Friday, June 3, 2011

If I leave the door open, she will sit on the toilet and watch me bathe.


  1. Whoa, I Think that Cats a bit of a Perv.


    My cats just wait outside the Door for me

  2. ooh my kitty knows how to open the door, but do not know yet closed, so goes cold!! Its horrible!,but I can not bathe without him ♥

  3. my cat usually did..she meowing in the front of bath room and when i open it she dont want to come in, so she just watch me bathing..

  4. Very true.

    I leave the door open a crack when I shower, and they all eventually squat themselves on the toilet seat (one cat at a time, usually).

    Yet when I reach outta the shower to pet them during hair-conditioner-time... WATER! WETNESS! AAAHH!! *run away!!* <-- a cat.

    It's kinda funny though, cuz my shower tub drain is currently clogged-- two of the cats will jump in the inches of shower water afterwards outta curiosity, and be just fine with it.

    Apologies for the length of this comment; I love your blog/comics so much..

  5. My Loki and Miyu do the same thing! Whichever one of them gets to the toilet first sits and stares at me. Miyu even walks around the rim of the tub, she even fell in one time!

  6. I prefer them sitting on the tub watching me rather than outside the door: scratching/fighting/crying like they're being tortured/putting paws under door and rattling it/tossing toys under door/knocking things in my bedroom everywhere/etc etc etc.

  7. Freakie sits on the end of the bathtub near my head. I usually roll a chair over for her to sit on, and she sits there and watches. I think it's a copy-cat fascination thing for them... either that or they are worried we will melt or something! Ha ha ha! :)

  8. Mine do the same thing! Only change sitting on the toilet to sitting on the edge of the tub... And occasionally partaking of the bathwater when my guard is down! I guess better that then listening to 3 cats yowling the entire time!

  9. my cats always do that ! its kind of unnerving ;)

  10. My cat considers our bathroom 'her' room as she sleeps in there at night and insists on being in there if anyone closes the door. She loves to walk around the tub on the other side of the shower curtain while I shower and meows at me for pats.. she also falls off the edge a lot haha. Sometime when she is outside she even asks to come in through the bathroom window that is next to the tub :)

  11. so true! I have to leave my door open when I shower otherwise my bathroom steams up like crazy. and my cat will sit just outside the door and watch me cause she knows I get mad if she comes in. but sometimes she'll just peek over the bathtub then get super scared when she gets splashed.

  12. hehe my cat Miso does exactly the same thing, he likes to jump into the bath after I cone out and lick the soapy water and watch the drain. You can see a illustration of Miso bu follwing this link, hope you'll like it :)

  13. I <3 the way she did a bounce/run away!

  14. I have three cats and a dog who cry desperately if the bathroom door is closed and they're not allowed in. The cats sit on the edge of the tub and the dog tries to knock them in. It's a good game for people with plenty of bandages.

  15. One of my kitties will cry until I let him in, then he'll sit on the edge of the tub and dip his paw in to drink the water off of it.

  16. My cats sit both on the edge of the bathtube when I'm taking a bath.

    The day will come when one of them falls in. :P

  17. Heh. My human WISHES we would hang out, but we couldn't care less.

  18. haha, my cat does this but with added meeeeeeeeeeeeoooowwws! I cant even go the toilet in peace, she bats the door straight open.

  19. Hehe, great cartoon! If we leave the door open our cats Mia and Lila walk around the edge of the tub, occasionally falling in as per this blog post!
    The funniest thing about it is how tiny they look when they get wet, aww!

  20. Both of my pretty kitties will sit outside the bathroom door and cry until I open it. Then they bound away as soon as I do, then turn to look at me as if to say, you must be done, nnyoooww feeeed meeeee! They also fight over who gets to sit on my knee while I'm on the toilet... they refuse to be shut out of there of all places... - btw love your blog!

  21. ohhh i had a comic with the cat on my knee while i'm on the toilet bit. then i got too embarrassed to post it.

  22. Normally my orange cat would follow me into the bathroom and sit on the toilet seat, while I shower. I would kick him out before I get in, but he insists on following either his mama and papa, thinking he's a sentinel in case of intruders. >.> So far, he hasn't scratched or bark* anyone.

    *If he did, something's up unless he may have ate some of our dog's food without my knowledge.

  23. my cat loves the bathroom. she's gotten in the habit (trained me?) of jumping on the sink and drinking from a moderate stream of water. when i'm in the shower, she'll either sit on the toilet or lay on the sink with one foot dangling in the basin and one out (like she's on a tree branch).

    and yeah, many is the time she'll sit on my lap when i'm *ahem* conducting business ;)

  24. oh yasmine dont be embarrassed!! its something real!! you have to show us that comic!! =)

  25. My kitty likes to drink the bath water while I'm bathing, and if I'm in the shower she will sit behind the curtain liner and watch me... and sometimes when I'm on the toilet she will try to stick her head in the bowl behind my butt.... It totally freaks me out and I have to shoo her away.

  26. Oh, post the one of you on the toilet, it happens to me all the time!!! xD

  27. I love your site *so* much.

    I hope:

    1) Your book makes a ton of money, allowing you to do these comics more often (maybe even daily!)


    2) Some newspaper picks you up, asking you to do these comics more often (like daily!)

