Monday, March 30, 2015

Unless I have treats...


  1. Your cartoons are so darling.... and TRUE! LOL - sweet!!!

  2. Finally! I've been waiting for a new post. :)

    I was so touched the other day! My cats are still living in the shelter due to medical treatment. I visit them everyday to get to know them and make transition as easy as possible.

    One of them is actually getting excited when I enter their cage. She's greeting me with nose kisses and is very happy to see me. <3

  3. Sometimes I think my cats hate me...

  4. my cat doesnt do that???????????? it just rubs itself on my feet while purring????

  5. It's been too long a wait for a new post. Is everything O:K?

  6. When I get home I have to pet my cat before I pet my dog or she starts meowing like crazy.
    And this is all the time even if I leave for 5 minutes :)
