This is why I can't close my bedroom doors. I either go through this, or this.
All my doors have scratch marks, and the carpet underneath is very frayed. The higher, deeper scratches are from the dog, and the smaller, longer and thinner scratches from the cats.
They must love me to want to be with me that much.
I love that you draw Puppy with such googly eyes, like he's not quite alright upstairs....
ReplyDeleteI love your comics.
I have two cats and I can't close my bedroom door, too. :)
that is so true :)
ReplyDeletewith us, what's worse is that the cats have learnt from my mom's cats how to jump and open the doors :)).
ReplyDeleteyes ... I know the feeling or "hearing" ;)
ReplyDeletegreetings from germany
They don't love you, they just want food.
ReplyDeletearf arf! LOL goggie looks a little bit crazy:))
ReplyDeleteSoooooooooooooo true! I live with this daily :)
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome. :)
ReplyDeleteMy cat just doesn't like a closed door. He doesn't want to go through it, he just wants it to be open. It's a habit he's teaching to the dog too, I think.
I can soooo relate! I wrote a post on this this past year on my blog Cat Chat http://opcatchat.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteTry aluminum foil on the carpet outside of your door...(and maybe going up the door)....I just gave up and now leave the door open though!
Good Luck!
If I or my brother close our bedroom doors, our cat sits and meows pitifully until we let him in.
ReplyDeleteYou just have to be strict. Never let them in, never give them any attention if they make noise outside. Even the "quit it!" is attention, negative, but still attention. Total silence is the best. It might take weeks or months, but they will stop eventually.
ReplyDeleteAnd you might want to clip the tip of the nails, that way they don't leave a mark on the door. :)
This used to be the exact scenario at our house, minus the dog. Now, I don't have to close any doors (minus an ex! ;) ) and no scratchies except on their posts and pads.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah. My cats are the same. Either up at dawn (or before) for noms or gauges in my door from their claws.
ReplyDeleteSigh. Love them dearly in spite of all this.
Keep making these great (and oh so true) comics. Great stuff!
Yep, this is why I have no carpet in my hallway. I still don't bother closing the door. They don't bother with the kids, just us. Also our cats like to make a grand entrance, so even if the door is open just wide enough for them, they still push it until it swings all the way open, even if they aren't coming in anyway.
ReplyDeleteAHHH. I KNOW HOW IT IS. One of my cats is a good boy and sleeps on the bed all night, but the other one scratches to go out, so I gotta lumber out of bed at 3 in the morning to let him out... then lumber outta bed again at 5 to let him back in.
ReplyDeleteWe put a cat-flap in the bottom of the door. This was the only way to put on the bedroom AC at night and not cool the whole apartment. Doesn't stop cat doing the cha-cha on our faces starting at 5am, but at least we get to sleep until then!
ReplyDeleteit's nice to know i'm not alone ;)
ReplyDeleteWe gave up and put a pet door in our bedroom door. The air conditioning can stay on, the door stays closed, and the 3 kittehs can come and go as they please. It works for us! Looks like Kate on Clinton did the same thing...
ReplyDeleteyeah, i'd do that too but i am leasing a house...definitely when i buy a house i'll add some sort of mini opening. in the meantime, the cats are in and out of the bedroom.
ReplyDeleteoh and don't even get me started on bathroom time. i do not have any alone time.
yeah, my younger cat hates closed doors. the older one never really cared, but if there's a door closed anywhere in the apartment, the kitten's on it. once he's satisfied that it's open, he goes off to do something else...
ReplyDeleteMy cat hates closed doors, but only if she and I are on opposite sides. She's very over-attached to me (for a cat anyway). I don't lock her out anymore, because instead of scratching (no front claws) she will sit and literally beat her head against the door until I open it.
ReplyDeleteI'm always afraid she'll damage her brain. I might be too late.
I can relate to bathroom time too. That is the ideal time for Shoogi to physically destroy Amatyst (the 5 month old kitten) with her Body Slam attack. On my toes.
forget bedroom doors, we cant even shut toilet/ bathroom doors without them meowing from outside!
