Friday, January 20, 2012

This also applies to human babies.
New comic (LSP): A Bloody Nose
Oh and Lemonade Swimming Pool has a Tumblr.


  1. Then they spend 20 minutes in the litter box "burying" (aka playing) their super smelly poo.

  2. Our baby kitten loooooves to dig her way to China after using the litterbox...

  3. I know. My cats LOVE to dig in their box :/

  4. When the sisters were kittens, I would give them treats when they first used the box (just to make sure). So they would not cover it up and come get me to show me and purr while I'm saying oh yah, 'good *gag* kitty!' while they pranced around THEN covered it up for 20 minutes.

    Now they both have this weird habit where they totally go space cadet (similar to kneading) and scratch everywhere in the box and covered lid BUT in the litter until we holler at them 'that's enough Doppler/Bullet!' Then they get out and catch a whiff of it and are all 'oh, I forgot something! *Scritch scritch*

  5. So true! But they are so adorable!!!

  6. Oh, it's so good to see that others have cats that like to scratch on the covered lid! One of our cats, Lola, will stand in there for ages after she's gone and just scratch scratch scratch on the walls of the cover, like she's forgotten where the entrance is and is trying to scratch her way out.

  7. I don't have a cat anymore (had to give my little furball to my mum, 'cause she loves to stray outside, but at my appartment she can't) but I have a baby and you get used to the smell soooo fast o.o

  8. This is entirely accurate. "Good kitty, for using the litter box. *pause* *sniff* Isn't that against Geneva conventions?! *dies*"

    Alternate phrasing: "Oh god, the cat's committed a hate crime against the litter box again. Get the matches and a priest."

  9. In my house, we call that "dropping the bomb".

  10. Cereal makes cats poop stink. I don't give those kind of dry foods anymore, my cat only eats high quality dry food and raw meat. No smell in my house! :D

  11. Oh God, is this true. I live in an apartment and from the whole other end you can tell when the kitten has just used her litter box. It's ghastly.

  12. my kitty used to flick almost the whole box of litter out in the middle of the night and we would come downstairs to mini sandcastles everywhere!


  13. Ha! This is what my dad said when we had our first cat as a 2 lb 8-week old kitten. She would stink up the entire house, and her litterbox was all the way upstairs! Turns out I, as a misinformed first-time cat owner, was feeder her "Kitten Chow", which was going right through her!

  14. I suspect my kitties of being proud when they force out an extra stinky one. They seem to leave those uncovered, so we can all enjoy...

  15. Yeah, when we got our little Alice, a change in diet resulted in the stinkiest diarrhea in the whole world. Teeny weeny adorable kitten, TERRIBLE gas. >_>

    Iams fixed her, but not after a week of horror.

  16. i totally LOVE little kitty noises... <3

  17. This is so funny!!!

  18. My cats love to save the REAL stinkies for the middle of the night. woo woo!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. It is fun, when you clean their cat litter and they decide to use it one second later..

  21. Since we started feeding our cats a raw diet, THEIR POOP DOESN'T STINK! It's amazing! Whenever we go out of town and give them kibble in an automatic feeder, they "stink bomb" us for the next few days.

  22. At least your kitty buries. None of mine do! In fact, the one runs away as fast as she can. Guess I can't blame her...

  23. And they always wait to deposit everything until someone is visiting and in the same room!

  24. I loved baby's facial expression when he's taking the dump :)

  25. The "stinky" part definitely applies to human babies; the "cute" not so much, IMHO. Very cute expressions on that kitten btw!

  26. We feed our cat "Prowl" from The Honest Kitchen, and because he eats healthy food instead of processed garbage, his pooh's are not stinky at all, and he poohs less because he doesnt have as much waste to expel! give it a try!

  27. "It is fun, when you clean their cat litter and they decide to use it one second later..."

    I was about to write it, Michi! :)

  28. OOoof, so true. Pheobe from Friends was on to something with "smelly cat"

  29. My Nova is the most adorable thing ever! But boy, the smells that come out of something that cute is unbelievable! Always keep Febreeze on hand!! Lol
