Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sticker Party!

I See Kitty, my first ever children's book under Roaring Brook Press (Macmillan), is out today!
As a little thank you to those who have purchased it, I'll be sending out book plates. Just send me the following:

a.) A screenshot or email forward of your receipt
b.) If you'd like your book plate signed or unsigned
c.) Mailing address - Recipient Name + Street + City + Zip + Country
d.) Please add “I See Kitty Bookplate” in the subject line

You can email me the information at cvshbooks @ gmail . com

The book plate giveaway will run from today, 9/24 through 9/27 (Friday). 

You can find  I See Kitty here:

Here's a little trailer for the book:

And as for the postcards, I'm sending out the next batch this week. Feel free to email me if you have any questions or just want to say hello :)

Oh, and mini book tour schedule to follow.

Thanks so much to everyone!



  1. I live in Brazil and would love to buy your book! :(

    1. Livraria Cultura might have it :) http://www.livrariacultura.com.br/scripts/resenha/resenha.asp?nitem=30868637&estat_id=0&sid=98165436515918107726368318

  2. Congrats! I emailed you. - Alex

  3. Can't wait to read it. I love the lady with the cat hair. :)

  4. any chance these will eventually be in your shop?

  5. I will travel to SF in few days, I hope I can buy your book there :)

  6. I just bought one Saturday! I was so excited to see it.

  7. I just gave this book to my 2 year old niece. She LOVES it. She just learned the color white so she especially loves the "white" kitty on the front. She calls all cats/kitties "meow" and has been driving my sister nuts by requiring the book be read over and over. I hope you come out with another one for kids!

    Oh, and she loves that the little girl looks just like her :)

  8. That's the most adorable thing I've ever seen. <3
