Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Like this :)

Both cats are a lot bigger now though.

Here's the drawing I made of the giveaway winner from a few days ago.


  1. Adorable! Your comics make my day! :)

  2. you forgot to include the beat up cardboard box ; D That's our boys' bed of choice, over any fancy new bed we try to get them!

    1. Victor made me a cat house and recycled the cardboard boxes and turned it into their lounge :)

  3. At least they use one of them! My cats have several beds that are completely unused, and permanently smashed down my couchback cushions into their little furry body shapes.

  4. You get them a very fancy bed and they sleep in and old rug! :(

  5. I think you're just lucky they use something you BOUGHT! My cat still prefers milk rings and hair ties to anything resembling a real toy.

  6. My cat's slept in his bed a grand total of three times. Mr. Fancy prefers napping in my bed or on my tummy.

  7. I gave up on beds for mine. One prefers his climbing stand while the other one likes under the bed. In the morning, they like their morning nap on my bed.

  8. why would kitty want a little bed when she can have mine?

  9. At least they don't go for the dog's bed!

  10. Hahahah I guess they like cuddling!

  11. ooooh, my cat has never EVER lain in her bed. once she puked on it though :)

  12. Oh, my clowder has expressed similar disinterest! Here's how my cat, Schindler, felt about the new beds: http://www.flickr.com/photos/22698442@N05/7451185362/

  13. I had to returm the one I bought in target. They never EVER used it....

  14. We bought a $25 cat bed, it is now a $25 toy bin... :) They refuse to sleep in it. Bo prefers bags and other small tight places and Cupcake like the ottoman.

  15. Hi, Yas :-) !!!
    It could be worst. They could sleep in some box, in the armchair, or in your bed. At least they used one of those cute beds. You can send me one of them ;-)
    Kiss :-*

  16. Wait for the cat to fall asleep, build a bed around it.

  17. My gorgeous new gray Lane office chair is... you guessed it. A $200 cat bed

  18. Lol love your comic :D

  19. True story! I love what you do, thanks for share your passion!

  20. One of mine has taken over our huge lab's bed. The other two just sleep where it's cool. The tend to only use the beds in winter.

  21. I brought home a cat bed and my cat just peed in it. Then I washed it put it back out and she peed on it again. That was the end of that!

  22. I know...I know!!! ;)

    And @coree kback, yeah, that has happened here as well. With same result. I think some of these beds are made out of stuff, or with stuff, that makes cats want to mark their territory. Dunno why.

  23. i used one of these for like 2 weeks till my new coonie got too big to fit in. he also prefers my bed. still i'm always impressed, how a 100x50cm cat can fit in a 200x140cm bed - alone.

  24. Very nice, thanks for the comics. I just found your site today. I added your site to my RSS reader.

  25. Haha, although I have bought my cats numerous beds and a scratching post they have settled to use my great grandmothers favorite red chair for both. They love their chair:3

  26. Lunchbox has decided to use his bed as a place to store his toys. His hammock-house, however, makes a fantastic bed.

  27. Mine did the same thing!! :3


  28. Personally, I know I've spent some money over the last two years on cat beds for my babies. The money has been well spent except for when it comes to my newest addition. It doesn't matter how comfy the bed is, he always curls himself up on the floor, wrapping his body around a plant pot in my living room.
