cat fur" test. LOL!

  21. Food that falls belongs to the cats UNLESS it is very expensive or hard to make... Then it has to be rinsed off to be saved! But my male Cornish Rex will take food right off my fork/spoon, so "floor food" is sometimes below him.

  22. You'll be an elite cat owner when you prefer food with cat hair on it.

    You'll be gourmet when you get a siamese cat for the exotic eastern flavor of the hair.

  23. Hahahahahahaha this is so cool!

  24. A friend of mine came over to watch DVDs, put her glass of water on the floor next to the couch, cat _materialised_ and immediately drank from her glass. My friend doesn't have cats and doesn't understand. I didn't think to warn her.

  25. I don't have cats because i'm allergic, But my friend does and whenever i eat at her house her one cat will stalk you waiting for anything to fall into her hair-filled lair also known as the floor. The other cat could care less about people food and only wants the kitty treats.

  26. That's my house too! I have cats AND a dog, so you don't wanna eat anything that's touched the floor.

  27. there is only one room where the 5 sec rule can exist and that is in my bedroom. I dont let them in my room as they keep disturbing my sleep.

  28. Oh god I wouldn't eat anything off the floor in our house! Not only a layer of fur but all the times the cats have pooed or wee'd on the floor in the living room and kitchen... No matter how many bottles of bleach I've used everything that hits the floor goes straight in the bin unless the cats want to eat it :D

  29. In my house, 5 seconds is long enough for the cat to have run from across the house, snatched the meatball, have taken it to the other side of the house, and have it mostly eaten.

  30. After living with cats all my life, I have ingested so much cat hair that I need to have my inside stomach shaved! It's so bad that when I eat out and find a hair in my food, it doesn't gross me out. Sad huh?

    1. Nope. I'm the same way. My youngest cat has long hair, and since i got him, I don't think I have had a Hair free meal!!!

  31. OMG Yes!! I have sooo had this happen!

    Though I think the worst for me was when I was dishing up some ice cream, and the scoop slipped, and sent a nice round ball of ice cream to the kitchen floor. I'm not sure I would have wanted to eat it anyways after that, but... It landed smack on top of the cardboard scratch box next to our counter. So not only was it covered in cat hair, but it was covered in little bits of cardboard too.
