Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Why do they do this? Why?!


  1. So we can get a glorious view of their conquest!

  2. LOL! You hit the nail on the head every single time with your drawings, and I love them. They always crack me up.

    Tenna from Denmark and her 6 cats...

  3. Haha! This is so funny! :D You never fail to put a smile on my face.

    Mars of fashion insouciance

  4. Haha this happened to me today...then the cute little thing farted in my face! It's just lucky she's so darn cute.

  5. Oh, this happens to me all the time!

    Milkoholic from sweden with her 8 cats

  6. hahahhahha :))) i have two cats and i love your blog!

  7. Cutie end not pootie end please.

    It's worse when it gets followed with a *pffft*

    Rai, Bailey and Milo

  8. So true. Especially big cats =_= mrff.

    I love how everyone introduce themselves here, so I'm gonna do the same^^

    Sapphire from Borneo and her 5 cats, 4 dogs and 1 fish.

  9. What I love about your comics is that you go to the very last detail ... the trail of litter on the floor (makes it hard to walk around barefoot, I'll tell you that!)
    And yes, they just love to stick that butt in your face...

    Melanie from Philly, 1 cat, 1 hubby

  10. Feline overlords present their bums for human minions to inspect, admire and clean. Yucky!

  11. "What? That? You can just lick it off later, I'll show you how." :)

  12. ugh. The dreaded wet butt fur! My long haired cat loves this game.

  13. i'm not sure why but it happens to me times 3!! they also seem to like to be in the bathroom with me when i need to *cough* go

  14. HILARIOUS. This is how I am woken up every. single. morning.

  15. BRILLIANT as usual my friend because it's SO VERY TRUE! LOL!

  16. I love the kitty's face in the first frame--like she's concentrating sooo hard lol

  17. Why does it make me laugh, this is exactly what the little furballs do - all the time :-)

  18. Haha, best pooping kitty face ever!! I love that you captured that. My two cats have "poop faces" too (is it gross that I've noticed that?), and I especially enjoy my black kitty's scrunched nose and wiggling whiskers as she does her stinky deed.

    Great comic as always!

  19. my baby always put her but in my face, specially for sleeping¡¡¡

    jime from argentina, 1 boy, 1 flatmate, 1 kitty girl 1 flat o_O

  20. thanks guys!

    and re: poopy face, yes dumpling (the youngest one) makes this face. reminds me of a 2-year old toddler. he is also awkward at using the litter box because of his weak hind legs so he has to use the edge of the litter box as a support :( my poor kitten.

  21. Hahahahaha! "Butt in face" is a classic cat pose.

  22. I love it my cats to this!! I even have some that don't cover poo!

  23. Gosh, I would like to know the reason too :(...

  24. ugh. been there. they know EXACTLY what they are doing.

  25. The best part of this comic is kitty's 'buisness face'

  26. i love the expression in the first panel!

  27. Maybe they're expecting us to lick their asses, just like they do between them... or maybe they just want to piss us off!! hahahaha! Yasmine, you're sooooooo amazing! XOXOXOXOXO

  28. And why, oh why can't they cover they poop!

  29. Hilarious and so true. We have pine litter and Buster somehow gets it all over his face and head and then sticks his face right in yours at 6 a.m. purring like a madcat.

  30. I love your work! Congratulations!
    Im suspicious cause..i also love cats ^^
    They are like a muse to me :D


  31. I just stumbled on to your blog today and I love it! I have found myself going back through your older posts.

    This one is great. I have always had cats that did this on occasion. Now I have a 11 month old that sleeps on my head, or my chest, and his butt is always facing my face. I don't get it! lol

    Best of luck to you, will be checking back for more.

  32. Last night Colbert mentioned his cat sticking its butt in his face. I thought of this strip and lold some more. :D ..>_<

  33. Then right when you're cleaning their litter box, they come right up and use it. "Oh, you've just reminded me!" ._.

  34. At this point, my cat thinks "GET YOUR ANUS OUT OF MY EYE!" is his actual name.

  35. Oh dear God! You are living my life - or I'm living yours. And my kitties never fail to plop down on me after a visit to the litterbox! Ugh! Needless to say, I am not afraid to go after them with a baby wipe.

  36. Haha, Iäve been asking myself the same queston since forever. And finally when the kitten has cleaned it's private places, it comes and cleans my face too.

    Miss x from Finland, one kitten and two old maids

  37. The reason of this: when they are babies, their mom clean them that zone son now u are their mom, and they still feel they need to be cleaned :3

  38. I think my cat just has a "human, you may serve me and when i feel like it you may pet me whenever i want, so even after i went to the litterbox" attitude.. But she's really really cute :3

  39. They want you to check them for injuries. "I think I might have the flu. Check my butt to make sure."


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