Saturday, June 25, 2011

Cats are extra affectionate in the bathroom. This is true.

Please tell me this happens to you.


  1. This is the exact reason I don't let my cat in to the bathroom with me. I made the mistake once.

  2. I had a cat that learned how to open doors just so she could go into the bathroom and be loved while you peed!

  3. Yup all mine but like 2 of them are like this. I have 7 btw :p

  4. It does happen to me all the time!!!

  5. All the time. It is most likely my fault because I often sit in the bathroom when I'm brushing my hair & the cats know I'll always stop and brush them instead.

  6. My kitten Lenore is ONLY affectionate in the bathroom, and she sleeps in the sink. My other cat, Poe, jumps into the shower with us. No joke.

  7. My boys too!

    @Chelsie one of my cats does that too. He can't stand for me to be out of his sight.

  8. Of my three cats, two of them love to interrupt potty time to cuddle. :| I always thought it was so weird, but I'm relieved to read all the comments that say their cats do it too! LOL Yep, they pick a strange time but it's probably because they know we are trapped in there for a bit so they can take advantage. Don't you think?

  9. okay, your comments are making me feel better about this. we are united in toilet cuddling.

  10. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who gets visited in the bathroom. I don't understand why they get so affectionate in there. They push the door open, sit on my lap, play in the bathtub, curl up in the sink...One of my cats LOVES to be held while I'm in my bathrobe. :-)

  11. My cat has done this. He has no concept of personal space. It was cute once. And then...weird. And just somehow wrong.

  12. Yep. And there's no locking them out unless you want screaming crying, fighting, paws under the door rattling of the door, toys pushed under the door, amongst other annoyances. And when I take a bubble bath or shower it's the same routine. Then they sit by the shower and stare through the steamed glass at me or on the aide of the tub playing with the bubbles and looming at me like I'm the bravest person (or craziest) for subjecting myself to water torture. Occasionally the boys will wrestle while I'm soaaking and one will fall in the tub. That's the end of relaxation right there. *sigh* wouldn't change them for anything though!

  13. YES, a couple of ours have done this, right about the time I was ready to get up, too. :P

  14. The bathroom sink is the only place my one cat will let me brush her without shredding my hands to bits.

  15. Sometimes mine curls up in my pants while I'm doing my business.

  16. Our cats begin scratching and meowing the second you go into the bathroom and sit down. When you let them in they cuddle for a bit around your legs and then leave the room. Whyyyy?

  17. My cat does that to my boyfriend, but not to me :(. He even goes to the point where runs to the bathroom and starts his "I want cuddles" meows as soon as he suspects my boyfriend is heading there.
    I'm kind of jealus.

  18. This is my LIFE! I'm always in a mad race against my girl cat - and I can never beat her to the bathroom, so closing the door and keeping her out is never an option. I'm then desperately trying to keep my legs covered because she ALWAYS tries to jump on my lap, I try to rebuff her, and it results in claws digging in to my bare knees/thighs. I have the scars to prove it. If I'm able to block her from jumping on my lap, she vaults onto the sink, and then crosses from the sink, onto my shoulders where she perches for the duration of time that I'm on the toilet. I still haven't figured out how to fix that situation.

  19. I do not let my Ziggy enter "there" when I am in. But when I go out, he tries to get in ... Why ????????????????

  20. Good to know my cat's not the only one.

  21. Mine likes to sniff around the toilet while it is in use. And if I don't let him in the bathroom, he'll lay against the door until I come out....and then ignore me.

  22. thought: is there catnip hidden in all cat owner's bathrooms? is it a conspiracy of some cat kind?
    I miss having a cat who is cute + cuddly in the bathroom ... believe me, you'll miss it when it stops! :)

  23. This happens to me every morning!

  24. I just leave the door open whenever I go in there to pee, because my cat will have a fit if he can't come in and rub on me. Doesn't really bother me though.

    Same when I take a bath, he wants to know where I am and be able to check on me.

  25. I have one kitty in particular who likes to come in while I'm doing my business... and climb INSIDE my pants while they're around my ankles. x_x I can't help but laugh at her, even while it creeps me out!! LOL

    I saw one other person posted that their cat does this too. I'm glad my Starlight isn't the only one. o.o

  26. I can't leave the door shut, my ginger kitty just wants my not so busy hands for the petting!

  27. yep! My cat Petunia always follow me to the bathroom. Whenever I close the door (I live by myself) she starts scratching it until I lose my patience--and feel sorry for her, of course. Poor her, I think.

