Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Either I need new machines or my kitty's fur is really persistent.

Oh, and my San Francisco book signing at Book Passage (Ferry Building) is tomorrow. See you there!


  1. But now it's very clean cat fur!

  2. It's IN the dryer. This has happened to me before. It's in the washer and dryer and you just need to clean it out, which is a pain in the neck with thin clingy cat hair :)

  3. I have special rolls that are covered with a layer of glue and you can roll it on the clothes to get rid of fur :) very handy :)

  4. I always do that to the clothes that end up with a crime scene's worth of cat fur. Doesn't always work especially if the orange and white cat's been anywhere near it ever. His fur embeds itself.

  5. Haha, that always happens with my hoodie. I just can't get rid of the cat hair. XD

  6. I found that using liquid fabric softener in the wash really cut down the cat hair in the end.

  7. note to self: must buy extra fabric softener and glue rolls O_o

    black wool is the worst. holy cow,

  8. I can't wear black in my house anymore even if I don't sit on anything its just floating in the air now!! :O

  9. I have two white kitties and a light orange kitty. Any dark clothes come off as soon as I walk in the door so as not to be rubbed against, and ratty clothes take their place. Also, I have lint rollers in my purse, in the car, and at work. I am still usually covered in cat fur.

  10. Lint brush! I bought one and it's been great for getting cat hair off of everything. Something like this: http://www.amazon.com/Evercare-Lint-Brush-Magik/dp/B000QRFNGS/ref=pd_bxgy_hg_img_b

  11. My bedding always has a layer of cat hair. My dryer seems to meld the two together.

  12. I noticed fur sticks even harder to the fabric after wash. Glue rolls is the only thing that works for me.

  13. i have no clothes without cat fur. even new-straight-from-shop ones got them the minute i walk home.
    best is, one of my cats sheds white, and the other one black. so i dont have any safe clothes to wear, its always allergics nightmare ;)

  14. Bright side: ...It makes you warmer?

  15. Hahaha! You always make me smile! :D Thanks!

    Hope you're having a fun week! ;D


  16. Cat fur clings to certain fabrics worse than others. The fur will be there forever. Even lint rollers only help a bit.

    I love my kitty, and I don't care who knows. I wear it with pride!

  17. To get rid of excess fur, run the cat through the washer. Dry as necessary.

  18. I can't remember having this problem. Then again, I haven't had a kitty in 4 years D:

  19. We have that problem...It used to be worse when we still had our Malamute! I think that our dryer just gives up sometimes...and we've killed multiple vacuum cleaners.

    The good news? No one will EVER steal my office chair!

  20. teeheehee I wear black scrubs... black shirts... black everything...

    oh, i should say... cat furr covered scrubs, shirts, every thing

  21. 100% agree with the fabric softener in liquid form helping. As well as liquid soap. My clothes were always clingy and full of static until I went back to all liquids. They also make tennis balls that are all velcro that you are supposed to use with blankets, I find they help with cat hair as long as the object being washed doesn't cling to the ball itself. But alas, I am always finding cat hairs imbedded in my bras that make me itch all day till I remove them with tweezers.

  22. saaaaame here : D i have black catfur everywhere... specially in my bed and my clothes. Afters the washing too!

  23. I have the same issues. I've given up and accepted the fact that my clothes are always going to have some fur on them.

  24. I wish a 'flippity floppity' dryer SO bad!!! :D

  25. glue rolls don't work well on some of the fabrics of my clothes, it hooks itself into the threads or something.. gone so far that i don't really care much anymore. i'm furry. allergic? then stay away.

  26. I feel your pain ;) I love black and dark clothes, but adopted a white cat :( These are the things that work well:
    - Keep packing tape around so you can quickly remove hair with it
    - Clean the filters of your dryer regularly and use the dryer for each clothing piece that won't shrink. This will remove almost all the hairs *yay*
    - Use a rubber or hard haired brush
    - Remove hairs with wet hands
    - Certain fabrics are less likely to attract hairs, while some fabrics will soak up your whole cat.
    I hope this helped a bit. Keep up your great work!

