Saturday, August 13, 2011

I live close to a dog park, and we bring Puppy there.

I’d like to think I’m Type A…for the most part.


  1. I think I'm a type A mixed with a type c.

  2. you forgot the type who doesn't pick after their dogs! D:

  3. i am the first one for sure. the puppies are just so cute!!!

  4. I am type A and C when i'm tired after a run with my idea who is more tired...;)

  5. I'm defiantly type B.

    The long haired guy with the glasses.

  6. I'm Type A with a lot of vigilance mixed in. I'm always on the look out for the Type C person who is clueless about how aggressive their dog is. If ever a fight were to happen, my SBT, Saxon would be blamed even if he didn't do a thing.

  7. Probably a mix of Type A and type C here...?

  8. Hmm definitely Type A for me, although it's good to giggle at the Type B's when it comes to poop pick up time... try looking good whilst holding poop and trying to find a bin! :)

  9. I'm with Tapanga Jansen there -- and definitely a Type ND for NO (dogs)

  10. who keeps their dogs on a leash or hold them at dog parks? Your dog is supposed to run around off leash, that's the point.

    I used to go to dog parks, but people kept letting their dog jump on me and punch me in the gut. I brought my dog to play with your dog, not for your dog to jump me and then bite my dog. ugh, people.

  11. I'd be type C. That's why I rather stay home with my cats and my computer. =P

  12. I can't stop laughing at the Type B Male going "Unf." Men make such funny sounds!

  13. need type d people who are pure cat people who dont go to dog parks. Only good dog is hot dog =P

  14. Wonderful! Type A, of course! ;D

  15. OMG, I am SO type A, and I don't even have a dog! Sometimes I just go to snurgle someone else's dog! I know, I'm pathetic, but we're just not people who feel like we should own pets... it wouldn't be fair to them, so instead we just sit and fawn over other people's pets!

  16. lulz

    yep, this pretty much reflects what i see at the dog park up the street from me. :)

  17. You forgot type D, the over protective type. I once brought my puppy, Spud to the park and there was this girl that would scream whenever the dogs bumped into each other. Her dog was smaller than mine and it was bitting Spud's ear and she was like "oohh stop your going to hurt him" SUPER ANNOYING
