Friday, December 2, 2011

I always have 3 or more cats: two adults and one kitten. But since Dumpling's passing months ago, things have been a bit quiet. Shelley no longer had a baby, and Money didn't have a little buddy to wrestle with.

Anyway, we couldn't wait any longer and adopted a kitty. I think we'll name him Oscar. He's only 5 months old :)

He's super cute and has a very kind Dumpling face. He loves to eat, sleep, poop, and play with fluff. He's also super sweet and is fascinated by everything, especially Puppy. Dumpling also loved Puppy, so I'm glad that he may have a new friend in Oscar as well.


My kitty, making friends. We adopted him through a shelter.


Side note:
My shop discount ends on Sunday :)


  1. Aw he's so fluffy and curious! Squee! Also, yay for adopting from shelters :)

  2. So sweet! I have some friends who have an orange car named Oscar. His original name was Hotdog because he wandered up near the house starving and all they had were hot dogs to lure him in. Don't worry he now eats good kitty food!

  3. That is so true and so my family and me right now. We recently lost our feline friend (Alonzo) and it only took us 3 weeks to decide we needed another cat. We adopted two, 9 week old kittens (brother, Enzo and sister, Bella) and they have been the funniest, and cutest household obsession. They are currently sitting on my shoulders supervising this comment. First thing I do when I come home from work every day is to dawww all over them.

  4. Very cool of you to pick kotties frm shelters! Way to go

  5. Awww, I am glad you adopted him through a shelter :) He's adorable!!

  6. My brother had a cat like that and named him Jelly. Well, he was actually named Marmalade (because of the color), but it morphed into Jelly instead. :)

  7. I'm so happy for you and your third kitty Yasmine! Gingers are special ;o)

  8. They are! I love him so :) And thank you. xoxo

  9. HE IS BEAUTIFUL YASMINE!!! So very happy for you!!!! xoxoxox

  10. Clip those talons, woman! They look kinda neglected! I gotta be able to love on my kitten without bleeding much.

  11. oh those are just tufts of fur coming out of his paws :) looks like claws in the pic though!

  12. Good on you for adopting from a shelter! If only we could get more people to do that, and boycott pet stores and breeders! Look forward to more on your new little furry friend.

  13. Congrats, Yasmine!! This is wonderful news! He's a handsome lil' fellow, and I wish him a lifetime of health and happiness with you and your family <3

  14. he looks EXACTLY like my little Finn! so gorgeous! I'm so happy for you guys and wish you all the best:)

  15. so cute! have fun with the new pet.

  16. It looks like you're speaking R'lyehian!

  17. Aww what a little cutie, he looks my kitty Ramona! I like a good fluffball!

  18. Awww...Congratulations! And hello Oscar! You could not have found a better home, you lucky kitty!

  19. Congratulations! This is my first time with more than one kitty and I just love Truffle and Brulee.

    Mom Paula

  20. Oscar the kitten is so cute!

    I didn't know about Dumpling. I'm sorry for your loss...

    I'm glad that Oscar gets along with the rest of the family!

  21. sorry for your loss dear.
    Oscar looks like my big boy when he was younger.
    I guess you can expect him to look like this when he grows up:

  22. aww i love him... i love his little mullet :)

  23. ones of mys cats is named oscar too. i's herd him growlings froms a trash can. hes was cryings so much his throwst gots a scratchee. nows him is ok. hims voys is hi liek a gurls. relee cudlee. stays ways from trash cans.

  24. Congrats! One of my cats is named oscar, its a great name!

  25. I have a cat named oscar too, and he used to look JUST like that picture. Wow...
    Also, so sorry about Dumpling. :(

  26. Oh, he's so adorable!! :D

  27. Daawwww! The new kitteh is adorable. I'm so sorry to hear about Dumpling, though. It's never easy to lose a furry family member. Glad you have the new little guy in your lives now.

