Thursday, January 27, 2011

These are human treats, not kitty treats!



  1. hehehe, thanks for my first laugh of the day :)

  2. Hehe. I always do that to fool my cats too! :D instant attention from cats! XD

  3. also my 1st laugh of the day. thanks Yasmine xD

  4. I just got all four wisdom teeth pulled on Monday, and now I'm up at 4:45 with the pain... Just experienced my two cats wanting my human treats too! Thanks for lightening up my really crappy really early day!

  5. Awwr :) Reminds me of when our kitty hears dreamies being picked up ^-^

  6. hey, i do that too!
    Every feeding time i shake-a-shake XD

  7. Not my kitties. They know THEIR medicine comes in pill bottles and run like the wind when they hear that sound!

  8. My cats do that when I use the can opener.

  9. my kitty has a penchant for advil. I guess it's the sweet coating? We've had some near misses - he can be like a suicidal wolverine when he thinks she wants something.

  10. lmao my cats do the same thing, or when I shake the theraflu bags, they come running thinking it's wet food haha

  11. haha, I've been there! Pretty much anything that shakes, comes in handy when they run out into the hallway.

  12. beesus, many human medications can be toxic to cats. PLEASE keep all human meds out of reach of cats!

    I feel for you, Maggie. Been there, done that. Get plenty of C.A.T. (Cat-Assisted Therapy, of course ;) )

    And Yasmine, don't we know it! They LOVE that shakin' sound ;)

  13. omg hysterical! when i eat pretzel crips that come in a crinkly zip lock type package they come RUNNING b/c they think it's TEMPTATION! LOL

  14. I love your comics. :)

  15. My little ones do the same thing, pill bottles or potato chip bags.

  16. So cute :)
    I try to be very quiet when I get the human treats, but my kitty still comes running.

  17. We have the resealable foil-type bags for our treats, so any crinkling or shaking of a bag makes them all run to the kitchen!

  18. Oh my, this happened to just a few days ago! So funny :)

  19. Jack and kerra think anything that shakes is a treat, too. Actually they are probably just hoping... They are smarter than that. Evidence to example: they have ceramic bowls special for their wet food (given on holidays) and can absolutely tell the difference between those bowls and our cerial bowls *just by hearing them being moved*!! They are kept in the same cabinet & sound exactly the same to me. Amazing creatures, and very cunning.

  20. My kitten, Chai, thinks that my bag of throat lonzenges ought to be kitty treats, plus he stole the hot water bottle plug and I had to search everywhere for it, and he is stuck on the idea that he wants to climb into the garbage can and play with all my used tissues! Cats aren't very good nurses. :)

  21. lol, too funny, Im sick right now and all I have done is scare the bejezus out of my kitty when I sneeze. :S

  22. Man-Kitten thinks the rattling of my vitamin pill bottle means treats. He comes racing in from only floaty beard knows where and jumps up on the garbage bin, mewing plaintively.


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