Monday, September 19, 2011 least that I know of.


  1. that's what I figure my cats do when I'm not home, but at times I think they would start to sit and talk like human when no human is around, and have a conference in a circle...

  2. That's totally what my cat does when I'm not home, because when I get home she is CRAZY playful. Like, annoyingly so.

  3. My cats destroy my house when I'm not there xD

  4. True, I also growing! so for those who live in apartment without a garden for them to go play.

  5. They save all the crazy for when you get home. From 7pm-12am they dash around the house like crazy!

  6. cat also do like that..but usually my cat is an outdoor cat..but one day she locked at home (my mom is going to work and forgot to pick her outside), and when i going home at 3 pm i saw her sleeping in my sofa all

  7. My kitty does the same thing, the only time he is absolutely crazy is around 6AM, when I'm waking up for work, and between 8PM - 1AM. So far his favorite is attacking my big closet door mirrors and then ripping across my bed to hide behind pillows.

  8. I'm pretty sure my cat does that all day but on our bed under the covers.. I don't know how she can breathe!!

  9. I really love your work!
    congrats (:

  10. Heh-heh. So that's what you think your cat is doing? I won't spoil it for you then.

  11. When my cat was about a year old, I thought to myself, "I bet she naps a lot during the day when I'm at work. She must be so lonely and bored. I'll get her a friend." So then we adopted another kitty. And do they play together during the day when I'm not home? - NO - I'm pretty sure all they do is just nap together. :-)

  12. Soooooooooooo true ! Nap eat nap eat nap drink nap eat. That's life, man !

  13. My cats are really displeased with me when I stay at home. Around 9-10 am they start sending me angry looks: GO AWAY woman - from 7:00 till 5:00 it is OUR apartment. Their daily schedule contains few hours of sleep, some interactive TV (watching birds sitting on the window sill), eating and redecorating my bathroom - they love Sahara style.

  14. It's been a few years since this happened, but my cat Sox did the same thing while I was in high school. But every day, when he heard the school bus coming, my parents would catch him running downstairs and waiting by the door to say hello. :3

  15. ahaha, 'cept mine is a herd of previously sleeping kitties greeting me like they may starve... to death!

  16. cute! Yea, it seems like when anyone else is home with my cat, he just lazy arounds all day. But when I'm home he's crazy all the time, although sometimes he'll stop and take a nap. Otherwise, he's most crazy right when i'm going to bed, then again around 3/4/5am (it varies) and then around 8/9am, makes a great alarm clock, if I had to wake up then. X3

  17. I'm madly in love with your drawings!

  18. Ha! Yeah, I have to assume that my kitties lives are very sleep-filled when I'm away, since they all CONSTANTLY vie for my attention every second I'm home and awake!

    Also, I notice you put that 'cat grass' stuff in there. I don't know what the deal is with my cats. They will unceremoniously slaughter any other greenery that is placed within their reach (a.k.a. everywhere), but they won't touch that damn grass. Go figure...

  19. Actually there was some research done to figure out this mystery. Apparently they sit in the window.

  20. although I wouldn't put it past the cats that they rigged the results to make it look like they were pining for their owners to come get more loving

  21. You should hide a camera in your house and try and capture what they really get up to :P

  22. Great. I thought my cat was out all day when I went to work but since I've been home after having children I discover all he does is sleep on the sofa. He also is very annoyed that we are now invading his space. :))

  23. Pretty dead on, except my puke under the couch too. I think around 3 PM. Sigh...

  24. Cats sleep all day long, and they're annoying at night. Lol.

  25. My cat Ziggy grabs the warm spot on my bed after I get up and pretty much stays there, moving only to eat and do her ablutions. She's there when I go to bed and looks jolly miffed when I do.

  26. I put this cartoon to the test with a camera! You're right, they sleep all day!

  27. my cat is just like that

  28. This one is so funny but also so true. This is probably my best!
