Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Just sometimes.
Just a little FYI, the first batch of I See Kitty postcards have been sent a few days ago. I’ll be sending the next batch by the end of the week.
Thanks again!


  1. I got my postcard yesterday! Thank you! It was a nice surprise! As a side note, you an I have, like, the exact same handwriting. We both write in all caps, cross our 7s, and the bottom of our letters arch up... so weird!

  2. Oh my gosh, yes, I envy kitties this part of their lives.

  3. Ha! More like all the time. I'd love to curl up and sleep anywhere/everywhere.

  4. Yeah, sometimes I envy my kitties, but yesterday I had to put them in their little cages and take them to the vets, where they had thermometers stuck up their bums - didn't envy them then! Bless them ;)

  5. How do I get a postcard please?

  6. I love cat naps with cats.

    I am renovating my house in town and for a while some windows were out, and three days later I went in to find one of the neighbor's cats, a long haired yellow cat, in the house!

    I let it out, gave it water (it did not want it) and was so glad it was fine. No food nor water in the house. It is a cool temperature in there and I had to pick up three poop piles.

    Poor curious kitty. It wanted to adopt me but no one lives there right now. I had to leave it outside with all the other cats of the neighbors. They seem to be collecting them.

  7. You could do what I do (which is what cats basically do). Crawl into bed, curl up in a blanket and say f**k it!! It's pretty awesome~

  8. I so wanna do this for a couple of days when I get some time off from work. Just turn off my Android, get rid of technology and curl-up in bed!
