Friday, May 24, 2013

Well, she is!


  1. any cat i am holding is the prettiest kitty of that moment

  2. It's true... every cat is the most beautiful of all.

    It's hard to explain, but it works the same way as how every dog is the best and most loyal there is.

  3. It's obvious that the cutest cat alive is MY cat.

  4. rude. no one should ever say that. ever.

  5. i have this conversation with my cat and my husband every day! :)

  6. Hahaha I'm like this with my bunny!

    Carina xx

  7. I've never had this problem! Everyone universally agrees that my Lily is especially beautiful. I think it's her eyes and the makings on her face. I realize I'm biased, but she really is lovely. :)

  8. Every catlady has the prettiest cat in the world! ;-)

  9. I can't *quite* agree. I really don't like what they have done to the persian breed - they used to be exquisite in the pre-70's doll-face type, but the 'bashed in the face with a brick' breed now is repulsive. The 'development' of Siamese is almost as bed unfortunately. Plain moggies now, are almost all divine :D

  10. Every cat in the world is the pettiest!

  11. It's impossible, my kitty is the most beautiful.

  12. Only cat people can be trusted to judge kitty prettiness, at any rate. Perhaps this visitor isn't a cat person, but she could well be a bird person, so she could be encouraged to bring one of her birds over so the cat can 'meet' it -- to a cat, 'meeting' a bird would involve doing something that rhymes! >^.^< :-D

  13. Lovely ! I do the same with my cats! Of course they are special to me:)

  14. I've never met a cat I didn['t love, so it's kind of hard to say which cat would be the most beautiful, because to me, they ALL are. ;) (But my Rani IS The Most Gorgeous Creature in the Known Universe.)

  15. No no no, I hate to break it to you all, but *MY* kitties are the prettiest! So there!

    ;) <3
