Saturday, July 30, 2011

That "look" is a trap. Look away immediately.


  1. One of my cats is diabetic, so she can only be fed twice a day when she gets her insulin shot... I am quickly becoming immune to the look! Ha!

  2. LOL you certainly couldn't resist that "look"! they are the professionals, they are good at that.

  3. my bubby crys in the kitchen, runs to the cupboard when you go in then hops on the fridge with "the look"...

  4. well, i didn't know that our cats were so much alike! lol. Kitten has been doin that all her life!

  5. I wish mine gave the "look" they just get up on my chest and meow loudly in my face until it is food time.

  6. I made the mistake of giving my cat some catnip at 2 AM one night when I couldn't sleep. Now he's on me every morning at 2 AM, looking for catnip. The look isn't quite so endearing at that hour.

  7. I wish YOU were my human! Mine is impervious to this.

  8. So true. And if you ignore them, they make you give em food/treats the hard way. During the rain,our help sleeps in our living room because water leaks into her room. My cats realize they can make her give them food in the wee hours of the morning by 1) stepping on her face, or/and 2) crashing the stuff we place on top of the fridge.

  9. Hehehe so true, mine also headbutt me if he doesn't get what he's after.

  10. The treats aren't such a big problem for me: my cat just had kitties, but the other cats got jealous, so we have to keep the kitties locked in my room. I have to open the door for the mother all the time and she never let's me sleep. She purs and meows all the time and, when she gets sick of not getting attention, she bites my hair and scratches my face.

  11. Soo true

    Susita, an italian fan

  12. This is GREATNESS!!! Love your work, sooooo true! P.S. I have four new baby kittens! :D

  13. So very true ... The crying cat is really cute ! But my Ziggy has now a renal illness and can only eat special food from the vet. So when I say "no", it IS "no". He is learning. Good boy ...

  14. I like how "one last one" means "six more."

  15. I get "the look" AND the silent meow ... the silent meow always gets my cats their way. It's as if they're so heartbreakingly needy that they can't even vocalize a meow. And I crack every time.

  16. Such sad wee facial expressions and big big eyes! Every comic you do is spot on! :) x

  17. Awww! Feel-better healing *PURRS* for Zoe and Zigomar's sweet cats <3

    As for us, my Rani will NOT let me alone in the morning (grooming time, followed by treat 'rewards') or at night (treats, sometimes twice) and she has a special 'ikk! ikk!' she uses for this purpose. Woe is me if I don't succumb!

  18. I started reading you because I found you funny, but now your comics have taken a rather therapeutic function: The last bunch of strips helped me realize it's not just me imagining things --they actually /do/ all this surprisingly manipulative stuff.

    It's kinda scary when you think about it. But also awwww :3

  19. Hahaha ... Blackmail with those eyes

  20. Yeah, it's impossible to ignore "the look". That looks says, "I'm a very sad kitty and I'm starving and need treats. NOW!" LOL!

  21. You're lucky your cats ever "ask", mine just runs off with the whole packet.

  22. My kitties have not figured this out yet. Thank goodness. My dogs have though...

  23. Hahaha! I fall for that all the time! I'm a sucker and my cats know it!


  24. daw my puppy (the kitten in disguise) gives me the look. When i was teaching him Bang (play dead) he gave me the look and there was no training her got the whole treat...... I am weak

    Lauren owner of one kitty-dog

  25. My kitten is like that; I give him treats in the kitchen, so everytime I got to the kitchen, he starts meowing at me as if there is only one possible reason I could be in the kitchen. I try not to fall for it.

  26. It IS impossible to ignore. I have managed to reduce the damage to two (kinds of) treats per day ...

  27. Ohhhhh my little forever kitten turns her head to the side. It's IMPOSSIBLE to resist! (And she's quite a food vampire, so she does that when I'm eating anything. Even fruit. Turns out she likes onions. Whodda thunk!)

  28. My cat is the same...I love your work!!!

  29. Our cat does this eyelash batting that we call her blinky look. If she's in trouble or wants to sit on her lap when we've told her to go to bed... or doesn't want to come inside. She'll sit really still and just blink intentionally. :D

  30. My cat just stands on my chest with his butt in my face and walks along windowsills and shelves, knocking things off as he goes until he's fed....

  31. Love it! I fell with friskies and wiskers :(, is just that beautiful sound and their hge hugs!!

  32. SO TRUE!!!!!!!!!! :D

  33. Mine (Jack-O-Lantern) gives me the long, droopy-eyed look, after supper or breakfast or any meal, and after every treat-time. When I'm too slow or too busy, she will kitty-cuss me (saying "yayayaya"), and I hiss back at her because I don't like her tone of voice. Jack then hides in the linen closet until I apologize...and offer her a treat to make up.

  34. I have 4 begging for food right now...

  35. My Horatio(she has a orange patch on her head, ok?) is just like this! She gets up in the unused chair at our dining table and gives me the cute green kitten eyes until I feed her something...The funny thing is, she will eat just about anything, including vegetables! :P

  36. My cats once opened the treat cabinet and spilled everything everywhere.