    Then she always do this. Petunia sits on my legs and starts immediately to sleep. Oh, I must say, in a very very adorable way. She purrs so loud! so I can't help it.I stay there for as long as I can. Till I cannot fell may legs anymore, normally :s

  28. Mine likes to walk 8's around my legs.. ^^

  29. My fatty cat Orfeo ALWAYS does that.
    Worst thing is: in the morning, half asleep, I tend sit with my head leaned forward and he tries to jump to my shoulders... when he fails (did I mention he doesn't have the ninja factor all cats have?) he leaves me scratched and horribly confused, but it's WAY better than finding yourself sitting on there, stuck with a cat sitting and purring on your neck! :D

  30. they like to cuddle when we're most vulnerable. or uncomfortable.

  31. ALWAYS.
    But i think it's kind of cool.

  32. omg this totally happens to me. Every time I go to the bathroom the cat runs in with me and demands to be loved. Funny that when I'm not going to bathroom he couldn't be bothered with cuddles. hehe

  33. All the time. If I don't let her in, she cries outside the door. Lucky I live by myself - this is one of the things that non-cat people would DEFINITELY find very, very weird.

  34. Yes, they are, well just one of my babies, always waits for me outside the door or enter to demands afection...

  35. Well, one of my cats does this, the other doesn't. But then again, they like to be different. Sometimes I doubt they are the same species.

  36. Both of mine have learned how to open the bathroom door. Once inside, they will climb in the tub and wait, or sit on the side and harass me from there.

    Maybe they worry I will flush my self accidentally...

  37. yes, this happens to me too :)

  38. Me too! With two of mine, one sits on my back and the other on my lap.

  39. My Bowie loves to jump on your lap and purr contentedly while you use the toilet. Sometimes I sit longer then I have to because I don't want to disturb him. What's weird is that he really isn't much of a lap cat otherwise!

  40. My orange kitty loves to be in the bathroom with me. It's really hard to wipe when there's a cat trying to catch the toilet paper. :-/

  41. hehe so true! My cat Yuki (white, blue eyes, deaf) always comes into the bathroom, even when you're not there. I think it's mainly because of the water, she waits (meows allot and really loud) for me to turn on the tap.
    She likes to play and drink the water! She's a wee nutter!
    Love your drawings Yasmine, almost everyone of them I relate too :)

  42. Yep, our cat comes too to bathroom when you're sitting there! First he just purrs and push towards legs and then he jumps and sits on me!
    It's cute:3

  43. Ba'el (my 22lb long hair) would get in the shower and sit in the corner that was the least wet to watch and talk. One day my ex-girlfriend had just gotten into the shower and we were talking through the door when he started pulling at it to open the sliding door and go in. He was looking at me opening the door, hopped in, let out a surprised meow and came running out. I guess he thought I would be in there? He has not "asked" to be in the shower since

  44. one of my cats, Luna, always waits outside the bathroom door for me. She will always put her front paws up on my knee, then stretch one paw up in the air as if she's reaching out to me. So cute. If I leave the bathroom door open, she'll sit and wait for me to shower. Weird little thing! Sweet though :)

  45. love the blog.
    I've got four cats myself so it's so familiar.
    unfortunately, I do not have a boyfriend and it is very difficult to find one when you say that you've got four cats ;)

  46. yes! this is exactly how it is:)

  47. My cat Munchkin likes to climb into my pants and curl up in them like they are a bed. That way I have to pick her up and give her attentions before I can get up.


  48. oh, yes...
    and he has to watch me shower...while the dog waits at the door.
    if I'm completely cruel and close the door ignoring his meowing, he waits with the dog at the door till I get out, and then runs into the wet bath tub and just sits there getting wet, till I carry him out...

  49. My 2 cats corner me in the potty and I can't escape -_-*

  50. this is so true! :))) My cats just can't wait to go in the bathroom with me...

  51. Every. Single. Time.

  52. mine either gets on my lap and reaches up to nuzzle my face, or gets on the sink to drink out of the tap. any time hubby or i go into the bathroom, she drops whatever she's doing and runs in after us!

