Monday, February 28, 2011

Tip for you: don’t put your hand anywhere near your cat if she’s in crazy mode

For those of you not familiar with that tunnel thing in my comic, it's this:

It's one of the few toys my cats like. It even has a bonus fuzzy thing hanging from the inside that cats can bat around. They will roll around in it, chase each other, and sleep in it. Boxes and tunnels, that's what cats like.


  1. I love your comics!

    they are so good

  2. Cuddle time?!? Ha! When we are in a cat tunnel, we are fierce hunters and warriors!

  3. You can't force a cat to cuddle. I feel like that should be embroidered on a throw pillow or something. *^_^* Or maybe printed on bandaids...

  4. Hahaha, I know the feeling about bloody hands. Luckily my current cat only bats at our hands, and never with her claws out.
    If we get clawed at, she just missed the toy and got us instead.

  5. Where'd you get that? I have the crinkly tunnel, but the fuzzy one looks so comfy.

  6. mira, that is a good idea :)

    oh i got the tunnel at a thrift store. but amazon has lots of them. this is almost similar to what i have:

  7. boxes, tunnels, & piles of clean laundry!

    ^_^ ur cat is such a cutey~

  8. I always wanted to buy a tunnel to Arthur, when I finally get one from another state, he played for 3 days and then started to freak out, beating and fsss-ing for the poor toy :( I had to donate it, at least other kitties are playing now :)

  9. My cats are all about the hiding and pooping, and if they can do both at the same time, bliss!

  10. Ahahaha, this happened to me yesterday!
    LOVE your blog!
    Renata - Brazil

  11. My kitty loves shopping bags, he hides in them and then swipes anything that goes by. <3 kitties

  12. Our cat likes boxes, or anything box like (suitcases, totes, open closets. Oh, and stalking and mauling me when my back is turned.

  13. DON'T DO IT. When cats enter that phase, on evil will come from them. Evil, and claws.

  14. Yay! My kitties love tunnels, but they love cubes even more. :) I have been injured many times attempting to move the cube whilst Crazy Time was going on...

  15. Biohazard, u make me lol. ;)

    Yeah, it's SO true, Yasmine. And another source for these claw-inducing tunnels of love: or how about: ;)

  16. I experienced this on Saturday morning. My right hand looks like it's been through a war zone. XD

  17. jajajajajajajaj Yeeess!
    I love when my cat attacks me violently ♥

  18. If I'd get a dollar for every scratch from my cats, I'd be a rich man by now... :D

  19. TIL us cat people have a high tolerance for pain :P

  20. Yeah... our kitten likes to play fetch but half the time she attacks your hand when you try to pick up the mouse. I've been considering one of those tunnels, but I'm afraid she won't play with it. She does love cardboard boxes and our re-useable grocery bags though.

  21. This is amazing. Every single time. My cat was 18 when she died. This makes me think about her even more and remember her.

    Thank you so much for doing it :)

  22. ah yes, we all understand crazy mode!LOL!

  23. This happens to me all the time. I never learn. lol.

    I love your blog! :D

  24. Platic bags are another thing all cats seem to enjoy - I have to chase my kitten out of them in case she suffocates. They also like to sleep on them too (as well as black clothing)

    Only toy my cats love is the fishing pole one, they love that.

  25. Heh. It's a dilemma. They're so adorable when they're saucer-eyed and spazzy...on the other hand, the risk of injury is never greater...

    I love your drawings of cats, BTW. They remind me of my youngest cat, Felix--all round and cuddly, but punctuated with lethal teeth and claws. ;)

  26. Hahaha! When Dimitri is in crazy mode, I can't even touch him; he jumps and bites and scratches whatever he sees. I've never tried that toy ... he never plays with actual cat toys, just the furniture and things he just shouldn't play with :/.

    Love your blog!


  27. Cutest drawing, love the tail! My cats 'crazy' eyes crack us up its fun messing with her when shes on the hunt!

  28. Lmao my cat is crazy for these! He has two linked together, with a mouse that squeaks in it.

  29. I officially became your fan, such cute comic <3

  30. a MUST-follow blog for cats' lover!!

  31. I can sympathise D:

    and I want a tunnel like that too....

  32. When my kitty goes crazy, all she does is run around the house while my dad plpays with her with the remote controlled mouse he bought her. The mouse he bought for the cat he claims to hate.

    Also! This link explains that we aren't crazy!

    See? We're not imagining our kitties love us sooo much.

  33. I know this!
    And I still do it!
    My hands never seem to be scratch free

  34. Hahaha! My cat used to have a tunnel, but she turned into a monster every time she went inside it. You couldn't walk within three feet of it without being attacked viciously!

    We had to get rid of it for the sanity of the household!

  35. The cat in the second pic looks evil...

  36. I totally empathize!! I adore the illustrations and the topics you have chosen to portray. I look forward to my new subscription emails... thanks for the laughs.

  37. i just love love lovee ur posts!my cat when shes in crazy mode i let my dog handle that! haha! he jumps on her back nd then pulls @ her fur then he stops nd she swats him with her paw! but the funny part is that when he lets go of her he has gray fur sticking out of his mouth!


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