Wednesday, May 2, 2012

This or my cat runs straight up the tree, then cries because he can’t get down.

 Also, and old cat and dog comic.


  1. Hahaha... Yes, has happened to me to =P

  2. I hate picking up dog poop. I also hate cleaning the cat poop in the litter box. Ugggggg poop!

    I like the butterflies.

  3. My dad actually walks my cat on a leash and he (my cat) loves it! He'll wait by the door and meow because he wants to go for a walk. We also have a leash tied to our deck so my cat can go outside without being an "outdoor cat". He is a strange cat...

    1. My cats got used to walk on a leash in the little "yard" outside my house. People's expression (Santiago, Chile) is like "wtf o.O". My cat Alice ir more like the cat in the comic, she eat some grass and then... nothing. My other cat Ponsha is more like a dog: once she has eaten her daily grass, she turns the corner and walks around her "territory". She also rubs in a net that must be full of dog pee and she leaves her smell too, like a dog! I prefer to walk a cat than a dog, I don't have to pick any poop :o Excuse me if my English isn't perfect, bye!

    2. I'm trying to figure out the meaning of the word ponsha, as that is the name of the street I live on. Any info you can provide would be appreciated!

  4. One of my cats just drops herself on the ground... and refuses to move completely. She will start moving again a few minutes after the harness was taken off.
    Having to drag the cat kind of takes the fun out of it. And it's not just not moving, it's going completely limb. So when you pick her up she just kind of droops over your hands.
    My other cat likes the harness, but he's very skiddish, so I haven't ventured out with him yet.

  5. I prefer "walking" the cat. It doesn't involve walking all over the place with a bag of sh*t.

  6. Is walking your cat a normal activity? Our cat just roams around our garden and the fields behind our house at will, but we are in the English countryside... I can't imagine trying to get her to walk on a lead - she would definitely not cooperate!

  7. My 9 month old kitten recently encountered the great outdoors due to us having a first floor apartment. She first was so skittish about being outside. Only after two days, it was a windy day, she fell in love with the bugs & things that the wind blew around. Only thing is, now that she loves being outside, she pouts about not being able to go out or having to go in. Declaring that she is not kitten but a three year child. She will meow at the door, try to climb the screen, or run into another room and wreck something. We've unleashed a beast.

  8. yous has a gud cat. mys kitee hid the leesh.

  9. This reminds me of something I came across the other day: a fat, lazy, old black cat tethered to a chair inside a store, with a linked chain and everything, and he seemed perfectly happy just sitting there and letting stragers pet him and give him bits of food as they passed by. The most dog-like cat I've ever encountered, by far.

  10. Flop! I only ever had one cat who would let me walk her on a leash, and that ONLY if we went where she wanted. All the rest of the cats just flopped and wouldn't get up.

  11. LOL - I can relate a little too well. Our cats are indoor kitties (local council regs), but they LOVE going outside on the harness. Unfortunately rather than exploring, they stop two steps from the door and roll around on the warm concrete or a patch of interesting-smelling grass!

    1. ^don't you just love it when they roll on the concrete but OF COURSE they're roll around in a dirty area and end up looking like Pig-Pen from Peanuts ! :/

  12. HAhahaha I'd still try it.

  13. Victor and Puppy kind of remind me of me and my last doggy Cosa. She was so loving to me and yet so evil to anyone who knocked at my door. Because we were on the countryside she did not need a leash and always walked together going to nowhere in particular.
    I've had at least two times the experience to walk with kitties, but on my arms.

    I miss having a pet :´(

  14. I had my cat out on a leash today! We didn't really do any real walking though. I would carry her to a spot in the yard and we would just kind of hang out. She loves it though.

  15. I'm just going to leave this here:

  16. My cat Ithaqua hates to actually walk, but loves to climb in the bike basket and go one rides, his grampa Shadow is out walking cat.

  17. Cats are not so much active all the time as they love to sleep most of the time but this is not so in the case of the dogs.

  18. My cat goes without a leash but with the harness on. Good thing having a completely sealed off backyard.

  19. Actually, my cat is very much similar to a dog, she fetches, spies on people/animals. Really fun to walk, plus I get to meet the cute guy across the street who also walks his cat ;)

  20. My cat is a dream on the leach. Only problem is that he pulls a little at times and only goes where he wants to.
    He does love to sit outside when it's raining though(still in a leach. I live too close to traffic to even attempt having him without it.)

  21. My cats are the same, they play dead when I make them wear their harness. :-)

  22. Just wanted to add, they CAN get out of the tree. The crying is actually them going 'look I'm up a tree!', and when they realise you are worried about them, they will make it into a game where you pay them LOADS of attention and they meow a lot.

    If you ignore them they get down just fine in about five seconds...

  23. My cats walk themselves -- all over the house ;) My ex bought them a harness and leash and I tried walking them in our desert acreage, but they didn't care for it much.

    Dogs? NO WAY.

  24. I thought I should share it here. I've really enjoyed reading your comics... cats are definitely funny creatures. :)

    Here's one of my favorite cat/dog posts.

  25. This is so very true. There's actually an odd cat in my neighborhood that doesn't wear a leash, but does go with the family when they take their dog on a walk. It's quite cute.

  26. you draw the cutest/funnest looking dogs :)

  27. Miaou Cat !

    Dogs Love Cat vs Human .. See my post about your work on my blog Daily Cabot

    Warf Warf

  28. You're not supposed to walk cats you retard.
