Tuesday, January 28, 2014

They do wait for me to get out of the shower though.


  1. My kitty is a great lap warmer <3

  2. My cats are entirely independent, but not after midnight... then they get crazy, singing or breaking things. Sometimes i think they are just bored.

    1. If you play with your cat for 15 minutes before bed, it will exhaust them so that they sleep at night instead of being crazy.

    2. Mine doesn't... He is active again at 4 or 5 in the morning!! :$

  3. "Just bored", I was wondering why my lil kitty is meowing all the time, aaawww poor lil thing, mommy's gonna buy him a new toy <3

  4. I wish my cat was warming my lap right now, but alas, he's not in the mood!

  5. My cats can be super needy and cuddly. One cat greets me at the front door everyday when i get home from work. The other cat snuggles up to me every morning and nudges my chin with his head when he sees that im waking up. Cats can be so affectionate! But obviously, if your cat is used to being alone... then what can you expect?

  6. I recently gave away a kitten because she was waaaay too needy... Wouldn't let me take a step without her clawing to my legs and when I sat, she was either in my lap or on my back.

  7. My cats also wait for me to get out of the shower. I suspect they are afraid I might drown and won't be able to give them food and cuddles anymore :P

    1. My wife and I have one that we call our ankle dryer. Tigress hears us get out of the shower, comes into the bathroom and starts rubbing up against our feet….drying our ankles. :)

  8. my cats watch with confusion when I stand up to piss

  9. Awwwwww I want a kitty. :( Stupid lease!

  10. My cats are needy and look for our hands to pet themselves! it funny!

  11. Cats are the BEST companions, no doubt about it! I just got a bunch of calico love ;)

  12. Your comment rings so true to me, I love how my cat Juno stands next to the door until I finish with my shower. Though I'm sure she will run for her life if someone entered the house at the same time :)

    Damaris @ The cat, you and us

  13. I love how cats have their own will :) Cute!

  14. Yasmine, it's all ok? It's been so long since you have posted.