  53. Every morning I spend some 30 minutes with my spoiled littler girl on my lap in the bathroom. I cant get up untill my legs feel numb. But I enjoy having her with me. So I just read the news from my phone and make the most of this time. Omg I sound so crazy. I would like to use this comic in my Turkish blog to introduce you. Hope it is ok with you? Cheers

  54. Definitely, and she will almost never sit in my lap at any other time (the independent type.) I think the lap angle is a nice 90 degrees, for optimum cat-sitting.

  55. All but one of my friend's five cats like to crowd in the bathroom and watch me pee. My cat just circles the bowl trying to figure out where the sound is coming from.

  56. I never hear the end of it from my parents!!!

  57. i was just talking to my friend about this the other day! my cat does this ALL THE TIME!!

  58. its like you're drawing me and my cat!

  59. this happens to me too. my cat will jump up and perch herself on my shoulder while im on the john. i tell her " I love you, but this is NOT a bonding moment". She doesnt listen.

  60. The cats know they have a captive audience in the bathroom and always follow to see how much attention they can get! I don't mind but it seems to bother guests...

  61. Since my cat is toilet trained he sometimes see me heading there and races me to use it first. We often wrestle on the way cause I want to go first :P

  62. My cat Shadow used to do this. It was cute but I don't have the heart to move when I'm done, and he's sleeping on my lap... DX

  63. this is the only time when my cat sits on my lap......

  64. my kitten chooses that time to play with my pants, actually.

  65. YES and my friend's cat swipes at her ____ through the crack in the toilet seat when she _____. LOL

  66. When I first adopted my cat it's the only place he would voluntarily come to hang out with me!

  67. If I close the bathroom door, my cats will go frantic trying to get to me, with the paws under the door, rattling the door, and crying, "Mommy, nooooooooooo! No go pee without us! We have to protect you from the scary flush monster! If you fall in, who will feed us?" It's really easier just to leave the door open ^.^

  68. Yes! It's like kitty sees me sitting down not moving much, and thinks "Lap! Warm still lap!" *Pounce*

  69. This is exactly why I love your blog...Every tiime there's a new post, I show it to my husband, and we get a good laugh because it has definitely happened to us, in fact, one of our cats also likes to sit between my legs and "guard" me, too...and then there's the toilet sniffer...and, somewhere around the house, there's a picture of one of our cats sitting in my hubby's boxers while he's using the toilet...

  70. Yesssss! If I don't let her into the bathroom, she cries pathetically outside the door in a very loud voice.

  71. I have one cat who lives part time on our towels in the bathroom shelves, and the other likes to rush in whenever I go down the hallway and turn on the light... When he does make it he just sits on the sink and gives me baby eyes or when he's in a really good mood he will sit on the back of the toilet and put his head on my shoulder. Admittedly he is better than he used to be, he had an obsession with chewing on my fingers and my ring and whenever he was stuck in there with me he would stand on 2 legs and do that. Very annoying but he's my baby and I guess I made him that way. Oh, and he also tries to break down the door every time I'm in the shower and he's not in there... stuffs toys through the bottom, tries the handle, throws himself at it, etc. I really do love your blog, I wish I had thought of drawing myself with my cats... sort of creepy so better you than me! Look forward to seeing more!

  72. yes is so true, my kitte may not jump on my lap but just sits there till Im done to see the water go down : )

  73. yes, and god forbid you don't let them in with you!

  74. Oh this is so true! My cat races me to the bathroom if that's where she thinks I'm going!

  75. This happens to me. 2 out of my 5 cats will also join me in the bathroom if I am taking a bath; one is adventurous to climb up on my lap while I am in the tub, if my legs are projecting even a little bit above the surface of the water.

    No man may be an island, but apparently *I* am.

  76. mys cats doesnt do that. cats that did gots throwed out. to other peepels tho. nots ons the streets.

  77. It's "love me while you're in the bathroom" or "scratch, scratch, scratch" on the door. There is no happy bathroom time in my house unless they don't notice you're headed that way!

  78. Only one of my cats and if I don't let her in with me she paws under the door and howls until I let her in.

  79. Captive audience time! Yes! Sometimes my boys will think we're going to the bathroom and rush in, even when we pass by it.

