Thursday, July 19, 2012

They like to dig through fresh litter but nothing ever comes of it.


  1. One of my cats does this. It drives me nuts!

  2. In the other way around, my kitty doesn't wait for me to fill the litter box, he gets in the way inmediatly when the litter box is not even half full and starts to pee... :/

    1. My cat does that.. its cute though haha

    2. My cat does that.. Its cute though..

  3. mine gets SO excited that I'm changing the litter. He walks around and once its changed he spends like 30 minutes in it shifting it around.

    1. I think it's adorable when they get excited about fresh litter :)

  4. no joke!! Felix even scratches the bottom of it like he's trying to get his nails filed or something! OH AND OF COURSE HE DOES THIS AT 6 A.M !

  5. My cat immediately poops when I clean the box. It was super noticeable when we lived in a studio =(

    1. Try feeding your cat food from The Honest Kitchen. You can order it from their website No stinky poops, because the food is not filled with garbage for them to excrete!

  6. I used to try using the liner, it just got messier. They liked to dig and shred the liner every freaking time.

  7. As soon as I start scooping my littlest one comes to watch and as soon as I finish she uses the box and gets litter all over.

  8. It's as if you have a camera on my house! This just happened with my 2 kitties!!!!

  9. it is quality control. They have to make sure it is ALL fresh litter :)

    (btw, did you know you have word verification on?)

  10. One of our cats has to dig himself a crater to pee in, so there's always litter everywhere. The other one doesn't bother, he just goes on top and expects the other to bury it for him... so it's always a mess AND always stinks.

  11. Mine jump in the box as soon as I've started scooping. They dig and poop before I've even taken the old stuff out. Not sure if they think I'm trying to "use" the box also and they just want to keep me company, or if they've got a contest over who can poop on my hand...

  12. Mine just lays in the fresh stuff.

  13. Mine get super confused. It is very much "mommy what are you doing with my poop?

  14. Hahaha well its like a giant sandbox until it becomes a bathroom...

  15. "I distinctly remember hiding my valuables here. Where have they gone?"

  16. Some cats just want to watch the world burn. :D

  17. Every. Single. Time.
    Actually no, sometimes they take a huge poop, like they've been holding it just to poo on pristine litter.

  18. So true... I'm wondering if she's looking for her "treasures" or just playing with the litter to drive me mad ! xD

  19. I can so very well sympathize with this. Usually my cat will dig about... sniff a plenty... and then sit in it while I yell that its not for her to warm her butt, and to get out of it!

  20. As soon as I've changed the litter box, my cat pees in it, I think it means he's happy ;)He does it everytime.

  21. I have one cat who does the same as CDD RULES (pees while I'm cleaning) and another who pees right after I'm done (like Juliette's). They used to get litter EVERYWHERE, but then I started using the pine litter and now it's just sawdust everywhere...that's better, right? ;)

  22. My cat will stand there until we've changed the litter and than act like she's never had to go as badly in her life and than pee in the fresh litter because she never wants it to be clean!

  23. That's totatlly my new kitten. My adult cats just climb in and pee while I'm still filling the box.

  24. My cats just sniff at the fresh litter as if they think I might make a mistake and put in the box something else... :-D

  25. This is why we had to get our kitties a covered litter box. They've figured how to kick it at the door flap, but so much less makes it out now.

  26. That's all well and good but with FIVE of them there's usually a long line and it has to be spread evenly and compacted, the adults try to go first because the kittens refuse to cover

  27. I dont know what's worse. That or when you're in the middle of changing the litter ox and they decided they have to poo...

  28. This is what cats call 'thinking outside the box' :-s

  29. I would think people would get this. *Sandbox!* *FUN!*

  30. i like the transition of smile>vexation in each panel lol

  31. Is mine the only cat who disdains the box altogether and prefer to deposit his solid waste BESIDE the cat box? I've solved this by laying brown shopping bags around the box. He uses the bags and I can flush the sand free results right into the toilet. Now if I can just get him to jump up on the toilet bowl. Too bad we don't have a hole in the floor like in Turkey. I could just line it with brown paper!

  32. Our two boys wait patiently outside the room while the boxes are being cleaned, then promptly use them. They're also more thorough about covering their business, or should I say, enthusiastic. They treat it like a sandbox. Our two girls are much tidier.

    Our eldest boy is so concerned about cleanliness that he would cover for our lazy eldest (RIP)! :)

  33. my cat does the same thing, but its much more bothersome when its used kitty litter, lol thats why i got me a high shield litterbox and nice litter mat and problem solved, I no longer am greeted in the morning by stepping into a kitty litter beach

  34. My cat Chloe used to sit beside me and watch me clean the litter. Once I'm done, she jumps in the box and pee or poop right away! I think it's her way to say she's happy that everything is clean! :)

  35. My two boys are as different as night and day. The youngest, Sayuri, likes to hop in as I'm standing up and proceeding to poop just as I tie off the bag. Once he finishes I untie the bag and re-scoop it because it annoys me to have just finished the cat box. He sits on the floor and looks up at me like 'Mommy, I went in the boxy just for you.' ~Purrs and rubs against my feet while I'm trying to walk~ Samson just looks at him like he's a blooming idiot.

  36. My can used to do this (we don't have a litter box anymore) but we'd refer to it as digging to China, it was a popular 2am activity.

  37. Mine have to bless the newly-cleaned box with new pee, as soon as I scoop or clean it. At least two of the three do this, and sometimes the third. As far as the digging, though - one of them has been known to bat litter out of the box to roll around in like a chicken in dirt. The other has to paw at it from every angle, and then paw at anything within reach of the box: the curtain, the wall, the floor, the outside of the box, the blinds... anything he can reach with one foot still in the box. He's my little OCD cat, that one. :)

  38. Oh my cat goes as soon as the box is clean. Her digging is directly related to #1 or #2. Litter flying everywhere for 5 minutes, followed by a pause, followed by more digging for 5 more minutes means #2.

  39. lol! hey great work!!! loved it:):)