  27. And this is why Witches hang out with BLACK cats. And why all fabric covered seats in the house are called FURniture. Thankyou, thankyou,thankyou for all the helpful suggestions people.I have serious cat fur issues too.

  28. wow. thanks for the tips guys. this is good to know. my lint rollers don't work very well, but i'll try the extra softener bit.

  29. Oh, I know this well. With black/white and tabby/white kitties, mine seem to have all bases covered.

    A tip I've picked up over the yeasr: If you can't get your hands on glue rolls (or you find your chair at work covered in cat hair that you yourself have shed), try stickytape - or better yet, packing tape. Works just as well as glue rolls, and there's nearly always some somewhere close to hand!

  30. I'm hearing this so so well I have 2 kitties whos' furr gets into the weaves of everything.
    My tip is Latex gloves, the kind that are rubbery and disposable. You could also try kitchen/washing gloves I haven't but I just thought of it then, because I know the latex ones are great at unwedging the really well weaved fur. I find the glue role does help a little but doesn't get the real bulk of it out.

  31. I use the rollers and they work a bit but not enough. Every time I see my mother she pulls one out of her purse and insists on running it over me...drives me crazy. The worst part is she has more cats than I do and they are long hair...I just have the one and he's a short hair. I can't use liquid fabric softener because I'm allergic so that won't work for me. :( When I clean the lint filter from my dryer it always has TONS of cat fur in it so I know it works SOME. But it never gets all the fur...my clothes/sheets/etc still come out covered in it...I think it's just a losing battle when you are a cat lover. <3 One of the things we deal with to have our kitties. :)

  32. UGHH WORST part of having a pet. I'm a huge fan of lint rollers.

  33. We are brushed at least twice a day for 2-3 minutes (Furminator) and this helps controlling the situation. We love being brushed, we are asking for it.

  34. It's like the hair is woven into the fabric rrrrr. Haha

  35. I recently bought a Eureka hand held vacuum 71B from Amazon which is awsome. Of course I have to use it daily on the bed and chairs but it isreally a powerful little machine. Otherwise the sticky rolls work pretty well for clothes.

  36. Love your comics! <3
    And this particular one is definitely something I'd like to see as a t-shirt... and show it off to everyone complaining about my hairy clothes. :D

  37. Something that will work with most fabrics: buy some tulle and cut it into large squares (I suggest 6x6). Throw it in the dryer like you would a dryer fabric softener sheet. It will rub against the fabric and remove the cat hair, which will then be sucked into the lint trap.

    Use some common sense, however, since this uses friction and could damage some fabrics. But for common articles, this works great. We have 4 cats (1 long-hair, one medium-hair) and a Golden Retriever, so fur is everywhere. This works great, especially when washing blankets and throws which the cats have been using.

  38. Gah! Kitty Attack Mode is brilliant! The side to side hop is a regular move seen by all my cat friends but especially my muma's cat :) My fella gave me your book yesterday when I was crying over something and it cheered me right up! I read it cover to cover giggling in the corner snuggled between a big cushion and a purring cat friend! :) You, my fella and my cat friends are the best! Zoë x

  39. ...but it's a pretty color and pattern, Yasmine! ;)

  40. oh well i havent tried that one with my kittie,and i wish i don't.

    works at virtual office manila

  41. or maybe they just like to hang out inside the dry machine when you are not looking, like my cats do!

  42. Totally agree!!
    Good work! Love your stories ;)

  43. Ugh, this happens to me ALL OF THE TIME.

    Thanks for the smiles!

  44. you can't stop it. you can't run or hide, nothing stops the cat fur from being on everything. on your clothes, in your bed, in between your toes, and in your food... everything. I have learned to accept it and not bother caring.

  45. It's the same kitty fur, but at least it's cleaner!

  46. Some netting actually helps with fur removal :3 when you have to put your clothes to dry put some netting in with the clothes and it'll grab the fur off your clothes :3

  47. you have to pick it one by one if you want your dress to be clean enough.

  48. Have you already tried that latex gloves to cleaning?! They're really amazing! You just need rub they down on your clothes and... voilà!