  80. Jejeje happens to me with my dog every time. Its nice to have the company.

  81. Oh, god, all the TIME. Except instead of getting up on my lap, my cat flings himself onto his back by my feet and insists on getting belly rubs. It's really hard to pee when you're leaning to the side rubbing a cat's stomach, let me tell you.

  82. I'm glad to see all these comments. I thought only my cats were weird. With 6 cats I usually have an audience. They do not get into my lap, but one will get on the back of the toilet, another on the edge of the tub and one on the sink. No privacy.

  83. They know they have a captive audience, I think. And I swear they can get any door latch open.

  84. My cat loves to be in my nap while I'm in the bathroom, time cuddling =)

  85. My cat does this and now so does my DOG. I figure, hey, I watch them pee and poop--heck, I even PICK UP their poop, so I should just let it go. It doesn't bother me but it sure creeps out my fiance! :P

  86. Yes my cat does this; and recently I got a new kitten and he learned to do this from my older cat. So now the older one will get on my lap first, then the little one will get on top of the other one. It's quite an experience at my house for me to use the facilities now lol

  87. mine do this all the time and if I try closing the door they will cry until I open it!

  88. It happens to my husband almost every morning. His cat does that, mine just walks by. Now my dog on the other hand, wishes I would let him crawl into my lap... But he's 35 pounds! And sitting on my lap in an arm chair is not the same as sitting on my lap on the toilet, haha.
    Some friends get so disturbed when my animals try to follow them into the restroom, haha.

  89. Unfortunately it does! My 8 month year old, Dexter goes into a mixture of curiosity and panic whenever I go to the bathroom. Panic only ensues when I close the door for privacy. :P His little paws then frantically try to find me from under the door. ^_^

  90. yeah, i can't keep the door closed. they definitely try to reach underneath it to come in :/

  91. I wondered whether this happened to other people...glad to know it does! We have four cats and two of them are confirmed toilet-time cuddlers. Often I'll end up spending far more time in the bathroom than I actually need to, simply because I don't have the heart to disturb them once they've settled onto my lap so contentedly. Sigh.
    They also enjoy bathtime - I've had to build a platform especially for the furballs so that they can be sociable without falling into the tub with me ( panicked cats and bare skin are a bad combination! ).
    I've actually had our youngest puss Karma, a personable little tuxedo-kitty, crawl onto my chest while I'm reading in the bathtub. He'll curl up, his tail dangling in the water ( doesn't seem to bother him much ), and happily stay there until I move him. Nothing like wet cat fur up your nose when you're trying to relax. ( chuckle ).

  92. Yes. It used to happen to me when I lived alone and didn't have to shut the door. But since I moved andI have to shut the door. She waits for me outside the bathroom now.

  93. I have one 30 lb cat and he is only ever affectionate when I am in the bathroom. Its very cat.

  94. Great comic and excellent comments. LOL!

    One of our bathroom doors is very easy to open, and my cats ALWAYS open it wide just for the sake of letting you exposed with your pants on your knees (I live with my family)! ¬¬*
    Sometimes they start begging loudly while rubbing my legs, but most of the time they just want to embarass you.

  95. Yeah, one of our cats does that, only she doesn't sit on our lap... The sink is right next to the toilet and she likes to get up on the sink and rub against my head while I use the toilet... Of course, she does sit on the toilet seat a lot, especially when I want to use it! :D

  96. My cat sits on the toilet seat every time I go to the bathroom. In fact she somehow feels wich chair I'm going to use and sleeps there.

  97. Most of my 6 are like that. In fact thats how my fat girl Tiger finally started being nice to people, but my tuxedo Scootie he knows that the bathroom is no social time.....he pees in the toilet. =^..^= L. Warren

  98. Yup, Binx does this too. Also, if I just needed to wash my hair and leaned over the tub to do so (not actually getting in and taking a shower), he used to sit next to me and cry, like he was afraid I was going to drown. Doesn't do it anymore though, guess he figured out I wasn't suicidal.

  99. This is true. This happens to me a lot.

  100. That happens to my mom!
    When I'm in the bathroom in the morning, my cat enters, meows, and then drinks water of the shower o_o

  101. You are not alone. . .the only time my kitty Bambi ever wants to be picked up and held like a baby is when I am on the toilet!