  28. Gingers are extra-special, and Oscar is so handsome! My 2 cats won't let me add any more kitties to our little family, but they do (grudgingly) let me foster stray / feral kittens to socialize them and find them new homes, so I'm lucky that I get to make lots of new kitty friends on a regular basis. :-)

  29. Awe, he my orange kitty, his name is Spartacus. I got spartacus after my first kitty, Mr. Kitty, ran away and didnt come back. :( 6 years later he is fat, happy ajd healthy. Lol. :)

  30. OMG I have a Shelly, too!

  31. My cat Mu's mom had kittens again. We're getting her baby sister and naming her Mo. Can't wait for new kitten madness!

  32. I am so sorry about Dumpling's passing. :( Don't worry, though. I'm sure he's frolicking with other kitties and will be there to greet you when you pass on. :)

    Oh, and you are awesome for getting a shelter cat. :) Here's to a wonderful life with another adorable little kitty in your family!

  33. Congratulations Yasmine! He's adorable :)

  34. Ha ha! This reminds me of me and my husband. I too, am lucky to have a crazy cat guy! Grats on the new addition. :3

  35. Own Yasmine!!! he´s so cute!!!
    Marilia & Bavarescats

  36. What a handsome ginge Oscar is. Congrats. Your depiction of a new cat's arrival - once again - is so true. This is exactly what it looked like when they picked up Lizzy from the street. She was not even a kitten, they still were head over heals in love with her. Then I restored things to normal: I am the queen, Lizzy may only come after me.

  37. awwwwwwwwww
    that's a good age

  38. I type this while our (now 8+) week kitten is passed out on my chest. Congrats on the new kitten! \o/

    We have yet to get a ginger, but I am determined that someday a ginger will join the family. (Currently we have a mostly-white cowtabby boy with a ringed tail, a tabby girl, and Meatball, aka Booger, the new kitten, is a gray tabby. Adopted through the vet's office. They receive fostered kittens and don't even need to advertise for them because they have an ongoing list of patrons who're looking for pets. xD)

  39. AWW. *POUTS*

    i wish i had money for kitty cat. i barely have money for food :( maybe i should find crazy cat lady to leech off... i mean date

  40. Congrats on the new addition! He looks like fun! :)

  41. First I'm so sorry for your lost. :(

    Then congratulations for the new kitty. Orange kitties rock! Black too, and gray... anyway, cats always rock! Our orange cat was found on the garage, meowing, on a cold night. Poor thing: sick, hungry with tons of fleas. I'm always happy with stories of kitties finding new homes.

    Dumpling is probably on the heaven's kitty, playing with paper balls, boxes, eating the best kitty treats.

  42. Adorable! I only have 2 kits right now, turning 2 in February. I have 2 puppyies though, 8 and 3 years. More kittens would be nice but old puppy wouldn't like that very much.

  43. Where can we find more pictures of Oscar? =)

  44. Yay for adopting from a shelter. I want to see more of that fluffy looking tail.

  45. He's so cute, I love kitties with socks and OMG, I recognize your guy from the comic!

  46. AWWWWWWWWWWW! *Squeeeee* Yeah, that's exactly how it happens -- they get us wrapped around their little tails and there's no turning back ;) Welcome Oscar! Long, happy, healthy, comfortable, safe, and LOVED life to you -- with lots of turtle-viewing! (So glad you adopted Oscar from a shelter, Yasmine. As someone who advocates for this on social networking sites, I applaud you and urge everyone to ADOPT SHELTER CATS!!! They are wonderful, whatever age/gender/type!

  47. Ahwwww I love cats so much! I talk about my kitties a lot on my blogspot
    They deserve to be in the spotlights

  48. Dumpling passed? I'm so sorry. What happened?


  49. I'm so jealous of your life! I can't seem to have the guy and the kitties BOTH! Ugh...Why can't we all get along? :(

  50. such a adorable kitty......if you have found a little kitty thats a boy with a black mohawk and he is white come to me 1563 athol street i miss him im ablit to cry waaaaaaa