    Thank you for sharing your talents so openly. It is a gift when I see that you have a new post up! <3

  28. you's yoonivesul trooths is mazing yasmine

  29. Hahahahaha!
    Absolutelly normal here too!!!!

  30. aw thanks guys. you are the sweetest readers ever. i'll try to update more often. i just have to get my act together O_o

  31. Sometimes the Maine Coon man in the family wants to actually join me in the shower. But he has to wait until I'm done; then he goes in and gets wet paws. The tux Persian-type loves the tub. We play sparkle-ball in there. ;)

  32. Both of my cats sit on the ledge, and drink the bath water (unless there are bubbles!)

  33. My cat does that all the time! He'll start by drinking water from the sink, then moving to sitting on the toilet, and ending with playing with the hair ties on the floor. And when I step out of the shower/bath, he rubs against me and because of the wetness, I become his clone.

  34. My boy cat likes to look through the mirror to watch me change. He doesn't ever watch me change without using the mirror. Creepy. Sometimes I think he's the reincarnation of a teenage boy-"Mmmm, boobies..."

  35. I call one of my cats my "shower buddy." Every single morning, she sits on the sink while I shower. I think she's actually drawn to the heat/humidity.

  36. this is a familiar scenario, i also have a toilet friend in my cat Dot as she loves to watch anyone who dares to use the loo.

  37. While I am showering, sometimes my girl cat will sit on the tub edge behind the shower curtain and meow at me loudly & insistently. I think she's worried about me being trapped in a box of spraying water! Or just peeved that the water prevents her from having access to me for 10 minutes, I'm not sure.

  38. i've had my cats do that to me before.... ANNOYING! i've gotten into the habit of just leaving the door open enough for them to get in.

  39. My cat got used to me keeping the bathroom door open when I lived with just one other person who was often away, but now with more people around I like to keep it closed. What I hate is when I let her in, then two minutes later she's meowing to get back out. It's like "NO SQUEAKY YOU WANTED IT! WAIT UNTIL I'M DONE!"

  40. Haha! :) Remember privacy? Me neither.

  41. hahaha mine do exactly the same!

  42. I just don't fight! I never close the door... and yes, they sit on the toilette and watch me bathe (and shower) as well. But If they don't do it, i feel alone! ;D

  43. If my cats want to play or fight when there is sleep time for me, I kick them out of bedroom, and close door. But in the morning when I go to toilet I have younger one on my knees in nanoseconds after I sit down. And I cannot get up until he is done cuddling...

    And during bathing time we dont close door (if we do so we would have fungus on the walls, it is tiny bathroom). Older one is then walking on a rim of bathtube or sitting next to sink and watching. Younger one accepts water only in his drink fountain.

  44. This happens to company at my house. I think my cats are just not used to closed doors, as I never close the bathroom door when I'm there, so they can come and go.

    My parents cat discovered how to head-butt the door open at their place, if it wasn't completely clicked shut. Smart kitty.

  45. my cat, pato, is the same so i just make him come in with me in the bathroom so he wont bother me later on

  46. My cats totally do this too - my girl cat will sit on the toilet and watch me in the bath and sometimes will peak inside the tub to look at nekkid me. Then my boy cat likes to come in when I shower and sit on the bathmat meowing at me and I'll sometimes peek my head out from behind the shower curtain to say hello to him.

  47. Think of them as your feline lifeguard. In this household it's impossible to go to the toilet without feline company and as for a bath - at least one kitty in there is mandatory. Our housecat Pandora sees it as her duty to keep watch over us when we take a bath so we don't drown. Out other housecat Leonardo hates water with a passion but takes a stroll past the tub just to check on us. The two birmans are more daring - Tess balances on the edge of the tub to drink the water and her son Lord does the same, only he also just sists there and demands to be petted. Wet hands no trouble and every now and then a large bushy tail drops into the water. When he was a kitten he actually jumped up on us in the bath.

  48. Oh my gosh -- you nailed it! My Cosmo likes to sit between the shower curtain and liner and bat at me while I'm showering. Silly-butts!

  49. Our cats claw and meow at ANY closed door -- they have torn up the carpet under several doors in the house! We resorted to putting rugs under the doors we regularly shut to protect the carpet!

    One of our cats also loves to "help" us in the bath or shower... he loves to lick water drops off the side of the tub and drink from a running facet, and doesn't mind if he gets a little wet in the process! lol

  50. My cats do the same! My cat Mozilla used to sit and watch me shower, crying at me through the curtain, like "MoOom! Whatttre you dooooing?! There's WATER IN THERE! D-: "

    And when I get out, she rubs all over my wet legs, flops on to her side on my feet, and wraps her paws around my leg and begins cleaning me, like "Holdstill mom, I gotta get this spot dry for you..."

    I leave every door in the house cracked for her, otherwise she will find the most acoustically sound corner to howl in to, which then reverberates through the house lol.

    Both Nico and Mozilla love rubbing on my legs/watching me pee... I just get scared when one of them looks like they'll pounce O_O

    Love love love your comic!

  51. pervets cat.. hahaha. she want to see you naked..

  52. I've given up with my cats and just leave the door cracked when I take a bath. Still trying figure out how to zone out and ignore the creepy pervs look but it's better than getting up and down a million times. Gah. Little creepers....who I adore.

  53. Nice one... And I love the foam bikini; very original :)

  54. good thing my cat doesnt hv claws. he just paws at door

  55. if I don't leave the door open, he'll just open it himself and sit on the toilet to watch. yes, he is that crazy talented that he opens doors. also he is really offended if I take a bath without him being there, like if he takes a nap and he finds I showered alone he makes this weird noise and licks the water off my hair.

  56. My cat Jack does that sometimes, mostly when he's hungry, but usually he'll come in lay on my towel until I get out and then I lay on the towel with him to cuddle and then fall asleep. (Yes, I fall asleep in the bathroom on the towel, the heater feels really nice.)

  57. my cat does exactly the same thing! everywhere!