  102. I cannot go to the bathroom without one or two kitties demanding to come in and purr.

  103. One of my cats demands "bathroom time" every single day (preferably after my shower), and the only time she will sit on my lap is immediately after my shower while I am wrapped in a towel.

  104. oh, definitely. I have regular kitty visitors when I am on the toilet or in the bathtub.

  105. Oh yes, this happens to me. If I manage to get into the bathroom without the cats (I have three) they'll push the door open. It doesn't have a lock and they figured out how to hit it just right...and they push it WIDE open. This is especially disconcerting when one is in the shower.

  106. Hehehe... every place is a good place to purrrrrrr!!! :)

  107. they love to peek in the shower O_o

  108. I trained my cats to leave me alone in the bathroom. And they do so, since I don't peek into their toilet while they doing their business, haha! ^^

  109. One of my cats loves his morning "toilet cuddles", complete with flopping and rolling about on the mat for tummy cuddles - but he won't really do this anywhere else in the house. The other cat used to like to drink from the tap, but now that he's a bit large for the basin he doesn't tend to do this anymore.
    I thought it was very odd, but it seems to be another catism :-)

  110. All the time!!! Also Cosmo likes to stand between the shower curtain and the liner while meowing and batting at me while I'm showering.

  111. It does happen all the time. One of mine, the ginger tom, waits outside as he can't open the door and assaults me with head rubs as soon as business is done. Cats are freaks! <3

  112. Happens all the time. Who could not possibly relate? :)

  113. Hahahaha...My bathroom is very small and I have three kittens and when I enter and leave open the three want to be there with me.

  114. I have one anti social cat. The only time I see her is when I go pee in the bathroom upstairs. Why that bathroom? I have no idea.

  115. OMG! Absolutely true! In fact, our little black, too smart for her own good, cat has figured out how to open the bathroom door when you are in it. We have to warn guests to be sure to lock the door.

  116. never happen to me at the toilet situation but happen when I'm watching tv

  117. OMG, happens all the time!

  118. yah, this happens to me too! I just thought it was because it was morning. He also likes to swirl around my legs, or curl up in a ball on the bathmat beside me. BUT, when I reach for toilet paper (i think a sign of, I'm leaving) he'll run outside and wait at the food bowl.

  119. The cat only does this with me, not my boyfriend.

  120. Oh my God....I am CRYING! I hate to say it, but this has happened to me. Many times. Where has your blog been all my life? This is hysterical. I'm even going to send a link to my Mom...that oughta freak her out!
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!
    xo Deirdre

  121. Every day! And they like to stand up on their hind legs and put their front paws on my knees and make happy kneading motions. And since my knees are bare, the little sharp claws poke me and I have to shoo them away.

  122. My kitten does this to me every time I go to the bathroom! So I'm just sitting there like uhh Kitten...can you please get off of me... and then I have to pick him up and put him on the ground.

  123. I'm glad to know my cats are not so weird as I imagined. They follow me so happily when I go to the bathroom...

  124. I thought my cat was just a freak. Only one does it but she likes to jump on your shoulders instead of the lap. You have to wear a sweater to go into the bathroom or you could end up with back scratchs!

  125. Oh yes, our cat does this every so often. Our chihuahua does it, too, but he is... decidedly less graceful than our cat :/

  126. yes, mine do too! My Maine Coon loves to be with you while you shower, hates to be outside the bathroom and tries to break in. But hates getting a bath herself...

  127. Yes, yes it does. The strangest part is when you start to think of it as ordinary and normal!

  128. I am pretty sure you just spy on me through the windows and write this comic about my life. LOL It is like a magnet-mommy`s in the bathroom? Let`s go for pets and love!!

  129. Soo true. SOOOO true.

  130. too funny! i try to convince my cats there's no secret exit to the bathroom - but they don't believe me and won't let me out of their sight!

  131. All the time!!! My cat has been doing that since he was a little kitty. So awkward if I have guests.... :D they may not understand why the hell my cat jumps on them and fall asleep when they are peeing.

    btw, i love these comics.
    greetings from the another crazy cat lady!