ReplyDeletethey have to follow us inside and take a look at whats happening inside :)
It happens to me too! Haha. And Dimitri also sits on my bedside table about two or three times ever night so that I go to his plate with him ... even when there's food in it! He just wants me to walk him there and if possible, watch him eat. If I don't pay attention to him when he's on my bedside table, he steps onto my pillow (which I hate) and starts kneading on it till I get up =/.
ReplyDeleteMy kitties want to be in the bedroom very much, but the gerbils and degus live in there along with some plants that might be poisonous, so the kitties just have to deal with only being in there if they're supervised, because I don't want anybody to get sick/injured/devoured. I keep their claws trimmed to reduce the impact of scratches and I turn on a fan for some white noise. They LOVE getting to go in there, and getting them out again always involves snacktime in another room.
ReplyDeletethe only door that can be closed in our home is the toilet door ... and even then ...
ReplyDeletebut we love them don't we !
Oh I feel this, we have to decide every night to keep the door open (and have a breeze from the windows) or keep it closed. The cats drive us crazy either way.
ReplyDeleteOh man. Shige and Lucy do this too, except it's indoor-outdoor, indoor-outdoor. I literally get woken up 4 or 5 times a night to let the cats in and out. I can't stand it. (I've got a cat door, but I cannot install it yet).
ReplyDeleteBy day: humble office worker. By night: KITTY BUTLER
I tried the aluminium foil. My cats loved it. They loved playing with it and it made an even more anoying noise.
ReplyDeleteSimple solution that worked for my cats:
Put the vacuum cleaner/hairdryer in front of the door. Turn it on. Plug it in a switchable power outlet you can reach from your bed. If you don't have a switchable outlet plug it in when needed.
If the cats scratch at your door, just turn the switch on/plug it in. -> horrible noise, fleeing cats. ;)
Two nights with this trick and after that we could finally get a good night's rest.
btw. same anonymous user:
ReplyDeletelove your blog!
I know this is about cats but guess what! We have German Shepherds and they sit at the bdrm doors and whine until we let them in!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat blog!
I know how you feel, my ragdoll kitty is too princess-y to scratch the door, she has to claw the carpet to get in, so I let her in too ^_^
ReplyDeleteMy landlord is not going to like the state of my doors or doorframes.. *sigh*
ReplyDeleteI have also grown very used to semi sleeping with a furry purring pillow. lol
We had to make a "cat door" in my bedroom door. Now I can close it but the cats can come and go. It's kinda funny.
ReplyDeleteI can relate to this so much. My cat actually tore off the bottom half of the bedroom door in my old trailer. When we moved into our new house, I was excited excited to have a walk in closet between my room and the rest of the house. I could shut both my door and the closet door and not have to hear it as much, though I can still hear the meowing, it doesn't wake me up. I love my cat, but I toss and turn in my sleep and have actually punched my cat once and given my boyfriend two black eyes because of the cat tickling my nose (completely in my sleep of course, I'd never do either while awake). It's better if she just stays out of our room while we sleep, but of course, she doesn't want to.
ReplyDeleteUm, can we start a support group for this? As I read all of the cartoons I can't stop laughing and saying yup, my boys do that every night!
ReplyDelete"A cat is always on the wrong side of a closed door." I loved this one - because it is just so incredibly true! If we let them in, they will pounce and bounce all over us while we sleep (often managing to hit my husband in the worst spot possible! LOL) And if we close the door - they meow incessantly...which usually works in their favor, as I almost always give in!
ReplyDeleteMy cat doesn't just scratch at the door, she sticks a paw under it and rattles it in the frame. Loudly.
ReplyDeleteThis is my life EVERY NIGHT! I've learned to leave my bedroom door cracked because if kitty is inside or out, and that door is shut, she WILL wake me up. <3
ReplyDeleteomg that happened to when i was sleepin' with my mom my kitty and the mom kitty was scratching on the door and i was like Knock it off and they kept scratching until my mom was sleeping