  132. I cannot go into the bathroom and close the door, my cats will sit at the door and sit on their back legs and paw at it with BOTH of their front paws. That is 6 little feet scraping at the bathroom door until I get up and go open it. Needless to say, we keep the bathroom door open.

    I have never had one of my babies jump in my lap while I was on the potty. I have had them jump onto the edge of the bathtub and walk completely around the tub while I was taking a bath; sometimes they even fall in. I usually put the toilet seat down when I take a bath, so they have something to perch on.

  133. That was my former roommate's cat, Mateo. :)

  134. Very true and accurate, except that they don't sit on my lap while I pee. They would normally rub my legs most often or lie on the bathroom floor.

  135. My DOG does this. She's a smaller dog but when I pee in the morning she'll hop right onto my lap. Very awkward.

    Hi!! i´m Sofía , i´m from Colombia (my english sucks) and Calabaza (my cat) its more like a stalker, she follow me everywhere ,but i think it's her way of tell me " i love you" (or i like to believe that).
    ps: I love your Blog!!!!

  137. it's so like my cats! (L) ahaha and they also love to drink water from the shower!

    no matter where are the cats from, they like the same things...

  138. My older cat doesn't, but my kitten follows me into the bathroom, rubs up against my legs while I'm on the toilet, and then when I get up and flush the toilet she runs up to it, leaps on top, and sits on the edge of it while she watches it flush. She's a really weird cat. And yes, I thought I was the only one too.

  139. my morning routine includes one of my cat sitting on my lap while I'm on the toilet and other one drinking the water from the faucet which I have to turn on just for him :D

  140. yep, happens to me.

    maybe they're like "oh, you pee/poo too! we have something in common. <333"

  141. This only happens with one of our six cats. It's also the only time he'll let anyone pet him.

  142. It most definitely does. Made my morning seeing this :)

  143. Yes, every time. I have between 1 and 4 animals with me. Either 1 cat or 1 dog or 1 cat and 1 dog, or 3 cats or 2 cats 1 dog. etc. etc...

  144. this is 110% true with my one cat! I think he has an obsession with the bathroom. I used to think he just wanted water from the tap but no he comes in for rubs and enjoys the scenery of the bathroom

  145. My cat will howl outside the bathroom and put his paws under the door if I don't let him in. This habit has disturbed many house guests. =P

  146. hahaha, after the bathtime post, I'm so glad you did post this one as well! I honestly used to think that my kitties were the only ones, but no, it seems all cats know our weak times.

  147. We (not guests) have an "Open Bathroom Door" policy at our house. Glad to know it's just not me. LOL!

  148. my husband and I joke that you have to have a hidden camera set up in our house, 'cause the timing of some of your panels are UNCANNY. Both in the pun sense, and not. : D

  149. Oh, all the time! They are most disgruntled if they're not allowed in with you.

  150. the best is when my kitten does this but then gets spooked and rips open my thighs with his claws. love it! your blog is my favorite :)

  151. Gosh this is sooo like my cat too =D I was wondering if HE was wierd !! ha ha ... does he do that "hanging over the commode basin and watching the water whirl" too??

  152. Both my cats are like this. Especially one, who practically knocks you over galloping into the bathroom ahead of you. Even if you just walk in the general direction of the bathroom he gets excited.

  153. Yup! Mine scratches the door and miaows if I don't let him in

  154. Yep it's like they hear that first tinking sound and come running!

  155. Yep, about the only time my cats are truly affectionate... so awkward!

  156. My cat is not much of a cuddler. What she likes to do, when in the mood, is jump into the tub, and then play bathtub tag, which is basically attacking me through the shower curtain. It's a lot of fun.

  157. My bathroom is open and a part of my bedroom. Off to the right is just a small room with a door and a toilet. The door closes, but doesn't latch so Korben takes that as, "I guess that means I can push the door open and go on in while she's in there." He does it to company too. Must fix door soon!

  158. Not only cats! My dachshund does this too!

  159. GOL!! My cat does this too--and I thought this meant he was a fur-reak. Glad to know I'm not alone!

  160. yessss!!!!! my cats will do anything they can to get on to my lap for cuddles when I'm on the toilet. If I lock them out while I go they scratch and cry at the door lol. They sit on the bath which is next to the loo, and will softly touch my face with their paws.... it's cute but I haven't peed alone for years haha!

  161. For me this is almost the only time of the day my Momo is letting me pet him. Cuddling like nothing else matter in the world (peeing included). I didn't think someone else is having the same kind of precious moment sitting for a "number", I'm glad I'm still normal, dissapointed my Momo is that normal :))

  162. My cats think that since I'm sitting down, it would be a great time to cuddle. Sometimes they'll sit there staring up at me, no doubt wondering what the strange sounds are.

  163. my cats aren't allowed in the bathroom cus' once they go into the shower they don't come out

  164. Mine like to "go" with me. We have two bathrooms with a litter box next to the human toilet in each one. I'll be sitting there and someone will come in (usually Jake, my Aby boy), go into the box, and just start going next to me.


  165. We had a cat who would literally bash her head against the bathroom door and scream until she loosened it enough to get inside and see us. :D

  166. All of my cats have been "bathroom buddy" cats. Two seem to especially enjoy sharing the clothes I'm wearing at the time, if they happen to be pajama bottoms, shorts etc.

    And my neighbor's cat ALWAYS follows EVERYONE into the bathroom to keep them company. She may not hop in your lap, but you had better not completely shut the bathroom door! There will be a riot on the other side if you do.

  167. I swear mine does that just because he knows I can't escape from him if I'm on the toilet. Sometimes it's okay though, because I like mine in a lovey mood. Just.. not when he decides to nip my ankles.

  168. OML! I am soooo glad I'm not the only one!!!!!

    It never fails: Sit on toilet - in come the cuddlers!

    Interesting side note: they have observed me do "it" so many times, they copied Mommie by peeing in the bathroom sink and over the drain hole in the bathtub and.... get the toilet itself!! I kid you not!

    Hey, I don't mind. It sure saves on the litterbox duty. I just spray the sink and tub with a little cleaner, rinse and Voila! What could be better?

    Fortunately, it's never been a #2. That would be a drag. "Gee, I feel like a nice, long hot bath...OMG! What the -"!!

  169. my cat loves me a million times more when I'm in the bathroom. It's the only place you know she will be purring

  170. Oh and I forgot to add that my boyfriend thinks it's weird if the cats come into the bathroom so he chucks them out haha! I don't mind it as long as Yuki doesn't knock everything of the shelf like she always does. She's broken so many things so have to close the bathroom door if we are out and make sure no cups etc are left on the kitchen bench:-| We call her Sir Isaac Newton Kitteh :P

  171. everyday...Is it so weird that I just love it?

  172. I have had my cat Wedough for about 5 years and for those five years I have never been alone in the bathroom. It is the only time that he wants to be pet. And, he purrrs so loud. I consider it our quality time. I absolutely love, love, love it. He stays on my lap for about 10 or 15 minutes then he jumps down and walks out the door. As he walks out, I have to grasp his tail and let it slide through my hand. If I don't get his tail, he will stand right in front of me until I do. I don't understand why some of you think it is weird. The only part of this that is weird ( and I mean this in the nicest way possible ) is the thoughts in your own mind. Get over it. Your cat doesn't think its weird.

  173. My cat does pretty much the same thing, 'cept he jumps onto the back of the toilet and tries to sit on my shoulders. :I

  174. Wow, I though this was just my cats!

  175. this happens to me every morning, as my cat loves sleeping on the bathroom matt

  176. My kitten Roxanne isn't satisfied until I actually pick her up and hold her as i go to the bathroom. It's awkward, but it makes her so happy!!

  177. YES! but i'm going to lie, i love it n.n
    she flops on the ground and rolls out with her belly :3

  178. I guess I'm the only one that thought "she left the lid down".

  179. This is a "everyday thing" for Lolita (my transvestite cat XD). She´s always trying to come into the bathroom, while i´m peeing or taking a bath... hahaha
    I really don´t know what I would do without her. She always make´s me laugh!
    Changing the subject...I´m a Crazy Cat Lady since I was born. My brother cat (Danzi) was one year older than me, and we share our birthday, because it was the same day :D
    Now "Lolita" is sitting on my desk reading what i´m writing, and I think she says: Hello! HAHAHA

    Ps: I LOVE your work!! Congrats from Argentina!!
